










To order a copy of Crown & Throne see


“The body of Christ has many great teachers and writers, but few have been required to embody the message like Jon & Jolene Hamill. They teach us, not just from what they’ve learned, but from what they’ve lived. These guys get it… because they do it! Read this book!”—Dutch Sheets, Executive Director, Christ for the Nations

“Exhilarating examples of tangible results”—John Benefiel, Lead Apostle, Heartland Apostolic Prayer Network

Thanks to all who are ordering our new book, Crown and Throne. What an honor to release it at the convergence of Hanukkah and Thanksgiving, two covenantal legacies chronicled in the book! More than 300 copies have already been purchased. And there’s no better day than today to brighten your Black Friday and pick up a few copies!

We are realizing just how true it is that the hour mandates the call. And in this season, God is raising up spiritual revolutionaries who will forge a pathway to the future, and redefine our world. You are invited into His new work!

Crown and Throne is a field guide to spiritual revolution. Our intention in Christ is to equip you for this move of God, now at hand. You will gain healing and grow in effectiveness in receiving answered prayer. You will gain a fresh understanding about the power of covenant to unlock destiny. Best of all, you will gain a fresh vision of your Redeemer, Jesus Christ, and the depth of salvation He has purchased for you and for our world. 

Crown and Throne is also an unabashed call to stand for the dream of God’s heart for America. The enemy has a “secret destiny” planned for our nation—but so does the Lord. And He is arising in this hour to rescue “Hosea’s girl” and establish the covenant He swore to our forefathers! 

Chapters include: No King but Jesus, Prophetic Signposts, Entering the King’s Domain, Shutting the Gates of Sabotage, Principles of Heaven’s Court, America’s Secret Destiny, Throne of David, Revolution God’s Way, more.

“This book, though directed toward America, can be used as a model for any nation. This is a day to overthrow thrones of iniquity. Crown and Throne takes the greatest model of our Messiah’s triumph and invokes a people today to arise with the same selfless approach to seeing the glory overtake the earth. Read! Buy for others to read!”—Chuck Pierce, Lead Apostle, Global Spheres

This is neither ivory tower or armchair theology. Rather it is a field journal of ground gained in prayer and prophetic action. The journal becomes a guide for others to pursue the goals of the Kingdom in our land or any nation–the crown and throne of the Risen King established in the affairs and life of a people”—Rick McKinnis, Lead Pastor Wellspring Church, Berlin CT

“Crown & Throne is a fresh, revelatory contribution to the prayer movement for this hour of history”—Mike Bickle, Director, International House of Prayer-Kansas City