9pm ET Lamplighter Call! 

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CALL TONIGHT 9PM ET! Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

WHAT’S NEXT? Powerful Turnaround Tuesday video covers fresh word from Labor Day. Direct Link: https://www.youtube.com/live/K11mu7t0A1s?si=E17bSYUzmLX2wpki

ANNOUNCING REDEEM AMERICA VIGIL! From 9-11 through 11-11, 2024, with prayer covering crisis election, Israel prayer and beyond. With special Wednesday evening broadcasts and conference calls through the vigil. Beginning on 9-11!

“I AM BRINGING TO BIRTH MY COVENANT PURPOSES.” The Lord awakened me this past Sunday morning with a prophetic message that conveys both hope and warning. I heard the Lord say prophetically:

“As of Labor Day 2024 I am bringing to birth My covenant purposes in a new way. Many forerunning ministries are now entering a new birthing phase. Sanctify your houses as houses of prayer, as angelic command posts, once again! Sanctify your houses as birthing rooms where I will birth My counsel from My council chambers. As with Rees Howells on his estate, so I call you to keep My watch for Israel and America. 

And as prophesied, now understand that the world will face increasing birth pangs as My hour of birthing comes near.” 

Birthing rooms, bringing forth God’s covenant purposes. The hope conveyed here is so powerful. You and I have the awesome privilege of partnering with Jesus to see dimensions of His Kingdom birthed in the earth. Even if it means birthing in the shadow of Herod’s throne, as when Mary’s travail in a humble Bethlehem stable birthed Jesus into the world. 

Just the direction to re-consecrate our homes as houses of prayer, as birthing chambers, is so inspiring to me. Jolene and I acted on the word immediately after getting up, and the atmosphere of our home has tangibly shifted. We are experiencing a dimension of manifest intimacy with God that had previously proved elusive. Please consider acting on these invitations from the Lord as well. 

Friends, remember Jesus’ admonition in Luke 19:46. “My house will be a house of prayer, but you have made it a den of robbers.” Another translation of “robbers” is “plunderers.” We have been in a season where many “dens of thieves” and havens of protected abuse have been exposed. The collateral damage has often felt overwhelming. So many Kingdom expressions have seemingly been aborted. 

Through this the Lord has been purifying His remnant with a holy resolve. Now Jesus is fanning the flame of many barely-burning lampstands. From house to house, from family to family and ministry to ministry, a genuine and grassroots house of prayer movement is being called forth for this season. From Heaven’s council words are not only going to be broadcast, they are going to be birthed. They are going to be prayed through and genuinely stewarded into kingdom manifestations.

Birthing requires focus. As Chris Mitchell, Jolene and I all brought out yesterday, God is calling us to stay focused on Jesus. There is a realm higher than that of political conflict. And your abiding in God’s secret place is not some “escape,” it is the gateway to bring genuine impact to our world—the 2024 elections included.  

A word of caution though. The word of the Lord also conveyed that birth pangs or labor pains are also at hand. As recorded in Matthew 24, Jesus identified “the beginnings of birth pains” as wars, rumors of wars, earthquakes, famines, more. The implication from this word is that they will come with increased frequency. 

Friends lets embrace this new birthing phase. Lets adjust what is necessary and keep the vigil the Lord is requiring of us!

Next Wednesday, we are launching the final push of our year-long Redeem America Project with a two-month vigil. The launch date of course marks the solemn anniversary of the greatest existential crisis our nation has faced on our soil, in our lifetime. It is also associated with the disastrous withdrawal of US forces from Afghanistan in 2021, twenty years after the attack.

We close out our vigil on November 11, a week beyond the elections. Not only is November 11 Veterans Day, it is the anniversary of the Pilgrims’ covenantal dedication to the Lord of the land that would become the United States of America. It is so important that we honor this covenant as God honors it. 

And remember. By establishing America in covenant with the Lord, the Pilgrims were also intentionally establishing the land as a beach-head against antichrist dictatorship. That should even help with the 2024 elections. No King but Jesus!

.So lets engage. May His covenant purposes not be aborted, but instead fully birthed. NO KING BUT JESUS!