PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

THIS WEEKEND—ADVANCED SCHOOL OF KINGS! August 10-11, 2018, With Jon & Jolene Hamill, Martin & Cindy Frankena, Foxchase Golf Course, Stevens PA. For more information or to register CLICK HERE

KEEP THE FIRE BURNING! Please consider investing in Lamplighter. Today we are presenting you with a very special opportunity. Help us share Christ’s heart and word in real-time, releasing God’s breakthrough from Washington to Washington to Jerusalem! CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE. 

Today is 8-8-18. Remember the Hebrew word-picture for 8 forms a gate, or a bridal canopy! I am celebrating this day as a key moment in history. A day where we have been invited by the Lord to move through the gates and possess the land, establishing our spheres by covenant with Him. Please let this impact your spirit!

And this 8-8-18, lets remember Deuteronomy 8:18. The Lord gives power to gain wealth, to establish the covenant He swore to our forefathers! Lamplighter family, as you have sown in this season, you are investing in a sacred work to establish the covenants of our forefathers with Him. It’s time to complete the work that our forefathers in the faith began. From Washington to Washington to Jerusalem!

If you haven’t presented your offering to the Lord yet on behalf of Lamplighter, I encourage you to do so today. Ask Him to grant you power to gain wealth—a perpetual flow of provision—as you sow towards the establishment of His covenant in our land, in Israel, and in the nations. By praying this prayer you are coming into agreement with our prayer for you!

Because today marks a time to move through the gates and possess your covenant promise. Looking forward to tonight’s call!

Advanced School of Kings
In a moment I want to continue where we left off yesterday. But let me make a brief comment on this weekend’s Advanced School of Kings. The Lord is mandating that we grow NOW into functioning in maturity in the kingship anointing. The season is not ahead of us, THE SEASON IS NOW. And every one of us needs to be equipped and activated at a higher level. 

Note that we are keeping the group smaller intentionally to be more intentional in equipping. We are seeking the counsel of God from the council of God. Dialogue, interaction, and making new connections will be very important. I’ve heard from a few of you and we still have room if you want to come. Please don’t wait and try to register at the door. Use the link above to register now. Thank you!

OK. I hope all of you had the chance to read through yesterday’s posting on “Rome to Jerusalem—Restoring the Covenant Lampstand.” To review CLICK HERE. We are entering such a strategic season of awakening and advancement. Behold the Bridegroom. He’s coming. Rise up to meet Him!  

And lets all light our lamps with a clear focus on the journey ahead. Remember to secure oil now so that your lamp continues to shine, and not burn out! You don’t want the gates of the wedding feast to be shut before you can access this incredible window of opportunity. Lets all invest now in the future the Lord has for us. Awakening and union under His tabernacle, His bridal canopy! 

As mentioned yesterday, we believe the upcoming “Rome to Jerusalem Tour” is established by the Lord as a prophetic witness to this real-time work. He is releasing a “burning lamp awakening. Now through the Feast of Tabernacles I am asking the Lamplighter family to focus intensively on forerunning prayer for this movement. Read through Matthew 25, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins. And read through the book Midnight Cry. It will really help prepare you for this moment. 

Rome to Jerusalem—Restoring the Lampstand
We shared yesterday a very sacred mandate. Remember that the Jewish people are depicted on the Titus Arch carrying the menorah from the Temple of God in Jerusalem through the gates of Rome. The covenant people entered in as slaves. The menorah, probably the very lamp Judah Maccabee relit to reconsecrate the Temple, became plunder for the Roman Empire. 

As part of the tour, we felt the Lord calling us to engage in a prophetic action which bears witness to God’s covenant restoration in this hour. He wants us to literally light our lamps and go out to meet the Bridegroom… for a wedding in Jerusalem…  over Tabernacles! Symbolically we are seeing the Lord restore His lampstand from Rome to Jerusalem. 

A Platform for the Lampstand
As part of this journey we will host a presentation of this menorah to the Lord in Jerusalem. It will be a covenant ceremony in two parts. 

Our first presentation will be near the Western Wall, not far from the very location where Judah Maccabee relit the menorah to reconsecrate the Temple to the Lord. This will occur on the final day of the Feast of Tabernacles. 

Our second presentation, sealing this sacred transaction, will be at Succat Hallel with Rick and Patricia Ridings that evening. We believe the lighting of the menorah in Jerusalem will bear witness both to the restoration of His lampstand, and the release of His burning lamp awakening nationally and globally.

We have a location in mind by the Western Wall for this presentation. I’ve been informed that if the location is available on this date, there will be additional rental fee of up to $2000. But it is not yet clear whether it will even be available. 

Today is the Day!
I know in my spirit today, 8-8-18, is the date to put the stake in the ground for this. So I’ve made a decision. As part of the “Keep the Fire Burning” campaign, we are seeking $2000 from the Lamplighter family specifically to present this covenant lampstand to the Lord in Jerusalem. If the space is available and the terms are in accordance with what we feel called to accomplish, we will rent it for a formal presentation. If not, we will present the Lord with the menorah in an informal prayer time at the Western Wall. And the funds raised for this event will be invested in area ministries. 

Please note that no matter what, we will be presenting offerings to area ministries from funds raised during this campaign. Which means that every one of you who has invested in the “Keep the Fire Burning” campaign will be represented. Please believe God with us for the $2,000 to be raised. It is a sacred offering to the Lord. Together we are presenting this offering before the Lord in Jerusalem, so His lamp of covenant can shine!

“For Zion’s sake I will not hold my peace, and for Jerusalem’s sake I will not rest, until her righteousness shines like brightness, and her salvation as a lamp that burns” (Isaiah 62:1). 

THANK YOU for sowing into this amazing opportunity from the Lord today. May your seed propel you through the gates! May your prayers and alms be received as a memorial before His Throne, bearing witness to His covenant flame from Rome to Jerusalem. And may you in turn receive a perpetual flow of His provision, oil to keep your lamp burning. In Jesus’ Name!  CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE.