Redeem America, Redeem Israel, Redeem Your Family!

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REDEEM AMERICA—YOM KIPPUR 2023—Online Solemn Assembly that launched the year-long Redeem America broadcast. With Chuck Pierce, Mike and Cindy Jacobs, John Benefiel, Rabbi Curt Landry, Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Chris Mitchell, Becca Greenwood, more—as well as 50-state prayer networks.
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ONE YEAR AGO—“TURN THE STORMS FOR 2024!” One year ago, in Tampa Florida for Yom Kippur 2023, we focused on this decree while launching the Redeem America Project. Tampa faith leader Jen Mallan joined us as a co-host. The primary storm we were prophesying into was the 2024 elections, secondarily storms in the natural. The Holy Spirit had made clear they were coming: 

“Storms are coming that you cannot avert, says the Lord. But you CAN TURN THE STORM so the winds blow you, and the waves take you, in the right direction.” 

Tampa—Turn the Storm—Yom Kippur 2023
A HURRICANE had actually caused us to shift the 2023 Yom Kippur broadcast from Washington DC to Tampa FL. Why? Back in 2022, another hurricane was on a similar trajectory as Milton. It looked like Tampa would take a direct hit. We had just completed a “Turn the Storm Tour” from Florida to Boston, following the pathway of the 9-11 terrorists, asking the Lord to turn the storms the enemy was preparing in this hour. To me at least, it was as though the storm was mocking the culmination of the tour. 

Astonishingly, at the very last minute the trajectory of the storm turned. And we chose Tampa for our Yom Kippur broadcast as an example of God’s power to literally turn the storm. 

Warnings Proved TrueWas the warning true? Fast forward to 2024. Former President Trump’s life was nearly taken by a sniper’s bullet during an election rally. Instead a courageous battle cry arose in response, led by the President, teaching every American what it truly means to pay a price for freedom. 


Another sniper tracked President Trump at his golf course, but was taken down. Two storms in all. 

Then came Hurricane Helene, followed by Hurricane Milton, just three days before Yom Kippur. Two storms in the natural. The latter struck Tampa and Sarasota with a direct hit, almost a year from the Yom Kippur online assembly where we prophesied and launched Redeem America.

Turning the Storm in Real-Time
This time it had seemed the storm had failed to turn. But the reality is different. All news reports are now saying it could have been much worse. Prayer before God prevailed.

Here’s a point that must be heard though. We wanted the storm to turn before hitting. Instead prayer prevailed in the midst of the storm to turn it, to lessen its impact in real time.

Again: “Storms are coming that you cannot avert, says the Lord. But you CAN TURN THE STORM so the winds blow you, and the waves take you, in the right direction.” 

Word for 2024—Turning Storms During Impact!Here’s a word for you for 5785-2025. I almost don’t want to write it but it’s the word of the Lord. Milton was a picture of what God’s verdict for the United States looks like this year. A severe redemption. Many storms this year will be turned only after initial impact, not before. We will have to engage in real-time to see the real-time turning. 

You can do this my friend. You can face the storms ahead. We will prevail over them together. And we will become a Heaven-Rescued Land! 

Redeem America—Decree Today
Today we are joining friends for Lou Engle’s Esther gathering on the National Mall, repenting and praying for America on the Day of National Repentance. What a day to pray for America to be redeemed! And for election victory. As we honor Yom Kippur, please pray through the seven election decrees. 

No King but Jesus!
No cross, no Crown
Call 911! Restore Your Covenant Covering
Let My people go!
Heaven-Rescued Land
A New Way Forward—Jesus’ Way!
Lord, Redeem America 

Jesus we humble ourselves before You today in genuine teshuvah. Repentance, prayer, and turnaround. Returning to covenant with Him, so that times of refreshing may again come (Acts 3:19). That’s the storm we want—the blowing again of the breath of God! Hear our cries Lord. Please grant us a better verdict than our actions alone deserve. Even through our presidential elections. Redeem America. Redeem Israel. Please redeem us! In Jesus’ holy Name, Amen.