
“America, you think you’re flying free, but you’re actually free-falling. And the restraints meant to protect you are gone.”

Jolene’s prophetic message yesterday was a plumb line for us all to evaluate our government, our culture and ourselves. I can tell you we both have taken the word seriously, repenting personally for where we have cast off the Lord’s restraint.

And I can tell you we weep. Because perceiving our nation through this plumb line not only brings clarity, but also sobriety on where we could be headed.

Questions abound. Is the sabotage deliberate, or does our leadership simply need to grow in competence?

And what, if anything, can we do? Lets start there first. Because a unique vision the Lord gave me than a decade ago, before I met Jolene, will help clarify both how to pray and what to expect.

Vision of a Free-Falling Bride
A married friend was having an affair. I was part of a team assigned to help her through, and my primary job was to intercede for her and her family. The standard solution—repent, break ungodly soul ties, restore your relationship with God and family, walk in accountability for a few years—was being consistently blown out of the water by the enemy, with this lady’s full agreement. She simply refused to see the deception she was believing and perpetuating.

One day while praying, I had a vision. This lady was standing at the top of a very elegant staircase in a wealthy home, wearing a new wedding gown. She was about to fulfill her dreams and marry the man she had been cheating with. All of the sudden she raced down the stairs and right out the mansion’s door!

That’s when she discovered this elegant home was actually the top floor of a skyscraper. She blasted out the door and over the ledge before she even realized what was happening.

She was free-falling.

In the vision I realized I was holding a large elastic band, similar to a bungee cord, that was also attached to this runaway, airborne bride. My job was to hold the elastic band while she fell. I knew this band was uniquely fashioned to lessen the impact of her fall. After falling 28 stories she would indeed experience pain—but she would not die.

Picture of Your Intercession
Friends, that’s a picture of what your intercession accomplishes for your friends and spheres of authority—even for your nation. Due to wrong actions and open deceit, many are racing through doors of delusion—we like to call them gates of sabotage—only to find themselves in a free-fall.

Your job is to not let go of the life-line of prayer the Lord is holding out in the middle of the crisis. Through your intercession the severity of consequences can be lessened, lives can be preserved, and the crisis itself can become a springboard for ultimate restoration in Jesus.

And then equally important, you must obey the Holy Spirit when He tells you to let go. God is the Redeemer, not you. That’s a hard lesson to learn, for intercessors especially.

My friend really suffered. She lost her husband, lost her children, lost her job, and almost lost her life. She and her guy never got together. But from what I heard, the reality check mattered, and she knew she was spared by God. Eventually she came to the place where she took ownership both of her sin and her need for Christ’s redemption. That began a process of restoration that is awesome to see today.

We Left God for the Wrong Guy
For many reasons, I knew then that this woman in my vision represented our nation, and also the body of Christ in our nation. With Jolene’s word a decade later, it is amazing to see how we have come full circle.

We left God for the wrong guy. And the consequences of our choices are fast approaching us.

We are currently spending without fiscal restraint. Our borders remain open and porous, without protective restraint. From Supreme Court verdicts to our educational curriculum, government has mandated that the boundaries of our sexuality be completely open, without moral restraint.

And even in the face of Ebola, one of the deadliest diseases ever faced by mankind, the experts hired to protect us are insisting on keeping the gates open to nations where the disease is multiplying exponentially. Without restraint.

Make no mistake, lawlessness and sabotage are by no means embraced by the majority of every-day Americans. That’s why the majority of the nation is now seriously troubled with our state of affairs.

Thank God America is finally waking up, even if we’re in mid-flight and headed for the pavement. I sincerely hope it’s not too late.

Five Major Mistakes
In my estimation, for a while now we’ve been operating as a nation in open defiance of God and His ways. It’s as if we’ve deliberately positioned by the enemy, and those who have bought his lies, to provoke His judgment. Here are five major ways in which this is true.

  1. Defying God—Casting off spiritual and moral restraint while marginalizing Judeo-Christian values, and openly persecuting those who hold to these values.
  2. Defying Justice—Consistently practicing extraordinary deceit and cover-up while deliberately restricting Constitutional freedoms, including freedom of the press.
  3. Defying Allies—Betraying longstanding allies while forming ungodly alliances, even—and especially—with radical Islam.
  4. Defying Boundaries—Our hesitation to defend boundaries against existential threats will continue to cost us dearly.
    In approaching Ebola, we should have learned from our mistakes with ISIS in Iraq. Once you let an enemy army cross a border, it will do everything it can to take over. And your warfare must shift from perimeter protection to close combat.
  5. Defying Reality— Instead of responding appropriately, we are being taught to defy reality by attempting to define reality apart from truth. According to the delusions imposed upon us, by casting off restraints one would think we are actually flying. Instead we are actually free-falling. And the consequences will eventually catch up to us.

From Heaven’s perspective, your intercession is the last line of defense to mitigate disaster and forge by the Spirit a new beginning.