2-22-2022 TURNAROUND TUESDAY GLOBAL LAUNCH! Hosted by Jon & Jolene with Mike and Cindy Jacobs, Becca Greenwood, Chris Mitchell Jr, Anthony and Melissa Medina, more. Special message by Lou Engle! Location: Trinity Church Cedar Hill TX.

Sessions 1pm CT (2pm ET), 3pm CT (4pm ET), 7pm CT (8pm ET)

You can also watch live-stream at https://www.trinitychurch.org

Introducing the new TURNAROUND TUESDAY website, with vital resources to inspire and empower you as we contend together for our sons and daughters to return to Jesus. Become a member today and receive access to weekly teachings, weekly calls, more. turnaroundtuesday.com

TURNAROUND TUESDAY OFFERING! Mark the date with a generous donation. https://turnaroundtuesday.com/contribute-to-the-movement/

2-22-22 is FINALLY HERE! What an incredible date to mark the birthing of the Turnaround Tuesday movement. Please join us onsite or online as we pray, prophesy and receive vital teaching, contending together for a generation to return to Jesus! 

Also today we are celebrating the launch of the amazing TURNAROUNDTUESDAY.COM! Thank you Adam for making this dream come to pass. Please check it out!

Also, as of 2-22 Russia has officially invaded the Ukraine, just as we warned prophetically over the previous few weeks. CLICK HERE to read our Feb. 16 post “Call 911.” The demand of the hour mandates a response. What a day to be surrounded by some of the highest level prophets in the land. You won’t want to miss a moment!

God forbid, but we may actually look back as the date when WWIII began. We have long stated that 2-22-22 is a “time gate” that both Jesus and forces of darkness are seeking to access. And both Jesus and the enemy are intensely focused on the destinies of an entire generation.

The good news is that the Lord has chosen this date, 2-22-22, to launch a movement of turnaround prayer that secures this generation in prayer. TURNAROUND TUESDAY IS HERE.

Engaging in Turnaround Tuesday
Speaking of which, Turnaround Tuesdays is an invitation for you to engage in contending prayer every Tuesday to secure God’s turnarounds for your sons, your daughters, yourself and your world. It’s not just a dream. Jesus loves your sons and daughters more than even you. They can “return home” to Jesus! Our children are proof. 

The Turnaround Tuesday movement was birthed out of the Global Prophetic Summit on 11-11-21. Lou Engle shared the story of Jon & Jolene Hamill’s son’s dramatic turnaround after a year of “Turnaround Tuesday” prayer. He called the body of Christ globally to contend for the destinies of their sons and daughters. With high level prophets representing 20 nations, as well as an international online audience, Turnaround Tuesday instantly became a global phenomenon. 

Here’s how to engage:

  1. Set aside time each Tuesday to seek God’s face for your children or loved ones. Pray! And be sure to write down impressions the Lord gives you. 
  2. Pray Daniel 7:22, God’s “turnaround verdict.” Judgement in favor of the saints, restraining forces of darkness, releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom. Read through the passage devotionally out loud. Gain a vocabulary corresponding to His turnaround verdict in your favor. Ask for His verdict in your life!
  3. Pray God’s protection and blessing over your sons and daughters. Psalm 91 is a good starting point. Another amazing scripture is Isaiah 49:25. “For I will contend with the one who contends with you, and I will save your children.”
  4. If you’ve received your heavenly prayer language, pray in the Spirit over your children. You don’t necessarily know how to pray, but God does! 
  5. Connect with us every Tuesday via zoom/ conference calls, posted here on the home page. National conference calls 1pm ET, with half hour of prayer following. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Ask your friends to join!
  6. Start a “Turnaround Tuesday” group in your home, in your church, your workplace, or online. Engaging together with others greatly accelerates Kingdom effectiveness.
  7. Join the movement! Become a member on turnaroundtuesday.com to access special calls, as well as powerful resources that will inspire and equip you. And always remember—the Lord is with you for turnaround!