PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. 

REVOLUTION 2018—ARCHIVED VIDEO SESSIONS. With Chuck Pierce, Faisal Malick, Rick and Patricia Ridings, Jamie Jackson, Jon & Jolene Hamill, more. Eight sessions total including worship with Da’Neil Sharpe and the Remnant band. Watch or listen on all your devices! 

Cost: $25 for access to all. ARCHIVED SESSIONS CLICK HERE. 


To usher in the new year, Jolene and I had shared a pretty strong word for 2019 with the Remnant Church in Brunswick GA. At just past midnight, it was now Jamie’s turn to prophesy. He called us back up. He called his wife Redonnia back up. And then they both looked at us with a fierceness in his gaze that almost frightened us.

“It’s time. The Lord wants you to know, IT’S TIME.”

Jamie first heard this phrase over us when we had talked about coming down. Our time at New Years would mark something special. Jamie reminded us how the Lord had seated us for this season. We’re no longer in a waiting period, and neither is the movement we’ve all been longing for. No more hesitation. It’s time.

Jamie and Redonnia then presented us with gifts that would continue to prophesy into our lives. I received Apple Watch! Jolene received Apple Air Pods. At the threshold of the new year, a massive upgrade was given, representing an upgrade of our capacities to WATCH AND HEAR.

Just to make sure we understood. Because IT’S TIME.

Midnight Riders—“Tell Jon It Has Started”
I really shouldn’t have been caught off guard—by the word at least. Because I had just prophesied into 2019 from Revelation 19:11 as we crossed over into the new year. I reminded Jamie and Redonnia of two respective visions. In 2015 Jamie saw a vision of horses bucking at Heaven’s gate, yearning to finally be released to bridge the gap between Heaven and earth. The vision was so powerful I included it in our book “The Midnight Cry,” in a chapter on “the Midnight Riders.” 

Not a coincidence I was prophesying about the midnight riders at midnight as we entered into 2019. 

During Revolution 2018, Redonnia saw a vision of Jesus riding through the Trump International conference hall on a very fierce white horse. Others said they saw the hall filled with white horses. It seemed as though the Lord was giving a corporate sign that Heaven’s gates were now open. His freedom movement had been released. 

The next day Mary Creswell came to me with another vision of white horses, which I believe she received around that same time. I shared this originally in our 12-12 posting on Revolution 2018. To read the post click here. In her words:

The white horse enters. Behind it was the Heavenly Host. Bob Jones was a part of them. He said, “It has started, it has started.” I asked, “what”, he said, “tell Jon it has started.”

Bob Jones got up and set the clock hands ahead and he wound the clock so we would lose no more time. 

“Tell Jon it has started.”

Most of you who follow these postings know that Bob Jones prophesied the restoration of God’s glory in what came to be known as “the Glory Train prophecy.” It conveys an end-time move of awakening. 

And in 2015, we were right at the threshold. As we embarked on the Glory Train journeys in 2016 and 2017, I knew we were forerunning the release of what Bob had been shown. 

And now, I believe the Lord is making it clear to all of us that His long-prophesied movement has now begun. A new way forward. What a way to enter into 2019! God even gave me a watch. Interesting that it came almost fully charged… with the clock wound up so we would lose no more time. This watch will continually bear witness to me that this movement is now longer in the future, it is now! Very simply…


In the Third Year of Cyrus
So our time in Brunswick proved unusually significant. We stayed at a home owned by a man named Gabriel Speaks. And amazingly, the revelation poured out by the Lord at Gabriel Speaks’ home directly correlated. Jolene innocently opened her Bible, and it fell on Daniel 9 and 10. You might remember how the angel Gabriel visited Daniel the prophet in a breakthrough after 21 days of fasting and mourning. 

I bet you didn’t notice this though. Get your prophetic glasses on, and let the passage blow your mind. 

“In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar; and the message was true and one of great conflict, but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision” (Daniel 10:1).

Did you catch it? In the third year of Cyrus’ reign, Daniel was visited by the angel Gabriel, bringing revelation to him. 

When Jolene and I read this, our jaws dropped to the floor. Because the most prominent prophetic word about President Trump is that he is a Cyrus for this hour. I believe Lance Wallnau first shared this word back in 2015. Coins featuring Trump and Cyrus have even been minted in Israel to celebrate our President’s decision to honor Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. 

And President Trump is now about to begin his third year of reigning. 

New Way Forward Prayer Watch
Friends we’re in a new way forward. We’ve been sharing repeatedly that this road to 2020 is a Revelation Road. And as we enter 2019, this third year, Jolene and I both sense that the Lord wants to release clear end-time revelation to set us on this new way forward. Even angelic hosts will be released towards this end! 

Our primary job is to focus on the Lord and open our spirits to receive His revelatory word. But how? Glad you asked. The passage continues…

“In those days, I, Daniel, had been mourning for three entire weeks. I did not eat any tasty food, nor did meat or wine enter my mouth, nor did I use any ointment at all until the entire three weeks were completed. On the twenty-fourth day of the first month, while I was by the bank of the great river, that is, the Tigris, I lifted my eyes and looked, and behold, there was a certain man dressed in linen” (Dan. 9:2-5).

We’ll share more on this as we enter this next phase of our watch. But Jolene and I both felt strongly directed to fast as Daniel did, culminating on the 24th day of the first month. That’s January 24. Three days into the third year of Trump’s presidency. 

For now I will only just mention the revelatory quandary that kept me up much of the night. Right after I paired my new Apple Watch. I am simply in awe of how the Lord orchestrated Daniel’s experience during the third year of Cyrus’ reign even to prophesy into the third year of our present-day Cyrus’ reign. It’s almost quantum in scope. You just cannot make this stuff up.

So from January 3-24, we are launching into the New Way Forward Prayer Watch. The second phase of the River of Fire Prayer Watch. Lets move together in this, to receive and act upon Throne Room revelation that launches us together into this new way forward.


No King but Jesus…