From Sunday evening through tonight was the first day of “Dire Straits,” marked by Jewish people with three weeks of fasting and prayer ending on Tisha b’Av.

It was remarkable how God orchestrated this day for us. On Sunday evening, we hosted an unusually vibrant prayer time at the apartment, praying especially for Pentagon leaders as well as President Obama and Congress.

After our friends left, my prayer burden continued, so I kept watch as the Holy Spirit empowered. I had just finished up when bolts of lightning–breathtaking–began to flash all around! It is interesting that a primary Hebrew word for intercession, paga, can also mean “lightning strike!”

Then today, following through with plans to visit with my friend Jason Hershey, I ended up with a group of intercessors on a tour of the US Capitol! The prayer tour was led by Ruth Mizell, a truly favored saint and veteran of prayer in Washington DC. What an honor it was to pray in these corridors of power for God’s grace for America and Israel… on the first day of Dire Straits!

I am asking for our Lamplighter family to continue with vigilance in this watch! Take some time to pray for leaders in the offices below. Pray much in the Holy Spirit, asking the Lord to release His counsel to our leaders, especially regarding the Mideast. Pray for followers of Christ within the agencies.

PRAY FOR AMERICA AND ISRAEL! PRAY FOR SYRIA AND IRAN! Ask the Lord to continue exposing any terrorist cells linked with Iran, including Hamas and Hezbollah.

White House–Please pray President Obama, advisors, Cabinet members, National Security Council, etc.
Congress–pray for Senate and House leaders. The Spirit of God has recently highlighted for prayer House Speaker John Boehner and Majority Leader Eric Cantor, and Senators Barbara McKulski (MD) and Charles Schumer (NY). Pray also for the intelligence committees.
State Department–pray for Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, advisors, diplomats and analysts.
Pentagon–including Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta, Joint Chiefs of Staff, intelligence & strategy, special forces etc.
Central Intelligence Agency–directed by Gen. David Petraeus. Analysts and field officers. Please pray for other intelligence agencies, such as the NSA, as well.