Most of you know that Washington DC is directly in the path of Hurricane Sandy. Please keep Davids Tent in prayer, night and day, every day. Wherever you are, keep vigilant watch!

Right now, we have the go-ahead to remain onsite through the storm. We also have contingency plans to move Davids Tent to Faith Tabernacle on Capitol Hill. MY PERSONAL PRAYER IS THAT GOD SEND THE STORM OUT TO SEA.

Protect and Defend
I just received significant insight from a note from Pam, an intercessory friend from Oklahoma.

“Hi Jon! I want to thank you for allowing me to be a part of the incredible prayer calls these past weeks! It has and continues to be an honor to pray with all the intercessors!

I felt led last night to look up what the name “Sandy” means in relationship to what God might be saying about the approaching hurricane. I found it most interesting that Sandy means “defender of men, protector of mankind.” And then in my Names book which lists the spiritual significance of each name, it lists “Guardian of Truth” with 1 Timothy 6:20 as the scripture:

Guard what God has entrusted to you. Avoid godless, foolish discussions with those who oppose you with their so-called knowledge.

I thought that verse was very appropriate in light of all the campaign garbage!”

This hit home to me as because, for the past 6 months, we have held “Protect & Defend” prayer gatherings each Sunday evening in our home.

The Lord is our protector and defender! Lets continue to pray for protection from the coming storm. Pray for Davids Tent and for the East Coast. Protect and Defend!

Praying Against Riots
And I agree with Pam also about the prayer calls–what a privilege to be part of them! Thanks to all who joined us to pray against riots in the land. More than 80 people joined us to connect corporately, hear God’s heart together, and pray for our cities “from Washington to Washington.” Thank you!

A few weeks ago, the Lord spoke separately to Jason Hershey and me that He wants Davids Tent intercession to come to a new level. The Key of David must function in conjunction with the House of David. We worship at the tent, and pray as a nation for breakthrough.

I have to say–God has totally exceeded all my expectations in this. The prayer calls have been exceptional. Each of you are excelling as leaders–and by this I mean that you are leading your state and nation into a new season of LIFE through your devotion to God and dedicated intercession.

As we move into the final weeks of this 43 day Davids Tent journey, Jolene and I want to again convey our gratitude. Lets keep the press as we move into this final push.

Pray for Tent the Nation this October 31–Reformation Day! We encourage you to pray and participate in “Tent the Nation” this Reformation Day! Go and worship at each state capital, and pray for your seats of authority. Pray for God to tabernacle with your state and release His glory. The Bridal Canopy will prevail!

Pray for the cities in your state and region. For the Lord to disempower violence and rioting even now. Pray for awakening and union to prevail, and that we remain one nation under God!

Please keep Jason and Kimberlee Hershey in prayer–for wisdom, strength, provision, refreshing and rest! Continue to keep the Davids Tent core team in prayer as well.

Please continue to pray for Jolene and me for all the same points. THANK YOU AGAIN! And covenant blessings to each of you.