SPECIAL CALL SUNDAY EVENING! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2018! DECEMBER 6-8, 2018 | Museum of the Bible
SPECIAL GUESTS Chuck Pierce, Rick and Patricia Ridings, Faisal Malick, and many more. WORSHIP by the Remnant Band with Jamie & Redonnia Jackson
REGISTRATION on EventBrite: $95 regular rate after Nov. 11. CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

SPECIAL NEW HOTEL RATE: Hyatt Place National Mall, steps from Museum of the Bible. To make a reservation CLICK HERE. 

FIRST—SPECIAL CALL SUNDAY EVENING! With Thanksgiving coming this Thursday, many of you will be enjoying friends and family Wednesday, preparing for a FEAST. So lets connect together Sunday evening and keep watch!

Our time at the Global Prophetic Summit has been powerful and enlightening. Jolene and I are honored to minister at 2pm this afternoon. Pray for us! I feel to prophesy into the Midnight Cry and the freedom movement being birthed in this hour. That all said… who knows what will happen!

Today I want to share with you a brief glimpse into our word and prophetic focus for 2019. Let me emphasize that this is an overview, not an exploration. But most of you know that, over and over again, the Holy Spirit has been speaking “A New Way Forward—Freedom Movement.” 

That’s His gift to the nation and nations this year. And it’s our job together to help birth this. Here are a few points. Nine, actually!

A new way forward has been decreed for the body of Christ and the nation. You most likely feel this in your bones. The blessing Jesus has granted these past two years has laid a strong foundation for what He has longed to do for decades—maybe even centuries. The time is at hand.

1. Freedom begins with a restored lampstand. Together we have been in process of seeing our wicks trimmed and our lampstands restored. That’s what this year has been primarily about. The Midnight Cry conveys both the summons from the Lord for this and also the doorway into this new reality. Lets refocus our gaze on Jesus so our bodies may be full of light!

And lets gain His 2020 vision. More than even a political year, 2020 is a covenant year. Marking the 400th anniversary of America’s covenant with the Lord through the Pilgrims. We want to see our government aligned with His covenant so that our lamps may shine. And so we may fulfill His word to be a city on a hill, a light to the nations!

So the Lord is working now personally and even governmentally to trim our lamps to shine. How? Over the previous two years, we’ve seen so much redemptive exposure that realigns us with Christ’s covenant purpose. Including the exposure of hidden pockets of racism, anger, and victimization or abuse. Lets allow His healing to flow! 

Further, we’ve all had to get our hands dirty as we disconnected our lampstands from ungodly roots and false claims on our respective lives and ministries. We are now being rooted into the soil of God’s covenant purposes. Our provision is being realigned accordingly. Watch for a perpetual flow!

2. Hanukkah 2018—God’s fire is being released. That said, NOW IS THE TIME FOR OUR LAMPS TO BLAZE! As our lamps have been trimmed and restored through these past few years, we have been relentless in prophesying a coming “burning lamp awakening.” Yet we have also been keenly aware of the deficit of God’s tangible fire in our midst. The river of His fire is beginning to flow. LET THERE BE LIGHT!

Note that God’s river of fire is also a river of justice. It flows directly from His throne of justice. Watch asHis justice movement this year becomes swept up in the current of this river. We are moving from a covenant with death empowering a culture of death to a covenant of life empowering a culture of life!

As an aside, this is why we are gathering for Revolution 2018. We feel God has promised He is commissioning us from His fire. Please make sure to join us!

3. Securing the Vineyard of Prophetic Destiny. As the Lord has worked to secure our lampstands, He has also worked to restore the vineyards of our prophetic destinies. Jezebel down. Judgement in favor of Naboth! The fields are now maturing in safety to be harvested. But these harvest fields must continue to be guarded!

4. Spirit of Sonship, national awakening, global harvest! On the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth I was sent to the Western Wall to watch with the Lord. He showed me a vision of His gavel coming down over the Temple Mount, descending through the layers even to Solomon’s Mines. For Hosea’s bride His verdict secured not just the restoration of covenant relationship, but the spirit of adoption for all of her wayward children—GLOBALLY! Watch how the Spirit of Sonship is poured out globally this year as the Lord claims His cherished children. They are coming home to Him! 

