Note: We feel to continue our vigil until Purim. For this reason, I had planned today to begin the “Gideon’s Torch Project” from now through March 8. What a day to begin…

In a display of affection only a Divine hand can orchestrate, God brought His great friend Bob Jones home to glory this Valentines Day. The prophet and father to so many in the body of Christ passed this morning at 6:22 am. Especially as you read the testimony below, you can only imagine heaven’s reception!

Bob’s life was marked by a defiant romance with His King. The way the prophet told it, an encounter with God the “first time he died” forged within him a depth of love that never abated. Bob stood in a line to enter heaven, with the Lord speaking to each one a solitary question. “Did you learn to love?”

What a question to ask—encompassing the very “heart” of Valentines Day. More, it’s at the heart of God’s attentive work in each of our lives, every hour of every day. God is love!

Though I’ve heard Bob’s testimony many times, it always impacts me as if I’m hearing it the very first time. I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing it below from a You Tube video posted by Patricia King.

Grieving Gratitude
I have on my heart a few things before we go there. First, Jolene and I have been impacted beyond measure by Bob and Bonnie Jones’ hearts and ministry. We are so grateful for the care they have shown us—with genuineness and delight at the core of their being, at the core of their relationship, and at the core of every impartation of God’s grace to us.

Please pray for Bonnie and family through this extraordinary transition. Sons and daughters across the world share in both their grief and joy. I think especially of our friends Roger and Hope Reeder, whose love and care has been so cherished through the years.

Promise of “Thanksgivukkah”
Second—as Lamplighter readers are aware, we carry so much of the rich promises God has given through Bob within our being, and within our ministry. Our recent book Crown & Throne is framed around the promise God gave Bob of a mighty move of the Spirit that combines the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts, bringing deliverance from the Pharaohs of this age. The message below gives more insight into the massive expression God has planned.

What’s more, in a recent conversation with Che Ahn, Bob Jones spoke to him that a new “wave of God” began in the earth last year, at the convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah. We are in awe at Christ’s work. Most of you know we felt strongly that Crown & Throne, and the movement it represents, needed to be released on “Thanksgivukkah.” The book delves into the legacy of the Pilgrims and the spiritual revolutionaries known as the Maccabees, to whom the Lord gave the miracle that became known as Hanukkah. Our epilogue focuses specifically on the promise of “Thanksgivukkah 2013.”

That said—in 2013, God has indeed released a new move of His Spirit— a “new birth of freedom.” Until hearing Bob’s testimony again, I forgot that the Lord promised this precious prophetic father he would actually live to see its beginning. The Lord is making known the signs of the times, so we may all be prepared.

Below is Bob’s great testimony.

The Greatest Day—Bob Jones’ Testimony
In 1975, Bob Jones was given two key prophetic warnings to share—first on abortion, second on homosexuality. As you will see, the enemy fiercely resisted both Bob and his word, even to the point of death. Bob was then escorted to heaven, and experienced the following encounter with the Lord.

“On August 8, 1975 a demon appeared to me, and said “If you ever share prophecy again I will kill you.” I told him, “I don’t belong to you anymore, I belong to the Lord…”

I went to Lord in death. And I stood in a line, and as I looked to my left there were a lot of people on like a roller, like in a supermarket where they were rolling past, and there was a huge number of people in that line. And I was in a line where there weren’t very many. And we were walking.

The Greatest Day
And when I went beyond this life I went into a cave. I saw a man at the cave entrance. He was white light. But there was a whiter light in the white light. And that whiter light in that white light was holding hands out to me. And my first thought was did I die clean, was my robe spotted? Because I came out of such deep sin, and I was concerned to see if I was clean.

There was a Man who stood alongside of me, I have never been able to see His face. He was the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit. He spoke to me and said, “Look—you can see.” And I looked, and my robe was white! My thought was this. Bob you’ve finally got it made. This is the greatest day you’ve ever lived. You are going home to the Lord and you are clean. And you did the things He told you to do.

