8pm Lamplighter Call

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

Dec. 7-9 Revolution 2023—Spirit of Elijah
Opening Dec. 7 with Light the Night candlelight vigil for Israel, America. With Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie Fitt, Ed Watts, more. Hosted by Jon & Jolene. December 7-9, 2023 Whole Word Fellowship, Oakton (Fairfax) VA.


REGISTRATION $45 non-refundable. To register on Eventbrite CLICK HERE: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/revolution-2023-registration-742903072087?aff=oddtdtcreator

HOST HOTEL: Hilton Garden Inn Fairfax, Oakton VA. Cost: $112/night. Phone: 703-385-7774 | Hotel reservation link CLICK HERE.

FIRST—Jolene and I hope you and your family enjoyed an incredible Thanksgiving. We are so excited to gather with the Lamplighter family NEXT WEEK! If you have not registered yet, please secure your seats. 

Revolution—Updated Itinerary and Instructions
Below is a brief itinerary. With a schedule update to provide you with options! On Friday you will have the option of joining for onsite worship and prayer in Washington DC, or attending a special afternoon prophetic session with Jolene Hamill and Lynnie Harlow at the Conference Room of the Hilton Garden Inn, our host hotel in Fairfax. 

Note that all are responsible for your own transportation. For those planning on journeying to DC, the easiest and most efficient way is to take the Fairfax metro. It’s only a short drive from our host hotel. At the Fairfax metro station, take the Orange line to Federal Triangle. Suggest Taxi or Uber to destinations from there. 

Dec. 7: 7-10pm (Whole Word) Revolution launch—with Light the Night!

Dec. 8: 10am-12pm (Washington DC): Davids Tent Worship

Dec. 8: 2pm-4pm (Washington DC): Onsite Prayer—by White House, Capitol, Supreme Court. Light a candle! 

Dec. 8: 2pm-4pm (Host Hotel, Fairfax): Real-Time Prophetic! Special session with Jolene Hamill, Lynnie Harlow. Prosperity Conference Room, Hilton Garden Inn, Oakton (Fairfax) VA.

Dec. 8: 7-10pm (Whole Word) Evening Session

Dec. 9 (Whole Word): Sessions 9:30am, 1pm, 3pm, 7pm

Light the Night—Spread the Fire!
FINALLY—LETS LIGHT A CANDLE this December 7, the first night of Hanukkah, and the first night of Revolution! Join intercessors and leaders nationwide in a virtual candlelight vigil to show your solidarity with Israel and America, with the Jewish people, and against anti-semitism nationally and globally. Below are easy ways you can connect and share. 

Here are four easy steps to participate. Light a candle. Take a picture or a brief video. Pray for the remaining hostages to come home. Then post your photos on social media, along with your prayer if you’d like. Be sure to share your photo on our Light the Night Facebook event page! 

At 8pm Thursday evening, we will host a livestream candlelight vigil as part of our Revolution 2023 gathering. 

Please let your friends know about this initiative, so vital for our hour. Let’s show the world that Israel and America were created to SHINE TOGETHER! 

INTRO VIDEO! Three minute invitation includes overview and steps to participate. Please share with all of your friends! 

FACEBOOK EVENT PAGE: Visit the FB Light the Night site! Be sure to “like” and “share.” On December 7, upload a photo of your candle!  https://www.facebook.com/events/879658630430662/?ref=newsfeed

EXTENDED OVERVIEW VIDEO! Includes clarion prophetic warnings over Christmas season from Adam Schindler, Jon & Jolene: https://www.youtube.com/live/lcIQwQCy8XA?si=87LpW6lC3vrOgz2h

DEC. 7 LIVESTREAM! Featuring live stream of vigil from opening night of Revolution 2023, with candlelight pictures from around the nation. Watch on Facebook event page, YouTube channel, Lamplighter home page.

DEC. 7-22 BURNING LAMP PRAYER VIGIL, with many continuing on through Christmas. Key time to keep watch against terrorism for Israel and America.