8:30pm ET Live Broadcast, 9pm Conference Call

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8:30PM ET REDEEM AMERICA! Live broadcast with Jon & Jolene. Conference Call following tonight’s broadcast! 

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Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

A ROUND OF GOLF. Though I don’t play I’ve heard it’s good for the soul. At least until it gets upended by a sniper’s rifle. For the second time in three months, Donald Trump became a target of assassination. This time it was literally in his backyard, at the Trump International Golf just across the causeway from his Mar-a-Lago home. We can all thank the Lord that, largely in answer to your prayers, the sniper was stopped by the Secret Service before his rifle could be fired.

But it begs the question. What is going on in our nation? Overall it has seemed the temperature has cooled, with most Americans responding positively to messaging from both Trump and Kamala Harris calling for a united front moving forward. This call for unity was walked out on September 11, just a day after the Great Debate, when Trump and Kamala shook hands and talked briefly at the 9-11 Memorial in New York City. 

Only four days after 9-11, Trump was targeted. 

The Crisis Election begs the question. Before a holy God, where do we stand as a covenant nation? And what is He really after for America at this time? 

Lets remember the warning vision from Cindy Jacobs that forces of darkness are seeking to X out America. Remember how the Trump golf course in Bedminster became the epicenter of an earthquake just days before the X eclipse. It was so jarring that many called it “Trumpquake.” But the warning was clear, or seemed clear then, that shakings were on the horizon. Prophetically I believe that, much like King David in his day, America is on the threshing floor. We stand between being ‘Xed out’ and recovering the greatness once entrusted to our land. To do so we need to recover our covenant covering. 

To gain understanding, lets take a look at King David’s journey. 

King David—From an X to a Bridal Canopy
Many have compared the trajectory of contemporary leaders to King David, whom the Bible describes as a man after God’s own heart (1 Sam. 12:14). Parallels seem obvious, including both the greatness David achieved and his shortcomings. This is especially true for leaders in the body of Christ. Ultimately we have been given authority in the spiritual realm to shift our land. But our seats have been greatly compromised by sin. 

As you will see, David deviated significantly from most leaders today in at least one aspect. He consistently took responsibility for his sins before both God and his people. He learned to forgive, and to be forgiven.

Lets take a moment to draw from key decisions in King David’s life that made his rulership so successful. 

First, David established personal covenant with God. Early in his life, David devoted himself to God with a covenant that directed the rest of his life. Psalm 132 forever memorializes this. “Remember, Lord, on David’s behalf, all his affliction; how he swore to the Lord and vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob…” 

Second, David restored Israel’s national covenant with God. The king’s first priority was to repair and realign his nation’s covenant with the Lord. He rescued the Ark of the Covenant from captivity. He then built the tabernacle and established 24-7 worship surrounding this sacred seat of covenant, to continually host the presence of God. 

With 24-7 worship before the Ark of the Covenant, Israel was launched into her greatest hour of history. The boundaries of the land became supernaturally protected, allowing the accumulation of generational wealth. Government and culture flourished. Perpetual innovation caused the economy to thrive. 

But key decisions nearly took David down. When the kings of the region went to war, David decided this time to stay home. And a battle of a different kind erupted. Adultery. Murder. Cover-ups. 

KingDavid also fell to Satan’s temptation to number his people. As a judgement from the Lord, a plague was released which killed hundreds of thousands. Contemplate the destruction caused by covid, and multiply it exponentially!

An angel of the Lord was actually assigned to release the plague. This angel appeared over Jerusalem, sword outstretched, hovering over a hill above Jerusalem so that the entire city could see. Appropriately, a threshing floor at the top of the hill became the X which marked the spot of their destruction. 

David fell before God and took personal responsibility for his sin. He wholeheartedly sought God’s forgiveness, even asking for the hand of judgment to be on him and his family instead of the covenant people he was leading. “What have these sheep done?” 

Both God and David knew the correct answer was “nothing.” 

The Lord is speaking to His leaders especially through this parabolic event. The choices of leaders always bring repercussions for those being led—for good, or for evil. Maybe the results won’t be so dramatic. But they will be present. And leaders will absolutely be held accountable before God. 

When King David humbled himself before God and his people, his prayer was dramatically granted. By taking responsibility and seeking forgiveness, he literally preserved his people from destruction. David was summoned to the threshing floor over which the angel hovered—the geographic ‘X’ itself. On this X of impending destruction David built an altar. The angel sheathed his sword. Fire fell from Heaven, marking the restoration of God’s blessing to His land and people. Astonishingly, the threshing floor became an altar of covenant restoration.

A generation later, David’s son Solomon built a dwelling place for the God of Israel on this same ground. You and I now know it as the Temple Mount. His father’s altar became its centerpiece.  

At Solomon’s dedication ceremony, the glory of the Lord filled the Temple. On the X, His glory literally became a bridal canopy for His people. And it was on this ground that God promised Solomon that “if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray” just as David did, and “seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will forgive their sin and heal their land” (2 Chron. 7:14). 

The threshing floor of judgement became a generational altar of repentance, answered prayer, and healing. All because David as King too responsibility for his sin. 

David took the land he loved from an X to a bridal canopy. He restored God’s covenant covering. So must we. Lets gain the higher ground once again by humbling ourselves in repentance. Amos 9:11 prophetically conveys how the legacy of King David will be offered to leaders, lands and peoples in the end times. Repairing covenant and hosting God’s presence in this manner is a prototype for us all. 

It’s time to restore His covenant covering.