The God You Served on Earth
So as this line I was in approached Him, I kept looking to the left. And the people on the left were 98% of the world’s population. And they weren’t going where I was going. They were going to the place where they’d served their gods on the earth. I saw men wrapped in dollar bills, that was their god. I saw men inside of a whiskey bottle, that was their god. I saw men that looked like drugs, that was their god on earth. I saw men that were wrapped in lust, that was their god on earth.

And in hell you’ll serve the god that you served on earth.

And so I was looking at that, and man it was so dreadful I couldn’t look at it. Then I turned back towards that Man in white. And as I drew close to Him, I keep looking at the other line, and every person in that other line would look at Him and their eyes would grow big, and they would say it was true. Every person that was in that line going to hell had a witness of who He was. And they mocked it. And they laughed at it. But they had their witness. And they denied Him.

The Big Black Woman
And as I looked, they would like come to the end of the roller and they just slid down to a dark place to where there would never be light again. So I turned back to Him. And there was a large back woman. And she was big. She was heavy-set, she was big, and she had nearly a hundred angels with her! And I spoke to the faceless Man and said, “Why does this woman have so many angels?” He said, “Because she was a great minister on the earth—and these angels helped her do it. For she did great things for her people.”

And as she drew close to Him, He looked out and He said, “Did you learn to love?” And she said, “Yes Lord!” She threw her arms up. And He just put His arms around her and kissed her right on the lips. And just pulled her in, it was like His heart was double doors. Her and all those angels.

The Commission of Angels
And I asked, “Why are the angels going home?” The faceless Man said, “They helped her do it. They now have a testimony in heaven. They are born without testimonies. And when they help somebody on earth do something, they become part of that testimony. That’s what you judge them for is the fruits.”

He was telling me, These angels desire more to help us than we desire for them to. For they desire a testimony. They don’t understand us, but they desire to be part of it, so they have a testimony, what they helped Christ do.”

Stop! I Want You to Go Back
So I was thinking… I puckered up! I thought, this is it. No more pain, no more of this trial, no more nothing I’m going home, and I’m going home in obedience. And He put His hand out in front of me and He said, “Stop. The enemy killed you before your time. And I want you to go back.”

And I said, “I’m not doing any good, nobody is listening to me.” He said, “You’re a liar, for you spoke what I told you to if you had spoke on you own you wouldn’t be. But you spoke what I told you to, and what I say will happen! My words will not return to Me void, but they will take place.”

And I said, “But it is so painful down there, the rejection the persecution. He said yeah, you sort of got a cowardly streak in you, but I will work that out!”

Bob… Look Again
He said, “When you were a Baptist you had a love for souls. And if you still want to come in, I’ll take you in after you look again at that line. I looked again and all those people were going to hell… for all eternity… and they’ll serve their god for all eternity.

And I looked back at him and said, “I’d go back for one soul. I’d actually go back to the cross for one soul.”

One Great Wave
He said, “I’m not sending you back for one soul. I’m sending you back to touch a few of the leaders of the church to where they can oversee and protect and get behind what I’m going to do. I’m going to bring one billion youth to Myself in one of the greatest awakenings of all time. I’m going to glorify Myself beyond anything that’s ever happened, and every token and everything that’s ever been done in Scripture I’m going to repeat it thousands and thousands of times.

And I want you to go back and prepare, and tell them that this is what I will do in one great wave. So throughout the years, I’ve stayed alive, because I’m going to see it. I was told I’m going to see the first of it. I will see it!

I was also told that I would see the glory. I saw it recently. The glory’s here to stay. It will never leave again. And that glory is a preparation for a harvest beyond imagination. One billion youth. Over half the population of the world is under 18. One billion at once. I’m not saying that’ll be all because there will be those who are already saved. But one great harvest, one great increase of over a billion… I believe it will probably begin around the year of 2020.”