
Year in Pictures click here! Glory Procession, Faneuil Hall, Davids Tent, Revolution, ministry friends, more. 

TONIGHT! Wednesday night prayer call, 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

At least twelve are dead as Islamist assassins stormed the newsroom of a Paris satire magazine after a joke chiding ISIS was released via Twitter. According to French president Francois Hollande, other attacks have been thwarted just within the past few days.

The slain at the magazine offices of “Charlie Hebdo” include many political cartoonists considered to be the finest in France. We grieve the loss of these journalists. They sought to bring clarity and change to our world—not through guns and violence, but through the weapons of irony, humor and truth. Our prayers are with their families.

Paris Highlighted at Beginning of Year
I will say that the Lord highlighted Paris, France to me at the beginning of the year, while putting together the photo illustration for this “Turnaround Project.” For this reason, I included the Eiffel Tower between landmark buildings from Washington DC and Jerusalem.

Obviously the White House, Capitol and Supreme Court represent our three branches of government. I did not know then that the Eiffel Tower would represent the “fourth estate” of journalism, of free speech. And it is now very clearly under attack.

“I Can’t Speak!”
Ferguson brought the world, “Wait, wait, don’t shoot.” And now every police officer and citizen in the nation has become more cognizant of the need to preserve both justice and life.

NYC brought us, “I can’t breathe.”

And now Paris is bringing another justice declaration. “I can’t speak.” May the nation and world become as indignant and intolerant of this injustice as all others. Because without freedom of speech, authoritarianism would prevail, and no other injustice would even be reported.

Journalism Under Attack
In an interview with Fox News, Mideast expert Walid Phares addressed this attack. “Look, not just France, I think the free world now has seen what is ahead of us because we have been so late in fighting terrorism,” observed Phares, “because we have been letting down our guards, not just in France but even here.”

According to the professor, “Because we have not actually addressed the ideology and radicalization, what we have now within our own societies are not maybe dozens but hundreds of individuals who are determined to attack our free press.

“This is very serious,” Phares observed. “It’s not about Charlie Hebdo (magazine), It’s about every media in the west that dares to challenge the ideology of the jihadists.”

In August, ISIS stunned the world with the beheading of journalist James Foley, and educated the world on just how serious this war against journalists and journalism really is.

Journalists and Prophets
The symbolism of this beheading must be noted. Remember the world’s most famous beheading, when John the Baptist was slaughtered after speaking against the abuse of power in Herod’s regime.

In truth, authentic journalists are very much like prophets. Their quest for truth brings them before kings, power brokers and the homeless. They see what few others see, either due to special access or willful ignorance. They may seek to expose, to hold people and governments accountable for their actions. But mostly they seek simply to enlighten.

After the American Revolution, much of the efforts of our founding fathers went towards preventing our government from devolving into the type of totalitarian dictatorship from which they had gained their freedom. The abuse of power had to be countered. The balance of power had to be retained.

Therefore two societal forces were therefore immediately protected: freedom of religion, and freedom of the press. At its core, freedom of religion should always resound a prophetic voice of conscience and compassion to society. Freedom of the press should confront and expose the abuse of power, holding leaders accountable to We the People.

Please note that the religion protected by our founders encompassed the Judeo-Christian worldview, with ethics centered in the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not murder…

That said, bribing journalists is akin to bribing and corrupting the prophets. And silencing the journalists is akin to silencing the prophets.

Attacks from Within
The stinging slaughter of journalists only serves to show how priceless these values really are. Honestly, journalists have not only been under attack from without—by jihadists, etc—but from within.

When political leaders seek to censor stories, when the names of protected sources are confiscated by government authorities, when the careers of journalists are threatened by these leaders for running stories that expose the truth, freedom of the press is under attack.

As a former journalist myself, what is stunning to me is the seeming ambivalence by so many Christians towards “the fourth estate.” Yet the very exposure of corruption we so often seek is within their grasp. Friends, journalists truly need your intercession.

Next time you watch Fox News or read the Washington Post, take time to pray for the correspondents bringing you the stories. Please consider adopting a journalist in prayer!

2015: The Rise of Prophetic Journalism
Let me shift roles briefly here from journalist to prophetic voice. Just as Matthew, Mark, Luke and John were sent by God to cover the first coming of Jesus Christ, so God is equipping and sending journalists to cover the events surrounding His Second Coming. I prophesy to you this year begins an acceleration of prophetic journalism, where the hand and heart of God will both lead journalists and reach the masses through journalists!

Many will have a sudden “flash,” a knowing about the truth of a situation and how to uncover it. Against all odds, many will simply be at the right place at the right time to witness and capture events of extraordinary importance. Many who have become jaded and without hope will have their lives and careers re-energized by a fresh encounter with Truth.

I prophesy, many journalists will see—or at least perceive—Jesus Christ in their respective journeys. They will literally become born again. And so will their capacities, with a few upgrades!

And for you who are struggling to make sense of these merciless attacks, know at least they are not senseless. They are strategic. Because eyes that see and ears that hear constitute Freedom’s greatest protectors under God.