Above: With hands raised to Jesus, Sergei Timokhin leads a Russian praise band at Davids Tent Sunday afternoon.
TONIGHT! URGENT PRAYER CALL, 9PM EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us!
To the east of Davids Tent, the battle rages. Tensions roiled as Democrats again sought to push Republican leaders into submission, extending the debt crisis to the absolute brink of global crisis.
To the south, courageous World War II vets led a charge to storm the Lincoln Memorial and World War II monuments. “Tear down that wall!” they chanted as they faced the barricades, echoing battle Ronald Reagan’s challenge to Mikhail Gorbachev. Somehow many of those same barricades soon ended up near the South Lawn of the White House.
Meanwhile, Davids Tent remains a shelter from the storm. The 24/7 vigil continued through four days of nonstop rain, with streams of living water literally pouring out from the tent at times. Black and white, Republicans and Democrats, wealthy and poor, young and old continue worshiping Jesus under the vaulted ceilings. A tangible contrast to the political climate set by the Oval Office and the Capitol!
Nations are streaming to the brightness of Christ’s rising. Right now an amazing Russian band is leading worship as a crowd of Asian believers locks into worship. The leader of the band, Sergei Timokhin, is actually a missionary from Russia to the United States. He now pastors in Nashville TN.
Before the Cold War ended, he was imprisoned by the KGB for leading a praise band. After the war, he started a congregation that soon became the largest mega-church in St. Petersburg. That’s when Jesus told Sergei to become a missionary to the land that has sent out more missionaries than any other in the world. He now pastors in Nashville. And for the second year in a row, he brought his team to Davids Tent.
“I feel that America itself, and Washington, DC, is place we need to win government for Jesus,” Sergei told me. “We need to win in spiritual battle, just as America won the battle of the Cold War against dictatorship.” He paused in thought, then continued. “You prayed for us in Russia, now we are praying for you.”
Amen. With that thought, I look forward to joining you tonight from DC as we pray together for breakthrough. It helps to know that saints from the nations are contending for us at this decisive moment.
“Even though things are attacking America from different places, from the inside and out, nothing can shake it,” according to Sergei. “America was founded for God, not even for the great American people. The Pilgrims carried this dream, and founded it on a strong rock. Nothing can change this.”
Just to be clear—my new friend Sergei had no idea I am a descendent of the Pilgrims when we talked. So in no way did I coach him to say this 🙂
PRAYER ALERT! The LORD spoke to me (Maurice Sklar) in prayer tonight to alert the intercessors concerning an imminent threat to our electrical systems in America. THIS IS SERIOUS! Fast and pray to stop this terrible terrorist attack on our power grids! I saw a vision of the East Coast of America completely blacked out, and with no way to restore the power. I am not sure whether it involves an EMP bombing attack or some other means of killing our electrical systems. But to me, it looked like a nuclear device was detonated in the upper atmosphere over the East Coast, in this vision, and just knocked out all the power. I believe that the LORD showed me this in order to stop it. We have authority, Body of Messiah, to pray in Yeshua’s Name and stop this terrible evil! THIS IS FOR REAL AND SERIOUS! Please cry out to the LORD for mercy, as we are vulnerable and a sitting duck unless the angels intervene! God have mercy on us! It was such a scary vision…and a VERY STERN warning from the LORD. Blessings, Maurice Sklar
FYI… This email was sent by Maurice Sklar at 1:30 AM on Sunday, October 13, 2013… for all to discern and pray. Helen Twite, MN