5. Midnight Crisis, Midnight Watch, Midnight Breakthroughs. The book Midnight Cry conveys a download from the Lord to position us for His work through 2020. Major warnings were given regarding coming storms, crises, and conflicts of thrones. Many in our nation have withdrawn even due to challenges we’ve already experienced! We are being called to persevere, keep our watch, receive His breakthroughs, and step into our new season!

6. Birthing Anointing—Travail of Justice. God often confronts the greatest evil with the miracle of a new birth. Lets all receive a fresh stirring of His anointing of travail. Together we will birth His justice in this season. Mothers of lightning birthing sons of thunder!

7. Unveiling the Unshakeable Throne. The days of Isaiah 6 are upon us. We are in a season of governmental shaking. And in the midst of this, God is unveiling His unshakeable Throne. Watch how the Lord restores respect for His majesty and rulership this year. This baptism of fire is a baptism in His majesty. And like Isaiah, we will literally be undone. 

It’s important to see this. A cleansing is coming to His body. Cry with Isaiah the prophet, take the coal, cleanse our lips Lord! And watch how He commissions you from the fire.

8. A New Way Forward. Why do we need a new commissioning? Because God wants to bring us together on a journey. A new way forward for America. And therefore He is literally recommissioning us—OUT OF THE OLD AND INTO THE NEW. 

More than a year ago the Lord gave me a vision of this. I saw a a golden engine of a gigantic train in a large open station. Its engines were roaring. Steam was streaming from its wheels. I realized I was seeing God’s “glory train.” And it was being prepared to roll again!

I looked to the right, and I saw men in white sheets. Klansmen. I looked to the left and I saw men clad in black, with black balaclavas. Antifa. Antifada. They were being left behind as this new movement of God’s governmental glory surged forward. 

I’ve said this incessantly. But there is NO ROOM FOR PREJUDICE in this new movement. 

That said, He is making all things new. The way we encounter God is being renewed. The wine we must drink is new—best wine saved for last! The way we share His heart and arm in the prophetic ministry is new. And even the way we influence the governmental realms is new. A NEW WAY FORWARD has been decreed. 

9. Freedom Movement. We have been praying into God’s directive for a new freedom movement over many years. During last year’s Global Prophetic Consultation I saw a vision of angels of the Lord join from every nation and continent. Heaven’s Council was convening! And the Lord spoke then the phrase “freedom movement.”

At the close of the Global Prophetic Consultation I saw these same angels being sent back to their respective nations. Each of them was given a mandate from Exodus 23:20. Returning to enter into divine partnership with apostolic and prophetic leaders to release a freedom movement in these nations. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

The movement I saw last year was brought to conception this year. On April 18, 2018. I was stunned to discover that April 18 marked the convergence of two extraordinary freedom movements which literally birthed—or rebirth—freedom nations.

April 18, 2018 marked the 243 anniversary of Paul Revere’s midnight ride.With a midnight cry, he started a REVOLUTION which secured the freedom of our nation under God. A covenant nation birthed for freedom! 

April 18, 2018 marked the 70th anniversary of Israel’s rebirth. A covenant nation birthed for freedom! 

And this convergence marked a conception in the Spirit. What was prophesied is now in the earth realm. A midnight cry. A freedom movement!

I was very aware that during our Rome to Jerusalem tour, this freedom movement was in the birth canal. This was so strongly confirmed as Jolene and team entered into spontaneous travail in the Vatican for victims of abuse. The travail continued throughout our journey. And it came full strength again in Jerusalem as our friend Rania Sayyed shared. This house of prayer leader from Nazareth received a visitation seven years beforehand in which the Lord showed her He was releasing His “Midnight Cry” in 2018! 

Can’t make this up. 

And as she ministered, this freedom movement was literally birthed in the travail of a midnight cry. 

A freedom movement has been birthed. It will be said in our time that Miriam’s prophetic vision of Jesus even from conception is finally being fulfilled. He brings rulers down from their thrones, and exalts the humble! In due time thrones will shake and dictators will fall and unprecedented numbers of people will be released from subjugation to freedom. LET MY PEOPLE GO!

But for now, know that for us at least, Hanukkah marks the date in which this freedom movement will be commissioned. I don’t know what or how. But the torch is being passed. We are being summoned together to complete the turnaround our forefathers lived for and died to entrust to us. Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit says the Lord! 

I will gently encourage you again, you don’t want to miss Revolution 2018 in DC. Covenant blessings and much love to each of you. AND NO KING BUT JESUS!