CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. The American Passover has begun! Conference call number: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

REVOLUTION 2019-2020 December 29-31, Trump International Hotel. With Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs, Chris Mitchell Jr, Jamie & Redonnia Jackson, Gideon Group, more. REGISTRATION: $150 To register on Eventbrite or for hotel information CLICK HERE.  

I’M WRITING YOU TODAY FROM THE ACPE—The Council of Prophetic Elders meeting held each year in Dallas, hosted by Cindy Jacobs. So great to hear from prophetic voices who have become dear friends through the years. And there’s no better moment than now to see the Lord’s heart, word and work corporately. Talk about 2020 vision!

Speaking of 2020 vision… A year from today marks the 400th anniversary of the covenant made with God by my Pilgrim forefathers for the land that would become the United States of America. And today it’s our honor to announce the Covenant 2020 Project. We are calling for every state of the union to realign and reaffirm their covenant with the Lord. We are calling for nation corporately to do the same. And we are calling for every nation of the earth to establish their respective covenants with Jesus Christ, divorced from historic idolatry. 

And I want to rehearse today the covenant restoration that has been granted our nation as we move into 2020. 

Remember tonight His verdict is sealed, and destiny secured for the year.

Yom Kippur Verdict 2019—Sevened to the Lord! Trump, Turnaround and an American Passover
I don’t have much time to write this morning so let me present to you in brevity the extraordinary, mercy-saturated verdict the Lord has granted for America as of Yom Kippur 2019. Dutch Sheets gave an astounding message last night. He shared a series of dreams and visions, including the Passover word by Chuck Pierce on Passover compelling him to return to the places of covenant between God and the land. Emphasizing the place of first covenant.

Remember that Chuck prophesied about Plymouth Rock. We had an incredible time launching our Glory Train journey from there. But that’s not really the first place where covenant with the Lord was established. 

Note that our Glory Train journey emphasized our original covenantal foundations. We sojourned to to Plymouth Rock, land of the Pilgrims and Wampanaogs. We sojourned to Virginia Beach, where Robert Hunt and the Virginia Company cut covenant with the Lord. This covenant was repaired this year, after 400 years of defilement from a covenant with death validating slavery. And we are sojourning now through Brunswick and Jacksonville, land of the Huguenots, the first martyrs in the nation. 

An American Passover
Throughout the Glory Train journey through Georgia we’ve been sharing on God’s verdict for America through the Days of Awe. An American Passover has been launched. A freedom movement! 

Just as Moses was released into his freedom movement at the age of 80, so the year 5780 has launched a freedom movement for America, Israel, and for many nations. 

And as you will see, what began on Passover 2019 was carried through as a verdict from the Throne this Yom Kippur 2019.

America—From Jacob to Israel—Covenant Nation
Sunday morning at Remnant we re-presented the prophetic word which launched our Glory Train journey at Faneuil Hall. Remember Faneuil in Hebrew is Phanuel or Peniel, meaning “face of God.” Jacob passed over the Jabbok River and wrestled with God through the night at Phanuel, and at daybreak received his breakthrough. A name change. From Jacob, or Deceiver, to Israel!

The Lord showed us how Georgia and America have been in a season of wrestling with God. He is shifting our hearts and identity. From Jacob, or Deceiver, to Israel, a nation in covenant with Him! Now that’s a true Passover miracle

We then together received the Father’s blessing in one of the most powerful movements I have ever witnessed. And we knew this was His verdict for us. 

The Well of Covenant! Chris Mitchell Monday
On Monday night Chris Mitchell of Virginia Beach spoke a profound message on wells of covenant. Abraham’s famous well in Beersheba literally means “well of seven.” The Hebrew word sheba, or seven, conveys an oath. Beersheba means well of covenant! We sought the Lord dilligently for the wells of our covenantal foundations to be uncapped. Sevened to the Lord!

Chris then saw a vision profound in its scope. The Lord literally sat down, enthroned on the seat of our covenantal foundations!

Trump Overboard! Rescued from Many Waters
Yesterday morning we hosted a private prophetic roundtable. While praying I saw a vision which I knew represented God’s verdict for President Trump and our nation. 

In the vision I saw President Trump underwater, struggling desperately to free himself. The water was murky and dark. His feet were chained to a large block of cement. I heard this in the spirit. “They tried to leverage him, but it did not work. So they decided to throw him overboard.”

We were able to break the chains. The President shot up to the surface and gasped for breath. And I heard the Lord say, “The resurrection of Donald John Trump.

I don’t fully know what the future holds. But I do know the Lord is freeing President Trump from the trap laid for him. Not a coincidence that the demand to impeach came in the same week Trump confronted the globalists at the UN, hosted the first-ever forum on religious freedom at the UN, and decided against entering into a premature war with Iran. 

President Overboard! Yet the Lord has rescued him from many waters. Watch how Psalm 40 becomes an anthem for his deliverance. 

Grace to Complete the Turnaround!
I also watched as an old steam train rolled down the East Coast to Jekyll Island, carrying financiers who in 1910 established the Federal Reserve. The train vision shifted to the Glory Train rolling along the same tracks to Jekyll Island. This train accelerated even around a 180 degree turn, and shot back the other way. Turnaround! This was similar to a dream conveyed to Dutch Sheets about a “turnaround train” making a hairpin turn. A gavel then appeared before me, seemingly over the train. And I heard the words, “Complete the turnaround!”

From this prophetic experience I knew three things. The Lord was going to rescue President Trump from many waters. Resurrection as an act of mercy for him, and justice over his enemies. Second, we are going to see economic turnaround. 

AMAZINGLY, this all occurred just before I received a text from Israel announcing that Yom Kippur had begun! I believe the Lord is thwarting plans of globalists tied to idolatry to crash the American economy before 2020 comes to an end. Instead, according to Deuteronomy 8:18, the Lord grants His covenant people power to gain wealth to establish His covenant!  

Which brings me to the final aspect of God’s verdict for our land. We truly received a better verdict than we deserve. Mercy triumphs! 

Mercy Seals God’s Covenant with America
Last night Dutch Sheets brought the house down with a message conveying the very same word. Remember covenants with God are meant to lay the tracks to our future. Chuck Pierce prophesied for Dutch to return to the place of first covenant. He saw a door appear in Heaven over the place of first covenant, and instructed to put the key in the door to unlock this ancient path to define our future!

Dutch shared about this, then shared about a recent dream someone received for Dutch, focused on covenant restoration. Watch this now. An angel of the Lord appeared in front of the Trump International in a dream. THE TRUMP INTERNATIONAL! 

Can’t make this stuff up. As an aside, I wouldn’t miss Revolution this New Years Eve if I were you. Just sayin’…

This angelic host introduced himself as the angel who declared mercy six times over America while Dutch was praying in front of the White House. He told the person in the dream that he had been restrained from declaring mercy seven times, because seven was the number of covenant.

Last night the key opened the door to this, in real-time. We presented our pleas for mercy and freedom, joining a cry through the generations for the same. As of Yom Kippur 2019 this plea has been met with the seventh declaration of mercy from God’s throne. From the reconstitution state, covenant has literally been reconstituted. 

A new door has been opened. Mercy for America! Mercy that establishes and seals God’s covenant with our land for this hour. NO KING BUT JESUS…