VIRGINIA BEACH—SCHOOL OF KINGS! April 13-14, Gateway City Church with Pastor Chris Mitchell. For more information or to register see or simply CLICK HERE.

70th ANNIV. OF ISRAEL’S REBIRTH—and Jon & Jolene are making the journey to Jerusalem! We are asking the Lord for $7,000 to cover expenses and ministry costs over the two weeks we will be in the land. To make a donation CLICK HERE.

Swing for the stars, aim for the Son. For the past 22 days, from March 21-April 12, we have been engaged in the Spring Training Prayer Project. Now, the day has come where the training has ended. GAME ON. 

Last night, a joint operation of US, French and British military forces delivered a very measured response to Syrian dictator Assad’s use of chemical warfare against his own people. Three primary targets were chosen and demolished. This measured response is a clear warning not just to Assad, but to Russia and Iran as they back Assad and his continued leadership over this great land so devastated by the dictator’s destructive leadership. 

Red lines may not have meant much in former seasons. But they mean everything now.

God’s orchestration in the midst of these events is extraordinary. As the Lamplighter and Prayer Storm families, we watched and prayed together over the past 22 days in the Spring Training Prayer Project. We covered in depth the emerging alliance between Putin and Russia, Rouhani and Iran, and Erdogan and Turkey—as they met together primarily to rally around Assad and Syria. We mentioned that this dangerous alliance was actually prophesied in Ezekiel 38-9. And we followed with a clear prophetic word by Rick Ridings that the time for this war—ostensibly World War III—has not yet come. The Lion is roaring! To read CLICK HERE. 

Spring training. That’s what baseball players engage in to prepare for game day. As we watched and trained over this time, we knew that our game day was soon at hand. On April 9, the culmination of President Trump’s 444th day in office, I was strongly directed by the Lord to circle the White House in prayer. The word of the Lord came to me that “The circle of My covenant trumps and prevails against the circle of Baal.” Please keep in mind that Syria is the ancient seat of authority over the Baal principality. To read CLICK HERE. 

And on April 12, the final day of our project, HAPN leaders covered the trails of our nation in all 50 states in prayer. God’s promise through Chuck Pierce was that Heaven and earth will be synergized and angelic hosts released to prepare the way for the future.

By God’s design, we were in Virginia Beach that day, near the headquarters of the Atlantic fleet, on the military base in which Seal Team 6 is headquartered. On the lower tip of that base is the First Landing Park and the Founders Cross, commemorating the covenant of Robert Hunt and the Virginia Company as they committed the entire continent, Atlantic to the Pacific, to Jesus Christ. 

I personally believe it is no coincidence that our nation’s greatest forerunners in military service are also tasked as guardians of this sacred covenant.

Apostolic leader Chris Mitchell, host of our School of Kings, and Jay Comiskey of CBN joined us for this sacred time. Before the cross, we remembered His covenant and called our nation into alignment with His covenant, literally to engage in the spiritual revolution which preserves and perpetuates our freedom—and the freedom of nations. 

Watch now. With the “special ops warrior” Gideon as our example, we sought the Lord to release His angelic hosts to come alongside our soldiers and leaders for the freedom movement now at hand. We prayed for America, and we prayed for Israel at the dawn of her 70 anniversary, noting again the convergence of anniversaries of our mutual wars of independence this April 18-19.

That was April 12. Last night, while we launched the School of Kings, the strikes on Syria began.

Can’t make this stuff up.

Note again that the true “crescendo day” for Israel and the Mideast comes next Wednesday-Thursday. Israel’s 70th. Let me remind you that Syria borders Israel. And the greatest threat to Israel at this moment comes from Iran in Syria. Just imagine if chemical warfare were deployed against God’s covenant land at this time! And this is not at all beyond the realm of possibility. Israel recently shot down an Iranian drone near the Galilee. They discovered it was actually armed with explosives! To read the story CLICK HERE. 

We must keep watch. Shields up! 

Friends, it is our honor to represent you in Jerusalem for this anniversary. It is now more clear than ever why the Lord summoned us to Israel over the next three weeks. We look forward to connecting with you there. If you have not already, please consider contributing to our journey. To make a donation CLICK HERE.

The Eagle and the Bear
A final few thoughts before I need to go. Two nights ago at the Founders Inn, I had a series of dreams. In retrospect, both dreams dealt with this emerging conflict. And both dreams dealt with a choice we all must make as watchmen to fulfill our call and keep vigilance.

In the first dream, I saw a young bald eagle just learning to fly. The eagle seemed exhausted, rejected, and wounded. As I moved towards the eagle, the eagle moved towards me. In the dream we became friends. I protected, fed and nurtured the young eagle, helping to heal broken wings. And as I reached out, I also realized that by doing so, the eagle’s mother would probably sense the touch of a human and push her child away all the more. From that time forward, therefore, care for the eagle became MY RESPONSIBILITY.

In the second dream, Jolene and I were with her mother in a spacious townhome with a beautiful veranda in the back, bordered by thick woods. Jolene and her mother were on the deck, enjoying each other’s company while cooking on the grill. 

I opened the screen door and walked past them out to the edge of the woods just beyond. In the woods there was a very large dark brown bear. This bear was standing on all four legs. It was clear he was considering an attack. 

As his eyes bored into mine, I backed away… and instinctively went right back inside!

Whoa. I immediately realized Jolene and her mom were in danger. So I stepped out again, positioning myself between this bear and Jolene and her mom. I calmly informed them that there’s a large bear in the woods, and they went inside.

I’ll leave the interpretation of these dreams primarily to you. However, I do believe both dreams convey our responsibility as watchmen—and perhaps the responsibility of our nation—at this critical hour. 

A young eagle needs our help. Perhaps the eagle represents Donald Trump, who in his senior years is actually a young believer. 

Perhaps this young eagle also represents Israel, born again just 70 years ago under the wings of protection of the United States. 

Finally, of course, perhaps the young eagle also represents America herself. Including her military and intelligence communities. Body of Christ, it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY—a sacred responsibility—to watch over her, protect and defend her, nurture her back to full capacity after years of challenges which damaged her constitution. By God’s Spirit, lets stand with her and make America great again!

Now to the bear. Most of you know that Russia is often spoken of symbolically as a bear. Friends, there’s a bear lurking in the woods! Intentionally, this bear is hiding just out of sight, just beyond our frame of view, CONSIDERING AN ATTACK.

In the dream, my instincts of flight or flight got the better of me, and I ran back inside! But it took only a second to come to my senses. Whereupon I placed myself intentionally between the bear and my wife and her mom, READY TO ENGAGE.

There’s so much to this. Intercessors, as you have realized the enormity of the enemy we are now facing down, maybe you have retreated. But wife and mom are in mortal danger. This is no longer spring training. Our season now is literally DEFEND OR DIE. 

Friends, it’s time to stand.