CROWN & THRONE CT is on! If you are in the area, join us for this strategic time! A special pre-release copy of the new book “Crown & Throne: A Field Guide for Spiritual Revolution” will be available for those who attend. Our New England schedule now through Monday, November 11 is at

TODAY WE CONTINUE in a brief overview of prophetic history related to the Crown and Throne movement and the upcoming Revolution 2013. And with Israel feeling threatened and abandoned by the emerging nuclear deal between America and Iran, it felt right to focus on God’s promises related to the movement.

Lets be clear on a few things. As this Lamplighter family journeyed together through God’s “new birth of freedom,” we watched the Crown and Throne movement actually be released by God this fall in Israel. Not a coincidence Revolution 2013 is hosting Robert Stearns of Eagles Wings, and Rick and Patti Ridings of Succat Hallel. These three are primary leaders in the dream to protect America and Israel in Christ’s bond of love.

To be “for” God’s dream of Israel is to be “for” all other nations. Israel is God’s land—the only nation on the face of the earth He cut covenant with Himself to claim. Israel is the firstfruit of the nations. And just as giving the Lord the first fruit of our provision commands His favor on the rest, so empowering God’s claim to the firstfruit of the nations secures His blessing on our own land.

Promises: Believe Them?
Confession is good for the soul. Thursday morning I ate pork—after making a promise to the Lord to abstain from eating pork for a year.

For breakfast, I had actually ordered turkey sausage with my eggs. One big bite told me that the sausage didn’t have an ounce of turkey in it. And our waitress was nowhere to be found. I finished one piece, and held the other back, asking the Lord for forgiveness.

President Obama is conveying a Mideast peace deal that protects Israel while allowing Iran to keep enriching uranium. And releasing Iran from international sanctions. I pray that this nuclear arms deal is not like my breakfast order Thursday. Where what was actually delivered was vastly different than what was agreed upon at the table.

We’ve already seen the devastating effects of false promises in virtually every arena of national policy. From purposeful deceit with health care promises to serious and continual breaches of “new transparency” in governance, America’s trust in the basic goodness and integrity of our own political system has all but eroded.

The nations have been watching. And Israel especially is now wondering about the promises being made by her most trusted ally in this mideast peace deal. Because in this deal their existential threat clearly remains.

OK… that said, here again is the prophetic promise of a new move of God that resources Israel in her most desperate hour. This cannot be emphasized enough. The vision and word below are from postings Aug. 30-31, 2013

Fighter Jets, Israel, Prayer Movement! “Crown & Throne”
I was living in Colorado Springs when I received this vision, working for Mike and Cindy Jacobs. At the time, their headquarters were there, in the same complex as the church Dutch Sheets pastored. Chuck Pierce and Peter Wagner were across town, operating Global Harvest Ministries out of the World Prayer Center. Chuck, the Jacobs, and Dutch have all moved to the suburbs of Dallas now. Generals of Intercession is now Generals International, and Global Harvest has been transformed into Global Spheres.

In the prophetic experience, it seemed as though I was on a runway near a control tower. I watched as a fighter jet took off from Colorado Springs, heading east. I then found myself in Kansas City, above a runway, watching a fighter jet take off towards the east. In a moment I was in the mid-atlantic region of the United States—I believe near Washington DC—watching a fighter jet launch towards the northeast.

These three jets then converged over New England, entering into military formation. They shot across from New England to Israel to engage in battle. I knew this battle was so important, it was literally as if the life of the nation was in the balance.

Three Prayer Movements
God brought an immediate interpretation. These fighter jets all represented prayer movements.

The first jet represented the spiritual warfare movement, pioneered by Peter Wagner, Cindy Jacobs, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, George Otis Jr. and many others.

The second jet represented the “24/7 “harp and bowl” movement pioneered primarily through the International House of Prayer in Kansas City by Mike Bickle, Allen Hood, Misty Edwards and others. Bob Jones and James Goll were key prophets whose words helped frame the movement in the very beginning.

The third jet was puzzling to me. Though I saw the jet take off—I knew this movement had not yet begun! A prayer movement with a birthing “point of contact” on the east coast. One uniquely different to the other movements, yet completely complementary to them.

Further, I knew that unless this fighter jet got off the ground, the corporate expression of the prayer movement in the nation would be incomplete. God has ordained for them to converge, and fly in formation to help empower Israel in a time of challenge.

For this reason, WE NEED A COMPLETE EXPRESSION OF THESE MOVEMENTS JOINED TOGETHER—not just for our nation, but for Israel and many other nations of the earth! This movement must get off the ground! And truly, it is.

Friends, it is this movement I feel God is now birthing in this season. Crown and Throne. A move of Holy Spirit awakening and manifestations of covenantal authority.

From this experience, I knew that a very perilous day for Israel would soon be at hand. And The Lord deeply desired for our nation’s respective prayer movements to be a strength to His covenant land and people, fighting for the life and dream He has for her and for the region.

And for the corporate grace of these national movements to be complete, an east coast prayer movement needed to get off the ground!

Movements and Air Bases
Yesterday we touched on these three prayer movements. It’s interesting how airbases correlate. At the time of the vision, Colorado Springs, where the spiritual warfare movement took off, was the host of NORAD headquarters—our military’s global war room. Hard to miss that correlation! Not far from Kansas City, where the 24/7 Harp & Bowl movement took off, is Whiteman Air Force Base. Our fleet of B-52 long-range stealth bombers is located there. To me this correlates to the ministry of the International House of Prayer in an incredible way!

And just outside of Washington DC is Andrews Air Force Base, which hosts the Presidential air entourage. To me this really seems to correlate with the Kingship authority God desires to demonstrate in the midst of the emerging Crown and Throne movement.

Lockett Airbase Secured…
As a point of interest—our friend Matt Lockett just moved the Justice House of Prayer missions base from Capitol Hill to the very shadow of Andrews Air Force Base! Of course they still pray consistently on Capitol Hill, at the Supreme Court etc. But God supernaturally provided for him to secure a massive home near Andrews… in the very season when this Crown and Throne movement is being launched by the Spirit of God! You just cannot make this stuff up…
