
“Life is winning again in America!” With tears welling up in his eyes, Vice President Mike Pence made history today as the highest ranking government official to ever address the annual March for Life rally. Hundreds of thousands from across the nation gathered in Washington DC to make an unprecedented stand at a historic turning point in the fight for life.

Vice President Pence emphasized to the crowd it wasn’t his first time at the 44th annual rally.”We will continue to win the hearts and minds of the rising generation,” continued Pence, “if our hearts first break for young mothers and their unborn children.”

President Donald Trump also emphasized his support, tweeting “The March for Life is so important. To all of you marching — you have my full support!” Trump is expected to announce his pick for the next Supreme Court justice within a week.

Prophetic Perceptions—Jon & Jolene
Jolene and I were honored to attend the rally with our friend Sue Ekenberg. I sensed the Lord speaking to me, “As America led the world into the embrace of abortion, so America is going to lead the world out of the scourge of this unjust bloodshed.” Let My people go!

Jolene was overcome with a sense from the Lord that this March for Life marks the birthing of a new womens movement that is poised to sweep the nation.

Lynnie Harlow: Justice for the Unborn—No More Delay!
Longtime Lamplighter contributor Lynnie Harlow emailed us an incredible dream she received this morning regarding abortion in America:

I had a dream this morning the day of March For Life. I dreamed I saw you guys standing in-front of the Supreme Court and you had on the LIFE tape. In the beginning of it the LIFE tape was on good and you were doing your silent protest.

But then the scene changed and I saw that the tape was not sticking like it was at first. The ends of the tape started to come up and it looked like the sticky part of the tape was no longer sticking. While this was happening a strong wind (almost like a whirlwind) started to blow and swirl around the area you were all standing in.

The more the wind blew, the more the tape lifted, until it finally came off all those wearing it. I heard a loud sound then, like a trumpet, but I wasn’t able to distinguish exactly if that was what it was because it was a sound I’ve never heard before, and it was loud.

Then I saw the LIFE tape floating up to heaven and all at once I realized the sound I was hearing was not a trumpet but the sound of millions and millions of voices crying out in one accord and it made a trumpet like sound.

I felt like the Lord was saying all those voices are those that have gone before us crying out through generations. And their cry is coming together with our cry and it’s creating a of voice so strong and so loud it’s reverberating through the atmosphere. It CANNOT BE CONTAINED.

I got the impression the wind was stirred because of the sound. But the wind was a sign of God’s power on earth over justice. I felt like the tape coming off was because the sound cannot be silenced. I felt so strong there is a MAJOR MAJOR shift that has happened. I heard in my spirit after I woke up…”NO MORE DELAY”.