1pm ET Turnaround Tuesday
November 7, 1PM ET with Jon & Jolene, Chris Mitchell:
From website https://turnaroundtuesday.com
From Jon & Jolene’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/XLrxw7Woju8?si=xGxyA5fzgvjjBFIb
From Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page:
Revolution 2023—Spirit of Elijah!
With Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, more. Hosted by Jon & Jolene. December 7-9, 2023 Whole Word Fellowship, Oakton (Fairfax) VA.REGISTRATION $45 non-refundable. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/revolution-2023-registration-742903072087?aff=oddtdtcreator
TODAY IS ELECTION DAY. I sincerely hope you are planning on going to the polls! This also means that one year from today is gonna go down as one of the most historic “Turnaround Tuesdays” in American history. And it will probably be settled only after one of the most turbulent years in American history. Biden? Trump? First Madame President Nikki Haley? Or maybe Michelle Obama?
Great questions. But the first and most important question is how the next 365 days, and the election, will affect our children. Will we be engaged in a third world war? Will our constitutional freedoms be empowered or marginalized? How will our voting protect the sanctity of children instead of allowing their innocence to continue being violated?
And here’s a question. What’s the Lord saying? How can you pray?
On these last queries Jolene, Chris and I may have some understanding. It all begins with a mandate to “COME UP HIGHER.”
Join us at 1pm ET. Lets commit these next 365 days to the Lord, and see Him complete His turnaround His way!