SCHOOL OF KINGS—NEW WEBSITE PAGE CLICK HERE. Coming this summer to Albany NY, Lancaster PA, Nashville TN, Aiken SC, Brunswick GA. Make plans now! 

June 16, 7pm, Home group ministry with Bill & Marlene Brubaker. Edmonds WA. To join us please email

June 18, 10:30 am, Kingdom Praise Church with Steve & Jodi McMullin, Issaquah WA. More info at 


Play ball! The historic game between the Democrats and Republicans is now on. Lets pray for national unity as the “Conflict of Thrones” continues. I want to commend each of you who have prayed, especially on our call last night. 

For those who missed it, across the nation last night, a dark cloud of unforgiveness and anger was repented for and repudiated after the morning’s tragic shooting of congressional leaders at an Alexandria, VA baseball field. We sought God’s face. We humbled ourselves before the Father, receiving communion together and pleading the precious blood of Jesus Christ to cleanse us of sin and heal our divided land. 

An hour prayer call quickly moved to two hours. There were tears. There was travail. And there was strong intercession for Rep. Steve Scalise, for the two Capitol Police officers, and for others injured in the shooting. This MUST continue.

Was Trump the Ultimate Target?
During Passover this year, a very powerful dream made clear we must keep watch over the “second hundred days” of the Trump administration. It’s for this reason we have all engaged in this prayer watch through the 9th of Av. In the dream I saw Tel Megiddo or Armageddon superimposed on Washington DC. And yesterday morning we almost saw a taste of Armageddon as a hate-filled shooter cornered some 22 congressional leaders and assistants with a military grade assault rifle. “It could have been a massacre,” intoned Senator Rand Paul. 

Social media history conveyed that the Illinois shooter was full of hate towards the Republican Party and the Trump Administration.

I want to make a very clear point here. This terrible shooting occurred on President Trump’s 71st birthday. It is probable that the Republican senators and congressmen practicing yesterday morning for today’s baseball game were simply more accessible targets than President Trump or Vice President Pence. THIS MEANS WE MUST CONTINUE OUR WATCH WITH ALL VIGILANCE. 

You’re a Gift to the Nation!
I do believe the extraordinary intercession the previous Wednesday and Thursday went a long way to empowering the supernatural protection of our leaders during this tragedy. The urgency was palpable. A warning to immediately pray for the Trump administration by Connie Wilson, coupled with a dream conveying a dark cloud from the White House to the Capitol, sparked this unusually strong breakout of prayer. And as with yesterday, it continued unabated well past the allotted hour. 

And when tragedy struck, with a gunman seeking to harm the Trump Administration by targeting Republican congressional leaders, NO LIFE WAS LOST. 

Lamplighter family, we celebrate your incredible resolve as vigorous defenders of our nation. You are an incredible gift of God. Yet again, the nation owes you and many other intercessors an unimaginable debt of gratitude. 

Obviously our work continues—certainly through August by directive of the Lord! And please keep in mind Chuck Pierce’s prophetic observation that we’ll have 10 months of war followed by 3 years of peace. February 2018 is really our true season of engagement on this project. So lets resolve to continue praying against character assassination as well as for the physical protection of President Trump and his wife Melania, their family, Vice President Pence and his family, and the Trump administration. 

Now lets play ball… NO KING BUT JESUS!