
Prayer Call TONIGHT! 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

Glory Procession! Launching from Florida beginning July 2. Dutch Sheets and Chuck Pierce join for a special 13 Colonies convocation July 22 at Faneuil Hall Boston. For updates and prophetic postings, see

Beginning tomorrow! 21 day fast til July 2 launch.

Today as promised, I am sharing with you a clear word for this season based on a dream the Lord gave earlier in the week. It is one of the most powerful and sacred experiences I have ever had. My prayer is that you will be empowered to launch into your new season from a higher level in Him.

To give context to this dream, I want to first draw your attention Chuck Pierce’s recent word about the east coast. “Get ready for the gates of the east coast to open and align!” God’s mandate in this dream is all about His call to get ready, or prepare, for this great opportunity.

Launching from a Higher Level
Chuck Pierce unexpectedly ministered to us last week—and our “Glory Procession” was suddenly launched. The renown prophet came to a conference in in Harrisburg PA because the Lord summoned him to impart to our nation’s covenant root on Pentecost. We knew we wouldn’t miss this!

During the conference, Chuck called us up and prayed for the Glory Procession. He gave us a mantle—a prayer shawl he brought back from Israel—and then imparted to us the spiritual reality of it. All I can say is the anointing truly the yoke. Chuck went on to share about a “Glory Awakening” the Lord is releasing at this time.

From this intersection, we have now been launched from a much higher level in the Spirit And God wants each of you to launch from a higher level in this season.

The dream the Lord gave earlier this week so clearly conveys this. It came as an accompaniment both to the mantle that Chuck imparted, and to the word he gave about the gates of the east coast. The clear message of this dream is that the gates are opening. Incredible opportunities are being opened to many in this hour, as God brings answers to a lifetime of prayer!

That’s the good news. The warning is that many are not actually ready to receive the gifts He is offering—the very gifts we’ve prayed for. Because many self-erected barriers, such as reliance on convenience, personal bias and preferences, distractions, self focus etc, must also be overcome.

The Call—Launch from a Higher Level
In my dream I was being instructed by the Lord why the 13 Colonies Tour was not being sent to a particular city that I had once resided in. We had considered it, actually longing to go. I don’t believe the location is as significant as the meaning of the name—“Peaceful Ruler.”

In the dream I was sent to a citywide prayer meeting that was really being driven by agendas. I saw how many were stuck and could not go up to the next level. Therefore the whole meeting was taking place on the bottom level.

I saw three levels of life in the Holy Spirit. These levels may also represent the three levels of heavenly realms hinted at by the Apostle Paul in 2 Corinthians 12:2—the first, second and third heaven. We are being summoned to dwell in the “third heaven” before the Throne of God. During the meeting only a few people went up the other levels, mainly to rest. Those who remained at the higher levels were isolated from those at the lower levels by these grimy barriers.

As I continued to watch, the barriers separating the levels became removed. The Lord then spoke to me He wanted the prayer, unity and especially repentance to come from the TOP LEVEL, NOT THE BOTTOM.

Barriers Down! Window of Opportunity Now Opens
In the dream, I watched as age-old, corroded barriers in the spirit realm came tumbling down. These barriers probably once served as gates, but due to rust and misuse they now only served to keep God’s people from moving forward. For this reason, many within their confines had become passive and stagnant. It was as if they became resigned to remain at the same level the rest of their lives.

For those who remained determined to move, it was much easier to go down than to go up. It was as if these rusted gates had become inflexible towards advancement, and only gave way to those who wanted to descend. But still a precious few had made a rough pathway to the level above.

Suddenly the corroded barriers came down—like they were peeled away. A transparent, crystal-like chute that connected all three levels was revealed. I wish I could explain it better, but that’s what I saw.

It was now possible to freely ascend and descend to these levels. A window of access became available that we all had yearned for. Yet it wasn’t being prioritized or even perceived by most. 

The Only Barriers That Remained
I knew a kairos window had been opened. And though the invitation was being given, few would access it because they were not ready. When the barriers in the spirit came down, the only barrier remaining was our own personal preferences and biases, solidified over the previous season. They remained because they were still tethered to our wills.

An aspect of the dream highlighted this point. I had the vision at the top of the three levels, after the barriers came down and the way opened up. I came down to the second level and began to share the invitation with a leader in the citywide meeting. She spoke over me that the order of the service had already been set, and that there was too much on the itinerary already to include the word.

My reply briefly caught her attention. I told her God wanted the unity and repentance to come from a higher place, not the very bottom, so a higher and greater impact could be released. And that the way had now opened for this.

The way had opened. This was the very answer to their personal prayers, and to their citywide pleas!

Green Shirt Man Appears
As I was conveying this opportunity, a white man in a green jersey, gold strand necklace, and oversized ball cap covering jet black hair, came to the leader and began to speak to her—right over me. He was not young, but trying to look young, a pretender.

As a messenger, I was giving the word of the Lord about the window that had now opened by the Holy Spirit. The Green Shirt Man immediately intervened to draw the leader’s attention away. So like the enemy!

In the dream I called to the leader, voice slightly raised, and said “The experience in this dream is beyond anything the Lord has given me before. Because He is wanting this for you.”

She replied, “there’s not enough time to fit your word in,” and turned back around to keep conversing with the Green Shirt Man.

Later I was sharing the details of the dream with Jolene, and she immediately saw what this man represented. The Green Shirt Man represented an “old move,” now corrupted and stagnant, pretending to be a “new move,” young and vibrant.

Be Among the Chosen
I realized the dream was conveying the present opportunities the Lord is affording us all. At the same time, a process is at work by which many are called but few are chosen. Big opportunities are now being offered by His still, small voice. When we are called higher, will we be attentive? Will we respond like Elisha, drop everything and run? Or will we be like Jerusalem responding to Jesus–somewhat tolerant, not hearing His heart and truly making a way for Him?

In the end we will either advance in the Holy Spirit, or risk crucifying the very dream we’ve been crying out to receive.

Jolene and I are personally forsaking all bravado, clinging to Christ’s mercy in response to His conviction, and asking Him to pull us through. Because we want to be chosen, not just called. We want to launch from a higher level—in the 13 Colonies Journey and in our personal lives.

And we passionately desire that each of you fully experience this breakthrough. As we progress through this season, many gates are opening and aligning. The barriers that have limited us all are being removed. Lets make this work personal as well, so that we can access His glory and launch from a higher level!

Our new book Crown & Throne chronicles casts vision for the move of the Spirit now at hand. To order, see