
GLORY TRAIN COMMISSIONING with Faisal and Sabina Malick! Covenant Centre, Langley BC. Live stream of service begins at  1pm EST, 10 am Pacific. Sign up to watch! A link to the webcast will then be sent to you by email. To sign up CLICK HERE.

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Glory Train—Continental Commissioning Sunday!
Just back from Alaska. It was such an incredible time in God’s presence. THANK YOU to all who prayed for us. Later in the post I want to share with you some highlights.

But first, after journeying more than 10,000 miles from Washington DC to Hawaii and Alaska, we are now ready for our continental launch—where we actually get on board a train and begin our journey circling the nation! We are excited to be joining with Faisal and Sabina Malick Sunday for the commissioning.

Most of you know Faisal’s landmark book the Political Spirit. Much of our assignment this year is focused on seeing this political expression of this principality begin to be dethroned. Currently our government does not reflect the basic values our Founders forged into our Constitution to preserve the freedoms they and countless Americans have lived for and given their lives and posterity to preserve. Very simply we need a turnaround.

Just as Moses confronted Pharaoh in his day, so the Lord is confronting the Pharaohs of our time to shake our government loose from these Pharaoh expressions. No King but Jesus!

So we begin the continental train journey with Faisal and Sabina, and then on September 11, 2016 we will close out the journey with a special Revolution gathering in Washington DC featuring Faisal and Sabina. You can even hear the rumbling now… let My people go!

Join us Sunday, it should be very exciting. You can watch live via webcast at, just make sure you sign up ahead of time.

Alaska… Amazing!
More and more I’ve come to appreciate how the Lord orchestrated our journey by connecting first with the First Nations people of Hawaii and Alaska. They have so been entrusted with the stewardship of the land and its spiritual gateways. From the time our feet first touched the ground, we were welcomed as family. We have therefore begun the Glory Train by this covenantal expression with Christ, His people, and His land!

Rarely have we been so touched by the purity and devotion of His people as in Hawaii and Alaska. Thank you again Kealoha Benavente of Honolulu and Mary Glazier of Anchorage. Then to have Cindy Jacobs and Dutch Sheets with us in Maui for the March 4 launch! You and your teams have greatly accelerated God’s dream for your states and for the nation as a whole. What an honor to join with you towards this end!

Court of Heaven Rules in Alaska!
The presence of God was so tangible from the very beginning in Anchorage. Robert and Eleanor Roehl led us powerfully in prayer.  I felt to share on the journey of God’s people from subjugation to freedom in Exodus, and the case in Heaven’s court that catalyzed God’s breakthrough. How in Exodus 2 the Lord convened a courtroom hearing (shama) and reviewed as evidence the cries of His people who had been disenfranchised, abused, whose babies had even been aborted during the slavery of Pharaoh’s rule. God rendered judgement as recorded in Exodus 2. He then executed His judgments as recorded in Exodus 12:12, agains t the gods of Egypt and the government of Egypt.

Let My people go!

The Lord strongly directed us to stand in Heaven’s court and together plead for His awakening winds to be released from Alaska to the nation. A holy awe encompassed the room.

I felt Mary Glazier had actually been given the verdict. And when she began to prophesy it was like waves crashing into the room. She began to declare that God had judged in favor of the saints of Alaska, that the accumulated cries of His people over decades were being reviewed and answered. She then prophesied that the gathering was a turning point for revival both in her state and in the nation!

As she was prophesying I saw thousands of gavels coming down. It was one of the holiest times of my life.

Jolene Prophesies
Jolene shared two incredible words. The Lord spoke to her the phrase, “early breakup.” That Alaska had broken up early with spiritual forces of darkness, patterned after Hosea 2, and had restored covenant with Jesus. She even felt their early spring, where the ice has already begun to melt and break apart in Alaska, conveyed this.

Secondly, the Lord directed her to the parable of the sower in Matthew 3, and prophesied that Alaska was deemed to be good ground and therefore a hundredfold revival was being released! This is so clear also from Hosea 2. Where God responds to the heavens, the heavens respond to the earth, and the earth responds to the corn, new wine, and oil. Hundredfold return in revival!

It was very clear that the prophetic dream Mary was living for—that the breath of God’s Spirit, His awakening winds, were now beginning to blow in a new way from Alaska to the lower 48 states. She saw this long ago, knowing her devotion and labors toward breakthrough in Alaska were preparing the way for national awakening through the northwest gate. Amen! By decree from Heaven’s court, let it be so!

Our Journey is a Witness
Our journey is a witness of God’s work. From Hawaii—the Breath of God over the waters—to Alaska, where the breath of God was prophesied to be released into the lower 48—we’ve been privileged to witness God’s miraculous orchestration of our journey. We come into the lower 48 almost as an engine of a freight train, bearing the accumulated covenantal blessing entrusted for national breakthrough.

Please keep us in prayer for Sunday’s commissioning followed by our launch on the actual train! Such an honor to make this journey with each one of you.

Covenant blessings,

Jon & Jolene