Vigilant Prayer Needed Immediately

“THIS IS OUR 911!” Psalm 91 for Israel and America. Includes prophetic overview of extremely clear directives warning and preparing you for this very hour. To watch CLICK HERE.  

CALL 911! Prophetic broadcast speaks to THIS DAY OF WAR. Sounding the alarm for Israel and America. To watch CLICK HERE.

WATCH REDEEM AMERICA! Yom Kippur Solemn Assembly Broadcast:

Redeem America Tour Continues!
Oct. 14-15 7pm Ascension Church with Pastor Jerald Freeman, Skiatook OK
Oct. 17-20 HAPN National Assembly, Oklahoma City OK
Oct. 21-22 New Life Tahlequah with Ap. Garland Thomas
Oct. 27-29 Kingdom Awakening Conference with Myles Milham, Chris Mitchell, Kingston NH

KEEP VIGILANT WATCH! A Hamas leader has called for a global jihad on Friday the 13th. There’s a significance to the call on this date that most people miss, that may give the warning added credibility, and we’re going to share about it in a moment. But first—please pray Psalm 91 over your family, your spheres, your state, over Washington DC etc. Pray for all terror attacks to be exposed and thwarted before they can be carried out. 

Declare the covenants with death and hell covering over their strategies be annulled, Baal restrained, their occult covering removed. Strategic-level intercessors you will see in a moment why we must really focus on this. 

And please pray for our intelligence and law enforcement communities! Pray for accurate, real-time  “Issachar” intelligence divorced from political agendas to be granted by the Lord. Pray above all for the Lord to KEEP WATCH! 

Friday October 13—
Anniversary of Knights Templar Slaughter

Ok. Now a brief note on the significance of Friday the 13 related to the global threat of jihad. The reputation of Friday the 13 as a “cursed day” originated after the Catholic Church turned on Crusaders called the “Knights Templar” on this date in 1307. When I say “this date” I literally mean THIS DATE. Friday, October 13, 1307 was the date of the excommunication and subsequent slaughter of the Knights Templar by the Catholic Church.

The Knights Templar were commissioned by Catholic leader Bernard of Clairvaux to take back Jerusalem and specifically the Temple Mount—hence the name “Templar.” In fact, the Templars once possessed the Temple Mount and established it as their headquarters.

In pursuit of the conquest of Jerusalem they also became known as the “guardians of the treasures of the noblemen of Europe” who came for the Crusades. In other words, they became the first global bankers. And they amassed unfathomable riches and power that threatened the Catholic Church’s power and influence. 

Through the years the Knights Templar also adopted some really idolatrous initiation rites and other esoteric expressions, which I won’t go into now. Suffice to say in 1307 many of the Templars went underground, and later resurfaced as Freemasons carrying over many of the same ritual practices. 

Again, the Crusaders known as Templars were excommunicated by the Catholic Church, and many were executed, on Friday October 13, 1307. There’s no coincidence in Hamas calling a day of rage on this anniversary—with a focus on the Temple Mount as justification for another global slaughter. It seems like tomorrow they want to do the same. PLEASE PRAY!