Year-end donation click here | Photo essay click here

In times past, we have asked you to consider donations to help us finish strong. Today, we are asking that you help us begin strong in the coming year. Many of you are considering your year-end donations to support the work of non-profits. We would be honored for you to consider us in your giving.

Looking back at 2012… what an amazing year. Jolene and I hope you are enjoying the photo essay chronicling highlights of the journey we have been on together. We are approaching 2013 with great anticipation of the Lord’s work–in the metro DC region, nationwide, and internationally.

Here are a few highlights of 2012.

Move to DC. In January, at the word of the Lord, we relocated to Washington DC… in 12 days!

Capitol Cry! We joined with Jason Hershey and the Washington House of Prayer for a 52 day prayer project culminating with the Capitol Cry Sacred Assembly on the weekend before Purim.

Lampstand Seattle WA, Lake Mary FL. We hosted two Lampstand Gatherings, with guest speakers John Benefiel, Randy Demain, Martin Frankena, James Nesbit. Look for more in 2013!

Prayer Projects. We facilitated seven email prayer projects this year! Valley of Vision & Capitol Cry at the beginning of the year, Endued with Power, Fast Forward (RPN Project), Dire Straits, Days of Awe, and the Midnight Cry project through the elections.

Davids Tent! Served as intercessory prayer coordinators for this 24/7 expression on the White House Ellipse–including 21 days forerunning prayer, and 43 days of prayer through the elections. Wednesday night prayer calls nationwide.

Bridal Canopy–Four Corners. We began the year with a prophetic emphasis on Zech. 4–hat it was time to finish building God’s temple. In 2012, the Lord brought culmination to a 16 year Bridal Canopy project! Davids Tent in DC was a signpost of this. Nationwide the RPN and HAPN facilitated projects to peg in four corners of each state as well as state capitals. After the election, a “miracle moment” to partner with local teams in the four corners of the nation and see God’s bridal canopy released.

Nationwide Ministry. Though we invested most of our time and energies in Washington, DC, we ministered in twelve states, including WA, FL, PA, NY, MA, VT, MD, VA, WV, KY, CA, OK.

Prayer Networks. We continue to provide oversight of the mid-Atlantic region for HAPN and RPN as well as serving as the MD coordinators. Grateful for an incredible team working together!

We are looking forward to working with you and walking with you in the journeys ahead. The challenges will be great–but so will the rewards. Below is an overview of fiscal priorities for Lamplighter in 2013. Please note that we present tithes and offerings to the Lord from each offering received.

2013–New Birth of Freedom. We will follow the Lord in seeing His work accomplished according to this theme. Look for prayer projects ahead!

Lampstand Gatherings in cities/regions highlighted by the Lord.

International Missions Journeys. Praying, planning, saving for trips to Israel and Europe.

Metro DC ministry growth. Governmental prayer, community. Our current lease runs til April. An honor to serve here!

Lamplighter Media growth. Including the purchase of CD/DVD burners to effectively share current messages, upgrading video capacities on web, effective email communication, etc.

Book in 2013? Many have felt prophetically that it was time for Jolene and me to write and publish a book. Working on it!

National ministry. Continuing to travel, focusing on breakthrough and awakening this season. Wednesday night prayer calls begin again this January!

Thank You
Lamplighter family, you are the best–for real! Your faithful contributions continue not only to sustain us, but advance us into God’s calling.

Please seek the Lord about a year-end investment in Lamplighter today. We’ve put it all on the line for God’s covenant dream for our land. And again, we are honored to partner together with friends of like, precious faith.

With love and gratitude,

Jon & Jolene