
Above: View of a snowy North Dakota prairie from the back door of the train. Left: HAPN ND leader Barbara Becker leads us in prayer. Right: Heaven vav earth! Jon gives the final strike to a railroad tie in the geographic center of North America. 


NEW VIDEO—REVOLUTION BOSTON! Join Cindy, Jamie Fitt and the Philadelphia Tabernacle of David, Jon and Jolene and others this Patriots Day, the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride! 6:30 pm April 18 at Faneuil Hall Boston. 

Cindy Jacobs 6:30 pm April 18 at Faneuil Hall Boston. Dutch Sheets 6:30 pm Passover, April 22 at Davids Tent DC on the National Mall. Make plans now! 

Happy April First. Thank you for praying today for the saints in DC, and especially for the Nuclear Safety Summit which culminates today. Experts are now saying radical Islamist groups are much farther along in their quest to obtain nuclear devices than previously thought. May there be no bitter irony associated with the conference geared to safeguard the free world ending on April Fools Day.

OK. And remember that immediately following, tomorrow President Erdogan of Turkey “inaugurates” a $100 million mega-mosque and Turkish cultural center in metro Washington DC. That as Turkey teeters on the edge of being taken over by radical Islamists. Dependents of military personnel are now being sent back to the US because of pending threats.

Conflict of Thrones… don’t say we didn’t warn you.

Glory Train Chronicles
From Honolulu to Anchorage, from Vancouver to Seattle to Washington DC, our first tour of our year-long Glory Train project is now history. Together we’ve traversed some 12,000 miles and prayed through 12 states plus our nation’s Capitol. We’ve been privileged to share the overarching message of the restoration of God’s glory, coupled with clear prophetic words, from state to state.

What an honor to see states connected with the Lord, and in Him connected with each other. What an honor to see Heaven’s trafficking opened in a new way!

So far we’ve chronicled the clear prophetic expressions from Hawaii to Washington, the Whirlwind State, and then to Montana. Ezekiel 37 emerged as a primary apostolic declaration each step of the way. Come from the four winds, o Breath, and breathe on these slain that they may live!

Over the next week I want to continue on down the tracks, chronicling prophetic themes from our last four stops—Rugby ND, St. Paul MN, Waupan WI, and Pittsburgh PA.

Rugby ND—Geographic Center of North America
Lets begin with Rugby. You might remember how this small town actually marks the geographic center of the North American continent. I knew we had to be there, especially as Bob Jones’ word on this end-time move of the Spirit emphasized the entire continent. In 1983 he saw how the Lord was releasing an epoch-defining movement which combined the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts. Acts begins with the restoration of God’s glory at Pentecost. The restoration of God’s glory is being joined with “Let My People Go!”

I felt strongly impressed that North Dakota was an “angel gate” of the Lord. Also from the moment we rolled into North Dakota, I intuitively felt to pray strongly for the “homeland security” of the state. I learned after that Minot ND hosts a very strategic air base as well as many ICBM missile silos.

Over Nefelina Soup—a North Dakota specialty—and other offerings from the local restaurant, HAPN leader Barbara Becker and her team continued to fill us in. A small but courageous band of saints had persevered against very strong spiritual warfare in Rugby. Barbara’s prayer team had come alongside them over many years.

The geographic center of the continent was demarcated by an obelisk-like structure, apparently dedicated by Masons. I know. Who would have thought, right? We added our prayers to the amazing legacy of pleas before Heaven’s Court. Divorce from Baal granted! The land and all of its people and resources belongs to Jesus Christ.

Rugby and the Angel Gate
In the evening service I felt to governmentally release a message that had been burning in my spirit for months. Gideon and the angel gate! Sure fit, too, with the small band of die-hard Gideons gathered for the meeting.

Most Lamplighter readers are familiar with Gideon and the Angel of the Lord, because the message actually frames all that we are doing with the Glory Train. And since we began I’ve been like a race horse lunging at the gate to deliver and governmentally decree this word from the Lord.

Just as Gideon was released to take back his nation after tearing down his father’s altar to Baal and Ashtoreh, so we as the body of Christ are now commissioned and sent to take back our land! Further, not only are we being commissioned but the angelic hosts of the Lord are being commissioned as well. The Angel of the Lord, who brought the people of God from slavery to freedom and partnered with them to secure the Promised Land, had to vacate the premises because His own people had embraced idolatry—even the worship of Baal. Devastation followed.

But a time came when this same angel was recommissioned to take back the land. He found a humble, willing partner in Gideon. But before either the Angel of the Lord or Gideon could be released to fulfill their commission, Gideon was mandated to tear down the altar to Baal. Covenant with Christ alone, apart from all idolatry, had to be restored as validated by the Court of Heaven. Only then was the “angel gate” opened for the land itself to be restored!

Beloved, this is our hour right now. It was an amazing honor to stand with God’s people in Rugby and prophesy to not just the state or nation but the entire continent that “the angel gate of the Lord” has now been opened, and Heaven’s hosts are being released to retake and restore that which has been consecrated to Him. The true Glory Train is rollin’… led by the One who judges and makes war! Amen!

Prayer—Angel Gate Opened
Beloved, we hope you receive this blessing and release it into your spheres and your state. Decree this with me.

Father God, in humility we stand before Heaven’s Court to receive and declare Your verdict for our nation. Just as in Gideon’s day, our nation is in turmoil, our borders are porous and unsecured, and the covenant blessing You entrusted to us is in peril of being plundered. Yet just as in Gideon’s day, you have rendered judgement in favor of the saints and granted us a limited window of opportunity for national turnaround. We receive Your verdict, in Jesus’ Name!

Just as in Gideon’s day, You mandated that Heaven’s Court be satisfied regarding the issue of idolatry which our nation, and especially the body of Christ in our nation, has succumbed to. Lord we present before Your Throne the verdict You granted of the divorcement from Baal, and the national restoration of covenant with Jesus Christ apart from all idolatry. Thank you Lord for the signs and wonders accompanying Your verdict!

We receive Heaven’s “glory train!” By verdict from Your Court, just as covenant has been restored, it’s time for covenant to be established. Your Gideons are commissioned to take back your land! Further, Your verdict has secured for us the re-opening of the angelic gateways which connect Heaven and earth, and the recommissioning of the angelic hosts of the Lord Jesus Christ, sent to minister on our behalf as heirs of salvation, towards this end. We declare the realignment of our states and regions and nations with the very Throne of God, and the reopening of Your angelic passageways which connect Heaven and earth for Your glory, in Jesus’ Name.

According to Your Word, we ask that you open the windows of Heaven and rebuke the devourer off of our nation, our state, our city, our property, our family, our churches and houses of prayer, and our spheres of authority in the marketplace. And we receive the Throne Room synergy and collaboration You’ve intended from the beginning with You and with these angelic hosts of the Lord Jesus Christ. Thank You that they hearken to the voice of Your word. We welcome these angel-armies into our region to help bring Your deliverance and turnaround, in Jesus’ name!