SPECIAL PRAYER CALL MONDAY, OCTOBER 22, 9-10pm. Covering the final Presidential debate in prayer! We’ll be joined by Abby Abildness, a key leader from PA who taught us on “No Cross, No Crown.” Conference call number: 530-881-1400 access code 903-586. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!

PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24! 9-11pm with key multiracial leaders to address the issue of potential riots following the election. Be prepared to pray through for your state and nation!

Debate Alert!
Lets pray throughout the day for debates tonight. For truth to shine and deception to be exposed. Note the influence of Jewish voters in Boca Raton and nearby Palm Beach. For this foreign policy debate, lets pray for Israel, and for our relations with Israel. Lets declare that no party–not Republicans, not Democrat–has the right to own or claim any race or nationality.

Covenantal Foundations of Government
“No cross, no crown.” These words resounded within my spirit to the point I was nearly overwhelmed in prayer. Which wouldn’t have been good, as we were touring the PA State Capital at the time with our friend Abby Abildness.

Abby was giving us an exclusive tour of the Capital, where William Penn and his covenantal principles of governance are highlighted These became a cornerstone for our national government.

Here’s a brief summary of them. No King but Jesus! Follow His leadership of love, righteousness and justice. No cross… no crown of governmental rule!

Prayer Call Tonight
We are delighted that Abby will be joining us to cover this third and final Presidential debate. As America deliberates on our highest seat of authority, we together will pray for full alignment with these covenantal foundations.

As background–Abby is the founder of Healing Tree International, which is impacting not only her state and nation, but Israel and Iraq. She serves as the RPN/HAPN leader for PA. And she just served as the national prayer coordinator for America for Jesus.

So join us tonight! And together, lets see God continue to shift the nation towards righteousness, truth and justice.

Below is an excerpt from last Wednesday’s posting “No Cross, No Crown,” which expounds on Penn’s legacy and conveys the priorities of the Midnight Cry Prayer Watch. Lets pray through them now and throughout the call tonight.

No Cross, No Crown
The core of Penn’s revelatory experience on godly governance was a simple yet profound phrase. No cross, no crown!

In other words, the primary qualification for leadership was to manifest the nature and character of Jesus Christ. He administrated His Throne by literally laying down His life for those under His authority. And He compels us to do the same.

Here’s a plumbline for our candidates, and for ourselves. Are we aligning with God’s covenant and priorities? This includes both blessings and boundaries. Are we laying down the lives of the sheep for our own gain, or are we laying down our lives for the sheep?

Really, whose kingdom are we empowering–Babylon or Christ’s? As for me and my house–No King but Jesus!

Key of David
Recently I had an encounter with the Lord where He was literally wrestling with a high-level governmental figure. He threw this leader to the ground and shook him til the leader coughed up a key. I sensed Holy Spirit declaring, “Either align with My covenant or cough up the key!”

“And I will punish Bel in Babylon, and cause what he has swallowed come up out of his mouth; and the nations will no longer stream to him” (Jer. 51:44).

I believe the key I saw represents the Key of David. Isaiah 22 records how this key of governance is transferred from an unjust steward to a man who “will be a father to the house of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem.”

No cross, no crown! God wants to entrust the keys of governance across our land to mothers and fathers who divest in themselves to invest in those they serve. This is the plumbline for both evaluating candidates and for focused intercession on their behalf.

Our Priorities
Let me close by stating our priorities for this Midnight Cry Prayer Watch. Please make each subject a heart-felt cry before God’s Throne.

First–NO KING BUT JESUS! May Jesus be enthroned 24/7 on the praises of His people. May His Bridal Canopy envelop our land–in DC and from state to state. Lord, tabernacle with us!

Second–HOLY SPIRIT AWAKENING & UNION. Because it takes this level of grace to dislodge the evil encroaching our land. This move cannot be manufactured, it must instead be BIRTHED. Which is why we need a FINAL PUSH for freedom!

Third–NO CROSS, NO CROWN. May our keys of governance be entrusted to Eliakims who will align with God’s covenant and lead as mothers and fathers empowering those they serve. May those who employ deception, intimidation, or corruption to either attain or retain a seat of authority be removed.

Fourth–COVENANT ALIGNMENT WITH ISRAEL and the advancement of God’s dream for Israel and the Mideast. Long-term project!

Fifth–HOMELAND SECURITY, through the elections and the coming year. This is crucial, as threats of violence increase. As part of this, we must continue to pray for the safety of both President Obama and Mitt Romney and their families. For real!