PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

FREEDOM MOVEMENT VIDEO! Key message from Revolution 2018, leading into the commissioning time. To watch CLICK HERE.

EIGHT DAYS OF GIVING THROUGH HANUKKAH! It’s time for your lamps to shine! Final night tonight (Wednesday). To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

TONIGHT ON 12-12, I want to share with the Lamplighter family our message on the Freedom Movement. This movement was covenantally and governmentally released on 12-7-18, the 77th anniversary of our entrance into another freedom movement which secured victory over totalitarianism. It’s called the Second World War. 

It is extraordinary to me how Heaven and earth have borne witness to the release of this movement in our time. Even two fireballs on the final night of Hanukkah!From the posting earlier:

“If you looked up at the right times Monday evening, you may have seen something out of this world,” reported the Washington Post.Not one, but two, bright fireballs lit up the skies Monday evening, widely visible from D.C. to New York.” Fireballs, by the way, are glowing meteors.

Two fireballs. A double portion. Note again that Monday marked the final night of Hanukkah, when the eighth candle is lit. 

Please also note that Hanukkah candles are supposed to be lit at around sunset. Because the Post article goes on to say, “The first (fireball) occurred about 4:56 p.m., 10 minutes after sunset in Washington. It illuminated the twilight eastern horizon, burning vibrant shades of green, blue and white as it exploded in our atmosphere…”

AS MENTIONED BEFORE, I believe the fireballs were a literal sign in the heavens, sent by the Lord, that the turnaround we were contending for with Revolution had indeed been granted. The freedom had indeed been released, and we were released together into it. 

Quite literally, commissioned by fire. You simply cannot make this stuff up.

May 7, 1983—Comet Across Sky Confirms Movement
Tonight I just want to add a little piece for your encouragement which I did not include in the previous posting. The sign of the fireballs was perhaps a reference to an earlier moment of history, when I believe this very movement was prophesied by Bob Jones. In 1983 Bob prophesied to Mike Bickle about an end-time move of deliverance which would combine the miracles of Exodus with the miracles of Acts. Exodus and Acts would marry. 

He then prophesied about the birthing of this movement in prayer through a 24-7 expression in the spirit of the Tabernacle of David.

And as a sign that this movement, and prayer for the birthing of this movement, had begun, Bob prophesied that a comet undetected by scientists would flash across the sky on May 7, 1983. 

Mike Bickle started a 21 day citywide solemn assembly on May 7, 1983. And a comet previously undetected by scientists flashed across the sky. 

Of course, Bob Jones also prophesied the Glory Train vision, where he saw this movement originally referenced in 1983 brought forth as “the train of His robe” filled the temple of this nation and continent. 

Vison of Bob Jones: It has Started!
Fast forward to Revolution 2018. As we were moving in the commissioning of this movement, Mary Caswell received the following vision. In her own words:

The white horse enters. Behind it was the Heavenly Host. Bob Jones was a part of them. He said, “it has started, it has started.” I asked, “what”, he said, “tell Jon it has started.”

Bob Jones got up and set the clock hands ahead and he wound the clock so we would lose no more time. 

“Tell Jon it has started.” A freedom movement has genuinely begun, along with His redeeming of time. 

Seek, Sow, Secure
I want to close by reminding us all again of the word given for the week. 

“I say to you, do not miss your turnaround THIS WEEK! I call you to seek Me for this turnaround, to sow into this turnaround, to secure this turnaround for your sphere and nation. Seek, sow, and secure. This is the word of the Lord to you!”

Friends I can now say with full assurance this movement has been set in motion. His will, His way, by His Spirit not man’s orchestrations. 

We’ll share more on tonight’s call. But we’re grateful for everyone in the Lamplighter family who abided by this directive. Seek, sow, secure! 

Remember it’s by sowing your seed that you take possession of the ground promised to you by the Lord. The turnaround for this season is certainly your ground to possess. 

Sealed with Seven
Remember Friday, December 7 marked the 77th anniversary of Pearl Harbor and our entryway into World War II. It was phenomenal that the Lord had us commission this movement at this time. I also had a sense, shared Saturday, that as we give we are sealing the breakthrough that has been entrusted to us. The phrase “sealed with seven” resounded in my spirit. “Sealed with seven to secure our eight.” 

Seven, of course, is the number of covenant. Eight symbolizes new beginnings. In the offering Saturday we invited folks to sow in multiples of seven just as a token that He is sealing our turnaround corporately to launch our new beginning. You are more than welcome to do the same. To make a contribution CLICK HERE.

Covenant blessings to each of you. And no King but Jesus!

Friends, it has started. Now lets roll. Covenant blessings to each of you. No King but Jesus!

To make a contribution CLICK HERE.