
SPECIAL LAMPLIGHTER COMMISSIONING ON WEDNESDAY CALL! 9pm EST. Time to be a Maccabee. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

NEW YEARS EVE IN METRO DC with Jon & Jolene. Dec. 31 & Jan.1. Launch into the new year with fresh vision, prophetic direction and really good barbecue! Whole Word Fellowship and NOVA-HOP, Oakton VA. Make plans now to join us.

Dear Burning Lamps for Jesus,

Join us tonight for our last call of 2016! It’s been an incredible year of turnaround. Our nation has been preserved. And we are moving into 2017 propelled by this same anointing.

We look forward to tonight’s commissioning of Lamplighters. Please make sure you prepare a lamp to light during the call—a menorah, or at least a candle. Keep your lighter close.

I mentioned yesterday that this commissioning stems from a prophetic word given in our book Crown & Throne. We knew that the last chapters of the book, published in 2013, prophetically corresponded with each respective year. Not coincidentally, Chapter 16 is entitled “The Lamplighters.”

In light of current events it’s amazing to read again. I cannot think of a better way to close out 2016 than to fulfill these words, and commission His burning lamps to prepare the way. Here are a few excerpts…

Commissioning a Company of Lamplighters
Jesus actually prophesied about lamplighters in the end of the age. These spiritual revolutionaries, redeemed Paul Reveres, will ride in the spirit and power of Elijah and declare “Behold, the Bridegroom is coming! Rise up to meet Him!” That’s when society awakens at a midnight hour, lights their lamps, and begins their journey to meet the Bridegroom…

…A company of warrior priests, similar to Judah Maccabee’s army, is again being amassed by the Lord to overcome similar challenges in our day. Lamplighters. They will establish their sphere by renewing covenant and empowering God’s justice and freedom in their world…

…Just as Judah Maccabee and his band of warriors battled an antichrist ruler and reconsecrated the desecrated temple, so the lamplighters of today are being summoned to break through the enemy’s lines of defense and restore God’s covenant flame. The fire on the altar must never go out!

And from region to region, God is now in process of resetting His lampstands of prayer, praise, and passionate devotion to Jesus Christ in their rightful places. And He is relighting the flame!

Israel and America—Covenant Alignment
Many have come to believe that the United States has somehow “replaced Israel,” and that God’s covenantal promises regarding Israel in the latter days have now been transferred solely to the body of Christ. Others will tell you that America is nowhere to be found in the Scriptures, especially related to the end-times. Therefore their conclusion is that our doom is already sealed, and that we as a nation will not even exist as the end-times unfolds.

Here’s what the Lord showed recently showed me. Through Jesus Christ, we all are grafted into God’s covenant with Abraham. But just as individuals are grafted into the vine—so even nations can be grafted into His covenant with Israel! 

And that’s exactly the intention in God’s heart when He said yes to our forefathers’ pleas that our land be covenanted to Him.

This is really key to understand! It brings new meaning to the phrase “American Exceptionalism.” Because we were founded by covenant with Christ, we actually are different than other nations, much in the same way Israel is different. But we in no way have replaced Israel. INSTEAD, WE HAVE BEEN GRAFTED IN.

What this fully looks like remains a mystery. Because we’re married to the Lord, we are in a new covenant alignment with Israel and with other covenant nations. We don’t replace Israel, yet nor in God’s heart do we really exist apart from her. This is so key to understanding both America’s destiny and Israel’s destiny in the end-times.

I want to go a step further. I believe the move of Holy Spirit awakening we have been laboring for in America is actually forerunning Israel’s great awakening…

Contending for Zion—with James Goll
…Personally, I believe this confederation of global elites is simply a false order of lamplighters, bringing false illumination to our world. We need to contend for their salvation!

But an antichrist spirit behind the scenes is even now contending for the ultimate throne on earth—Zion, and God’s covenant land. James Goll writes, “In our own lifetimes, we may see the time when every nation of the earth actively seeks the destruction of Jerusalem under the leadership of a world leader commonly known as the antichrist” (Prayer Storm, James Goll, p. 246).

That, of course, is where the ultimate and final spiritual revolution comes to a crescendo. After the prototype of Elijah, many will be set in place on thrones established by God alone. The miracles of Exodus and Acts will combine as they—we— move in unprecedented demonstrations of covenantal authority while confronting the idolatry of this hour, and restoring the desecrated altars of our freedom. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.

And this, my friends, is the great drama we are all being commissioned into. Take your place and light your lamps! Because this spiritual revolution has only just begun.

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