CALL TOMORROW—TURNAROUND TUESDAY! 1PM ET, March 8. Join Becca Greenwood, Chris Mitchell Jr, Melissa Medina, Jon & Jolene, more for a 45 minute zoom call with conference call prayer time immediately following. Invite your friends to join us!

WATCH ON TURNAROUNDTUESDAY.COM, Jon & Jolene’s YouTube or Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page.

CONFERENCE CALL FOLLOWING ZOOM! (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute.

REGISTER TODAY for membership on our new website

A GENERATION NEEDS GOD’S TURNAROUND. We are contending for God’s miraculous intervention to redeem a generation, and secure the sacred destiny each was created to fulfill. Many say it’s impossible. But we are not without a biblical precedent. The miracle of Purim!

At the command of Haman, a death sentence fell upon an entire generation of Jewish exiles. Esther’s dramatic intervention prevented a literal holocaust. God brought a miraculous turnaround. And He can do it again today!

Join us Tuesday, March 15 for a timely zoom call as we pray for our sons and daughters. You will hear from ministry friends who have gained genuine breakthroughs in the midst of real life. Living proof that turnarounds can still happen when we pray! 

So join hosts Jon and Jolene Hamill along with Becca Greenwood, Pastor Becky Hennesy of Trinity Church, prayer pastors Anthony and Melissa Medina, Chris Mitchell, Mario Bramnick and more as we seek God for a Purim miracle today!

“For I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your children!” (Isaiah 49:25). 

Covenant blessings to each of you,

Jon & Jolene