
Glory Train final week! A new movement has been launched before our very eyes. Celebrate with us! We are believing God for $8000. To sow into this work of the Spirit please click here. THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY!

THURSDAY—Special Prayer Call! 9pm EST. Note Thursday not Wednesday. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

Train late. Again. We are on the 26th hour of travel to Rochester, still with an hour to go. I believe I mentioned yesterday that Jolene should be crowned for sainthood. You really have no idea…

I believe I actually got 5 hours of sleep last night—shattering the previous record of 3 hours. It was a light sleep with many awakenings, not more than two hours at a time. But the great news is I slept—instead of simply watching Jolene slumber as the lights in the window fly by. Hallelujah!

Definitely a diverse crowd here. Troops of boy scouts and girl scouts chattered behind us about Snapchat until the early hours. A few rows up a young man with a skateboard stood up. He was wearing a black vest with a tilted pentagram, declaring himself a satanist. Pray for this man!

Upstate NY—Epicenter of Second Great Awakening
We are so excited to be in Rochester and then Syracuse for Revolution. There are awesome legacies embedded in the soil of this land. During the Second Great Awakening upstate NY was known as the “burnt over district” because so many people had gotten saved that there was literally no one left to convert. Charles Finney and Daniel Nash released an anointing of holy conviction that resounded from main street to the highest corridors of power in the nation.


Upstate NY—Underground Railroad
This region was also legendary as a final crossing of the Underground Railroad. Harriet Tubman helped thousands of slaves cross over into Canada to find freedom from both masters and hunters.

Glory! It’s definitely time for God’s “underground turnaround” to be fully unleashed in our land. Holy conviction. Spiritual revolutionaries risking all to absolve this nation from the slavery of this hour. Lets focus this week on releasing the Underground Turnaround!

Upstate New York—Fighter Jets Converge
Last week we shared a “legacy vision” of three fighter jets converging over upstate NY. In 2000 I saw three fighter jets take off—from Colorado Springs, Kansas City, and the mid-Atlantic region. These fighter jets represented three distinct prayer movements. Governmental intercession from Colorado Springs, 24-7 worship from Kansas City, and what we now know as “Crown and Throne” from Washington DC. These fighter jets, or movements, all converged in upstate New York and New England and then shot across to Israel to fight in her most desperate hour. We feel from the Lord that Revolution Syracuse will mark a distinct acceleration in this convergence for Israel, America and the nations.

And Lord have mercy, no time like the present.

Trump and Hillary Both From New York State
Finally, it’s important to note that both presidential candidates for 2016 actually call New York State “home.” The Empire State. One way or another, New York will lead the nation into these next four years.

What a time to join with Dutch Sheets and see breakthrough. A convergence of prayer movements. An anointing of holy conviction saturating New York and the nation once again. Perhaps God will even bring breakthrough regarding the elections from the Empire State. TURNAROUND!

It’s important to note that we had no idea when we planned this tour that both presidential candidates would be from the very state we culminate our ministry tour. So grateful for the amazing orchestrations of Holy Spirit. You seriously, truly cannot make this stuff up.

All this said, better get here if you can. And we truly covet your prayers. Please take extended times to pray in the Spirit. Lets finish strong. And together LETS STAKE OUR CLAIM to God’s covenant purposes in the land!

Covenant blessings to each of you…

Schedule—Final Week!
Aug 1 Monday
Train St. Louis to Chicago to Rochester NY

Aug 3 Wednesday
7pm Bridge Builders Ministries, Rochester NY

Aug 4
Train Rochester to Syracuse, onsite prayer in Lowville NY

August 5-6
REVOLUTION Syracuse with Dutch Sheets! Cicero, NY

Aug 6 afternoon
Prayer at Ouriskany Revolutionary War Battlefield, train Utica to Albany NY.

August 7
Berne NY—10 am Rock Road Chapel with Pastor Jay Francis

Train Albany-Washington DC.

August 8-10 Strategic corporate prayer project, Washington DC