
WEEKLY PRAYER CALL THIS TUESDAY! PENTECOST! Please join us Tuesday evening June 3—Pentecost—for a special prayer call. 9 PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

NOTE: We will return to our regular Wednesday evening calls beginning the following week, June 11.

Ministry Leaders—please join us Tuesday morning for a special “Glory Procession” forum with vision casting and question & answers. 10-11 AM EST. 


“Then He led me to THE GATE, the gate facing toward the east; and behold, the glory of the God of Israel WAS COMING IN FROM THE WAY OF THE EAST…” (Ezekiel 43:1-2)

God has a procession for His glory to be restored to our land! With this at heart, Jon & Jolene are excited to announce “The Glory Procession: 13 Colonies Prayer Journey.”

From July 2-24, we will traverse the geographic “east gate” of our nation, seeking the Lord for His glory to be restored and awakening released. We totally appreciate our collaboration with RPN and HAPN leaders from state to state. By the grace of God, we together can frame a better future for America!

For more than a decade, we’ve all been hearing about a Third Great Awakening—a revolutionary move of God that will consume the east coast and the nation. We sense that the “Glory Procession” is being released as a forerunning witness that it is now time to step into this new move.

On May 22, precisely 40 days before the launch of the 13 Colonies Journey, Chuck Pierce unexpectedly gave a direct word about this work. “Get ready for the gates of heaven and earth to open and align over the East Coast!” Friends, this defines our invitation together from the Lord. The Spirit of God is compelling us to focus on the roots of our nation to see this “east gate” open and covenantally aligned with His Throne. He is coming to us “by way of the gate facing east!”

Awakening Promised… With a Warning
In November 2013, Jerusalem leaders Rick and Patti Ridings commissioned us to launch this “13 Colonies Prayer Journey,” building upon their own “legacy journey” 17 years ago. In 1997, the Lord showed them that He had targeted the east coast for a Third Great Awakening. Responding to this perception, they embarked on a precedent-setting prayer journey with a mandate that still impacts us today.

But with their vision of revival, a warning was also issued. Unless the revival penetrated through to the roots of our heritage—especially in the 13 original colonies—it would ultimately end with severe discipline from the Lord, perhaps even war on our own soil. To back up this warning, Rick and Patti referenced the events immediately after the Second Great Awakening, when a divided nation succumbed into Civil War.

Preparing the Way
Remember back in the late 1990s, when the promise of national awakening felt so real you could almost taste it? Then came heart-wrenching delay. Why? Perhaps in His mercy, the Lord granted us time to focus on our covenant roots—to prepare our “gardens” for the coming rain.

Just look at what’s been done. From this pivot point of history, God raised up the Call movement, spiritual warfare networks, and house of prayer movements across our nation. We divorced Baal and remarried the Lord. We dealt with the roots!

Historic moves of repentance, reconciliation and covenant restoration are now setting the course for God’s work in our land. I believe we have come to a time where the roots of our nation have finally been prepared. More work must continue, of course. But Heaven’s Court has been satisfied to the extent that God is now calling us to step into this promised move of awakening.

And that’s what this 13 Colonies Prayer Journey is all about. As Chuck Pierce shared prophetically, it is now time for a Glory Procession to prepare the way!

“…I am raising up a remnant that will complete moves of My Spirit that were begun in other seasons. I am sending processions of angels out of heaven… I have called you to align in this procession, in unity with heaven and earth. Hear the sound, align and move with Me. Just as a blossom, the Word that I have sent forth will begin to open the way.” Chuck Pierce, May 12, 2014.

7-22Appeal to Heaven, Faneuil Hall
On July 22, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce will join us at Boston’s historic Faneuil Hall for a special “Appeal to Heaven” gathering. It is said that the American Revolution was literally conceived in this hall, as patriots gathered to speak and mobilize toward liberty. Faneuil Hall is known as “the womb of the revolution.”

God has given us a promise of liberty through Brian Kooiman and Chuck Pierce. They prophesied to New England leader Linda Clark that as the 13 colonies are convene for this gathering, a breakthrough of freedom and liberty will shift not only Boston, but all the 13 colonies.

I believe this wholeheartedly. But I didn’t really “get it” til recently, as you’ll see below. All I knew was that the Lord spoke to meet in Faneuil Hall on July 22, and that it was significant for the nation. And I was stunned to find out later that Cindy Jacobs had recently prophesied to our friend Linda Clark about this historic gathering place!

“The Lord would say, it’s time for you (Linda) and Jon Hamill and Jolene to go to FANEUIL HALL. For I’m bringing forth a full season circle, says the Lord. The Lord says, I will bring my circuit riders from all 13 states and these circuit riders will come together and they will have an anointing to re-establish.  There is a reestablishment clause that I’m going to put into effect into this nation says the Lord. And I’m going to give you the authority to decree for the turning back to the ORIGINAL INTENT…” Cindy Jacobs, March 15, 2014.

7:22—Judgement in Favor of the Saints
Last week I awakened from sleep to clear revelation from the Lord on this issue. I saw by revelation how the date 7-22 corresponds to Daniel 7:22. Where God grants His verdict in an “appeal to heaven,” a court case that literally CHANGES EVERYTHING.

“I kept looking, and that horn was waging war with the saints and overpowering them until the Ancient of Days came and judgment was passed in favor of the saints of the Highest One, and the time arrived when the saints took possession of the kingdom” (Dan. 7:21-22, NASB).

Just as Daniel saw, the people of God are facing tremendous resistance in this hour. How we need His judgment in favor of the saints! In Faneuil Hall, the Lord is inviting us to present our case—literally, an Appeal to Heaven. And we together will receive prophetically His verdict for our land. From the womb of revolution, we will see the Lord turn our nation according to His original intent!

How to Connect
Below are three ways to connect with the 13 Colonies Journey.

1. Come to Faneuil Hall, Boston July 22
We are calling for representatives from the 13 colonies and states across the nation to join us July 22 for this historic gathering. As stated above, this will literally be an “Appeal to Heaven”…. And many of you are being summoned now as His witnesses!

Just prior to this, on July 21 Dutch Sheets will be with us for a gathering in Plymouth MA, where the Pilgrims originally cut covenant with the Lord. Plan to join us for both.

2. Join the Team for the Tour
Some of you may feel from the Spirit of God to join us for the whole tour, or part of the journey. We will be traveling state to state by car, from Florida to Massachusetts. Team members must be responsible for their own transportation, lodging, food etc. Please contact us at if you feel to join us for the tour.

3. Connect Along the Way
You can also connect with us in cities along the way from Florida to Massachusetts. In most regions, we will have onsite prayer as well as evening meetings. In a few cities we will host special two-night gatherings. Our itinerary is below. Mark your calendars now!



July 4: Fort Matanzas FL

July 5: Brunswick GA

July 6: Savannah GA

July 7-8: GLORY PROCESSION Charleston SC

July 9: Dunn NC

July 10-11: Jamestown/ Williamsburg/ VA Beach/ Fredericksburg

July 12-13: GLORY PROCESSION DC the Gate/ Whole Word Fellowship

July 14: Annapolis MD

July 15: Fort McHenry MD/ Philadelphia PA

July 16: Albany NY—Rock Road Chapel

July 17: Thurs Brattleboro VT


July 20 Providence, Rhode Island

July 21 Plymouth MA with Dutch Sheets

July 22 APPEAL TO HEAVEN Boston with Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce

July 23 Trenton NJ with John and Sheryl Price, Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce

July 24: Dover DE—Culmination!