
What was backwards has been set right, the mantle has been reversed, and now I’m coming to take it back!”—Lynnie Harlow

Talk about a divine intrusion.

Worship was awesome Saturday night at the Gate. Pastors David and Tracey Ruleman were guiding Women on the Frontlines towards its finale. I was preparing to minister, seeking the Lord for clarity on what He wanted me to share.

And then all of the sudden every mobile phone in the building flashed—TORNADO WARNING. Not a watch, a warning! Meaning that a tornado had actually been spotted nearby. I looked outside the window, saw the green sky, and shouted Hallelujah!

Internally, of course. But a tornado at the Gate DC was quite a sign to us all. In this whirlwind year, God is riding on a cloud swiftly! He is releasing “swift cloud justice,” exactly as was prophesied, through the Gate into Washington DC.

Instructions were given and a storm watcher was posted. The lightning flashed, the thunder rolled! When the warning lifted, I had the honor of sharing the prophetic word God gave us for the year—the Mantle in the Whirlwind.

Beforehand, during worship, our prophetic friend Lynnie Harlow gave the following word. It was delivered from Heaven’s Throne with the electricity of lightning! And the Lord added to it later as she was praying.

Rider in the Storm
I am the rider in the storm, I am the rider in the storm, I am the rider in the storm says the Lord! I’m coming in the wind of My presence, and it’s a violent wind that brings with it transformation. I’m blowing over this Nation and the drought is being released from its hiding places and cast into the wind of my presence. I’m sweeping it away says the Lord!!! 

This is “MY” turn around year, I’m causing a great shaking to come upon this earth. For this Nation and the Nations will feel the whirlwind of my presence because I’m coming violently to take what is mine.  

What was backwards has been set right, the mantle has been reversed, and now I’m coming to take it back! The hand of the enemy has been lifted off of this Nation and there is an exposing of his tactics that’s being brought into plain sight. The racial divide will become my balm of Gilead that brings together what the enemy meant to destroy and cause great harm to this Nation. 

But the whirlwind of my presence will bring a Nation to her knees. For they will know and perceive that I AM GOD for the rider in the storm is coming, in all his Glory!

In Jesus’ Name…