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God Marches Forth
FIRST—today happens to be my birthday. I awoke to quite a surprise, as so many Facebook friends sent birthday greetings early. Thank you, I have been profoundly touched by your words of encouragement and blessing!

As you will see, I believe this year the date “March 4” is actually a prophetic directive from the Lord. March forth! It is truly time for His Gideon army to advance. Not a coincidence that the picture above depicts Paul Revere, riding to start a revolution. And not a coincidence that our first posting from our new “watchman’s perch” is on March 4, sharing on spiritual revolution and the World War Watch.

I love Isaiah 42, which declares God’s work in this very hour. “The LORD will MARCH FORTH like a mighty man; he will come out like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout his thundering battle cry, and he will crush all his enemies…” (Isaiah 42:13-16 NLT).

God the Revolutionary
This is also how the Risen Christ is described in Revelation 19:11. “And I saw heaven open, and behold a white horse. He who sat upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness He judges and makes war.”

Here’s a key point. The Lord judges, and then He makes war to enforce His verdicts in the earth. The above passage clearly shows Jesus as a Revolutionary, literally advancing to crush an antichrist government holding His people in bondage on a global level.

We have seen Jesus Christ as the Savior of mankind, as our Healer and Provider. But perhaps we have not fully perceived Him as a Revolutionary. However, the Book of Exodus sets a precedent the nations should fear. Because Exodus portrays how God fights a revolution to set His people free from unjust governance tied to idolatry.

Exploring this facet of Christ’s nature and character is a key theme of our new book “Crown and Throne: A Field Guide to Spiritual Revolution.” We wrote the book to share prophetic revelation on God’s new move and work in America and the nations. You can order your copy at

And beloved, from Venezuela to Egypt to the Ukraine, revolution is now the word for the hour. Freely elected leaders have begun to impose themselves as dictators, usurping constitutional boundaries from which their power is defined and derived. And uprisings are now making headlines across the earth. In the Ukraine, a strong believer in Christ has been appointed president.

The American Experiment
In America, the First Great Awakening literally gave birth to the American Revolution. And we have been revolutionaries ever since! I believe the American Dream is much bigger than a house, a car, and 2.5 kids. It’s part of our DNA to bring forth revolutionary innovations that redefine our world.

But the American Experiment is a witness to the nation that revolution will succeed only to the extent with which the movement is rooted in Jesus Christ. Even our own revolution was infiltrated by a mixture with idolatry, which challenges our freedom and the freedom of nations to this very day.

That said, Jesus alone sets people and nations free. And revolution without Jesus only brings increased subjugation, destruction and tragedy. Syria today is a great example of this. We must pray through the conflicts across the globe. And after the example of Gideon, we must prepare our own nation for military victory as we face the battles ahead.

World War Watch
Prophetically, we are now on a World War Watch! Beloved, it’s not a coincidence the Lord suddenly moved us from Capitol Hill to Pentagon City to enter this next phase of prayer for the nation. Your own investment of prayer and finances helped make this a reality, and we are so grateful.

I am reminded of a word from James Goll we shared earlier this year, as our own journey to Pentagon City was just beginning to unfold. James Goll shared how he was awakened by an angel of the Lord standing at his bedside. It was clear he had been sent specifically to deliver a word about the watchman ministry for 2014. James had not seen this angel in 25 years.

The angel of the Lord was dressed in a military uniform. He declared to James a very simple phrase. ATTENTION! BE ON THE ALERT!

Please note that this angel was dressed in a military uniform. This simple fact cannot be emphasized enough. The Lord is calling us forth as His army, and He is also calling us to stand in prayer for our military—our armed forces, intelligence community, etc.

The word was succinct: ATTENTION! BE ON THE ALERT! By implication, we must watch and pray through these emerging global conflicts.

Confirmation: Benghazi
God commissioned Jolene and me to His “World War Watch” in spring of 2012. While ministering in Vermont, Jolene awoke to the voice of the Lord declaring, “World War Watch… and I mean it!” The Lord then spoke to her that between September 11, 2012 and September 22, 2012, an event would occur that would change our world. He wasn’t specific about what would happen, He just impressed to Jolene that something would occur which would impact every person in the nation.

And on September 11, 2012 Benghazi occurred. On the anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, terrorists tied to Al Queda struck our US Consulate in Libya. Just as the presidential elections entered the final stretch. Both the terrorist strike and the lessons learned have literally impacted every person in the nation.

As important as Benghazi was, the event itself was not the Lord’s primary point. Instead, the events of 9-11-12 have become a tragic confirmation to the vital importance He is placing on this global World War Watch. You and I have been summoned by the Lord for this watch.

And I believe today, March 4, is a demarcation in history where our summons becomes our commission.