1pm ET Turnaround Tuesday

November 14
, 1PM ET with Jon & Jolene, Chris Mitchell:

From website https://turnaroundtuesday.com

From Jon & Jolene’s YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/live/lowC2-4KVUU?si=fs81ZAMaX7gjVgFP

From Jon and Jolene’s Facebook page:

Revolution 2023—Spirit of Elijah!
With Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, more. Hosted by Jon & Jolene. December 7-9, 2023 Whole Word Fellowship, Oakton (Fairfax) VA.REGISTRATION $45 non-refundable. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE:

TODAY THE LION OF JUDAH IS ROARING! His voice and intentions are now becoming much more clear. Covenant alignment has been mandated. Deeply embedded strongholds are about to come down. Hostages, spiritually and naturally, are about to be freed as God contends with those who contends with us, and saves our children (Isaiah 49:25). 

The prophetic word on the Lion of Judah is at the end of the post. Though it’s is good news, it also presents a challenge, especially to those who may be on the wrong side of His redemptive justice. We can see this especially as lines are drawn across the world regarding the war against Hamas in Gaza. 

DC March for Israel Expects 100,000
It’s interesting that as we broadcast on Tuesday, hundreds of thousands are going to be marching for Israel in Washington DC. Please pray. The National Guard has officially been called in to counter any violence. 

Private Briefing Today at Embassy of Israel
On Monday afternoon Jolene and I visited the Embassy of Israel for a private briefing on the war. As part of this we saw a video compilation that documented a small measure of the atrocities suffered by so many. There are literally no words to describe these heinous acts, many of which were live-streamed by Hamas militants themselves.

Warning of War in Israel’s North
Before viewing any of this, I actually awoke Monday morning weeping. This has rarely happened to me. The prophetic sense I immediately felt that war against Israel from the north is at hand. That is, from Hezbollah and ultimately Iran. I totally believe in the power of prayer to either prevent or mitigate this. Just sounding the alarm here based on what I feel the Lord was showing me.

It’s no secret the United States is already engaged with Israel in war against Hamas. If the war expands, our engagement is guaranteed to be more overt and more comprehensive. Prayer coverage like what we all engaged in this November 11 must then become a norm. 

That said, I also know that THE LION OF JUDAH IS ROARING. In the year 2020 I received a prophetic vision that conveys a clear progression to this very moment. Our Turnaround Tuesday broadcast will cover this and more. 

Who is the Lion of Judah? What does His movement mean for us? For our children? For this generation? Join us at 1pm for an unforgettable broadcast!

The Lion of Judah is Roaring! Prophetic Word Nov. 2020
This dramatic vision was recorded in our book Turnaround Decrees chapter 3, Scrolls of Your Kingship. I knew what was being conveyed was going to unfold progressively over years. And beloved, I can say with all my heart I feel the Lion of Judah is now roaring. 

And I saw heaven opened, and behold, a white horse, and He who sat on it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness HE JUDGES AND MAKES WAR… He is clothed with a robe dipped in blood, and His name is called The Word of God. And the armies which are in heaven, clothed in fine linen, white and clean, were following Him on white horses” (Revelation 19:11-14)

On a case by case basis, Jesus renders a verdict of justice for His people. Then He makes war to uphold and enforce this verdict in the earth. This facet of the King’s majesty is being unveiled to a much greater measure. He is the Lord of hosts!

As recorded in Revelation 19, the Apostle John saw a picture of this. Jesus is moving between Heaven and earth to dislodge antichrist forces attempting to enslave humanity. He is returning to Zion to take His rightful throne. And the armies of heaven are following Him, poised for the greatest battle mankind will ever witness. 

Here’s an unsettling fact. Many want to follow Jesus to the Throne, but far fewer want to follow Him into battle. Mostly because this aspect of your calling involves investment. It involves training. It involves sacrifice. 

But no battle on earth is won without it. 

The Lord is raising up His army. Gideon forces are now in training to overcome! And you and I are hereby summoned to take our places. I say lets roll!  

Vision—Lion of Judah Roaring Over Nation
Two weeks before the 2020 elections, I was in Oklahoma City for the annual HAPN prayer conference when the Lord gave me a vision conveying how He is redeeming scrolls of destiny, even for our nation. A form materialized before my eyes. I knew immediately this was the Lion of Judah. At first His appearance was translucent. As I continued to watch, His appearance increased in vibrancy and glory. Then this Lion began to roar over the nation. The manifest Presence of God accompanied the visitation.

In the midst of the vision, times and seasons began to become clear. I saw how the season we were entering was similar to the midnight hour when Jacob wrestled with the Angel of the Lord. Eventually at dawn he prevailed. Until that time darkness obscured both the form of the Lord and the surroundings of his environment. They were barely able to be perceived. 

And a word from the Lord then came. It has seemed to you that a veil of darkness has been restricting your full capacity to perceive and understand. As you now engage with the Lord, the dawn begins to awaken. Your wrestling leads to breakthrough. This veil of darkness that has obscured both your perception of Jesus and your understanding of the times IS BEING REMOVED. 

Remember names convey identity. Just as Jacob became Israel, many of you are even going to be given a new name from the Lord prophetically. The Hebrew meaning of Jacob means “Deceiver.” The name given to him by the angel was “Israel,” meaning “Prince of God” or “One who wrestles with God.” Only after this blessing was bestowed was he allowed to cross over, entering the land of Israel as Israel. 

It is the same with you. It is the same with our nation. Deception must and will be left on the other side of the river. As you enter into your new commissioning as a king and priest you become legitimized, authorized, and anointed to possess your portion of God’s inheritance in your nation. It will take a war!