NO CALL TONIGHT! We will resume weekly calls next week.

To order a copy of Crown & Throne see

Jolene and I are so excited to be at the HAPN gathering in Oklahoma City this week.  Pray for God’s full release of covenant blessing on state leaders, regional leaders, and international leaders gathered to strategize for the future. Chuck Pierce ministers tonight, and Rick Ridings joins us tomorrow!

Over the course of the next few weeks, we want to share with you key highlights of 2013. What an amazing year! It has been a delight to take this journey together with you. And the clear direction of the Lord for 2014 builds on this journey to focus on breakthrough and awakening in the gates of our nation.

God’s new move is advancing. And isn’t it awesome to be part!

Jolene and I are sharing the Crown and Throne message this afternoon with the HAPN family. Please bless us by praying now for us! And remember to pick up a few copies of Crown and Throne for yourself, family and friends.

Covenant blessings!

Jon & Jolene