PRAYER CALL TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

GLORY TRAIN LOUISVILLE! 7pm TONIGHT Sept. 6 with Bunny Warlen, Awakening Church, Louisville KY

NEW! GLORY TRAIN EVANSVILLE! Sept. 7-9 with Bunny Warlen, HOPE House of Prayer, Evansville IN. 7pm Sept. 7-8, 9am Sept. 9. 

GLORY TRAIN ST. LOUIS! Sept. 10, Life Gate International, St. Louis, MO

Dear Storm Riders,
Thank you for your persevering intercession! We are believing God to fully rebuke and restrain every devouring force set against Florida and our nation through Hurricane Irma. Lord disempower it, in Jesus’ Name! Send it out to sea! 

Lamplighter family, we are connecting tonight for an urgent prayer call for Florida and the nation. The call will be led by Bill and Marlene Brubaker. Jolene and I are ministering at Awakening Church in Louisville, but will try to connect. 

I gave a prophetic word on Sunday during the National Day of Prayer, called Friday by Donald Trump. I’d really like to share more on it but do not have the time to write it up. But the essence of it is as follows. I feel the Lord again calling us to devote ourselves to  “A Year of the Tithe,” taking Him up on His promise to open heaven and rebuke the devourer off our land. Even circumstances bear witness to the tremendous need we have to see this miracle in operation IMMEDIATELY! City by city, state by state across our nation. I’ll share more later. 

That said, tonight lets bring our tithes and offerings before Heaven’s Court. Lets remind the Lord of His covenant promises. Windows of Heaven be opened! Devourer be rebuked and restrained, in Jesus’ Name. Ichabod has been erased… now let glory be released from sea to shining sea!

Covenant blessings to each of you.