
JAMES NESBIT, JAMIE FITT, ED WATTS JOIN PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

ANNOUNCING 12 DAY VIGIL for Israel, America. Protecting and defending God’s turnaround for America, Israel.

THRONES OF GLORY in the Reconstitution State. Saturday night and Sunday Morning, Jon & Jolene are ministering at Remnant Church, Brunswick GA with our good friends Jamie and Redonnia Jackson. Please join us!

Protecting God’s Turnaround
We knew it was coming. We just didn’t know how strong the locomotion of God’s turnaround for this nation would actually be. Trump’s inauguration is still 16 days away, but Congress is already off to a stunning launch. Getting America back on track!

“I will cause a turnaround for your land from its captivity, and restore it as it was at first.” 

These words from Jeremiah 33:11 were given by Bonnie Jones, whose husband prophesied the Glory Train as his final overarching word for America before he died. They became the bedrock of last year’s tour, and they constitute the tracks we’re rolling on for this year as well. Turnaround!

As we circled the nation last year on the Glory Train-Turnaround Tour, we knew God had summoned a remnant group across the nation to push through a revolutionary governmental shift that would save our nation. I felt strongly today that, as the spheres of our government advance, this same group must protect and defend His Turnaround. For Israel and America.

Before we go any farther, let me explain why I am continually emphasizing Israel first, even over my own nation. Last year the Holy Spirit spoke to me that if we put America before Israel, we’d get “AI.” Just as in the days of Joshua, our revolution would end in defeat! But if we put Israel before America, we’d get “IAM.” God as the deliverer of His covenant people. And when we declared, Let My people go! IAM would back us up.

That’s what the Crown & Throne movement is all about. A revolutionary new move of God’s Spirit that catalyzes freedom and unlocks harvest in the nations of the earth. This freedom movement is founded upon restoring covenant with IAM, divorced from all idolatry. No King but Jesus!

Crown & Throne Vigil—12 Days for Israel and America
That said, I feel that now through Martin Luther King Day are key days to protect and defend the turnaround the Lord has granted us. I am asking each of you to engage in a nightly vigil with God for Washington DC and Jerusalem, for Israel and America. Consider fasting.

And as a complement to your Bible, consider reading our book
“Crown & Throne.” I am. The Lord has drawn me to re-read my own book and launch into prayer from His revelation through these pages. In a moment I’m going to share a vision chronicled in “Crown & Throne” that has everything to do with God’s new move in America and Israel. Wait… Israel and America 🙂

But first, lets consider a few events going on over the next 12 days.

  • The new Congress is moving right now now to repeal ObamaCare and start with a clean slate.
  • Obama just sent forces to the Russian border as tensions are escalated with Moscow to Cold War levels. Could a war be sparked, even before the Inauguration?
  • Meanwhile, on Friday Trump meets with intelligence leaders regarding allegations that Russia interfered with US elections.
  • Friction and obstacles are being reported as the Trump team works with the Obama Administration on the transition. Key positions within the Trump administration continue to be filled.
  • The Secret Service, Capitol Hill Police, DC police and intelligence communities are working round the clock to secure the Capitol, the parade route, the White House etc from potential terror attacks.

Here’s one more you should keep your eye on. January 16—Martin Luther King Day—is the date allegedly chosen by Obama to divide Jerusalem and Israel, and force the creation of a Palestinian state. A “peace conference” on Israel and the Palestinians is being held in Paris on January 15. There is much fear that this could produce another UN Resolution, this one mandating the division of Jerusalem, of Israel,  After the pattern of December 23, this resolution could be rammed through the UN Security Council to mandate the creation of the division of Israel for a Palestinian state with a joint capital in Jerusalem.

And the same demonic ideology that sabotaged the great Civil Rights movement, by co-opting it to secure the “right” for men to use womens’ public restrooms, is potentially again in play. This time on behalf of Palestinian government which openly promotes hatred and violence against the Jewish people.

Not the values of Martin Luther King.

So the need for a vigil is now pretty clear. Intensive intercession for Israel and America is immediately needed on a sustained basis. Lets intercede to enforce God’s turnaround!

Let me close with a vision conveying where we are right now—with this vigil, and with the upcoming Crown & Throne Israel tour this March. This is excerpted from chapter 2 of our book “Crown & Throne:”

Vision of End-Time Prayer Movements
Like many of you, I have actually been praying for this new move for a while now. In the year 2000, a prophetic experience conveyed divine aspects of what was to come.

I saw a vision of a fighter jet taking off from Colorado Springs. My sphere of vision shifted east, and I watched as a similar fighter jet took off from Kansas City. The Lord then showed me the mid-atlantic region, where a third fighter jet took flight. These fighter jets combined together in formation over the northeast and New England, and shot across to Israel. 

With the vision came an immediate interpretation. I “knew” the three jets represented three end-time prayer movements, and that these movements would combine to impact America and fight for the holy land during a time of severe trial.

I also knew the first jet represented a movement of spiritual warfare that was already sweeping the globe from Colorado Springs. At the time I was for Cindy and Mike Jacobs, founders of Generals International, in this city. And I consider Cindy and Mike to be primary forerunners of this movement, along with Dutch Sheets, Peter Wagner, Chuck Pierce, George Otis Jr and others. This movement emphasized Jesus as King, with His people expanding and guarding His domain.

The second jet, which took flight from Kansas City, represented the International House of Prayer movement of 24/7 “harp and bowl” worship and intercession. Mike Bickle, Misty Edwards, Allen Hood and other IHOP leaders became the primary forerunners of the movement, which had then just begun. Prophesied long beforehand by Bob Jones, James Goll and others, this Tabernacle of David expression primarily emphasizes Jesus as the Bridegroom of His people.

The third jet, from the mid-atlantic region, puzzled me. Though I saw the jet take off, in my spirit I knew the movement it represented had not yet even begun. Yet without this move, I knew the prayer movement of America would be incomplete and inadequate to fulfill the assignments that had been given.

I believe these three movements have actually been set by God as forerunners of America’s Third Great Awakening. It’s interesting that the jets representing these movements converged over the New England region, the covenantal birthplace of America and the of womb of the first two historic awakenings.

As Rick Ridings prophesied, God is bringing forth a “Crown and Throne” movement in this decade that will have a similar global impact to the “Harp and Bowl” movement that defined the previous decade. A new level of kingly authority in prayer is now being released. In process, thrones tied to idolatry will topple!