Rebroadcast! Turnaround Tuesday 1pm ET

July 18
, 1PM ET with Chris Mitchell, Jon & Jolene:

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TODAY IS A SPECIAL REBROADCAST of a powerful episode straight from God’s heart to yours. A word from the Lord that He is not done with many that we written off. This is for your neighbors, your friends, your leaders, your parents, your nation. 

But it is first for your children. Don’t give up on them. God’s not done writing their redemption story! 

Maybe you’ve read through this post before, or you’ve already viewed the broadcast. I guarantee the Lord will speak to you afresh! And your faith to overcome challenging situations will soar. No King but Jesus! 

Watch & Discern—Active Engagement
If you are pursuing greater vision, or a greater manifestation of your covenant promise, a secret technique from the prophet Daniel will accelerate your answer. Daniel simply declared, “I kept watching.” He persevered in his watch. 

That’s the key! Watching effectively with the Lord is an active experience, not a passive one. It’s hard work. As recorded in Hebrews 5:14, the Apostle Paul observed that we sharpen our capacities to discern good and evil by practicing. By learning. By active engagement! 

Discernment vs Fault-finding
Discernment by the Spirit has too often been confused with fault-finding. It’s an easy default, and we are all susceptible. Many see it as an easy way to project power, to appear more competent, to regain the upper hand. Sometimes it becomes an excuse to disengage. Note that the practice of condemning or invalidating others to magnify themselves is a defining characteristic of the political spirit. An obvious stronghold in Washington DC. 

But you don’t have to live in our nation’s Capitol to fall prey. We can all get trapped in this vortex, without even knowing. We judge, and invariably become judged. Our hearts grow stony. Our love grows cold. Even with our children.

Well the Lord desires a turnaround! He wants to remove the heart of stone out of your flesh, and give you a heart that is tenderized in love once again. Forgiveness is a real key. 

Did you know this restoration process is integral to any fast that you want God to approve? Check out Isaiah 58. “Behold you fast for contention and strife… If you remove… the pointing of the finger and speaking of wickedness… then your light will rise in darkness…” (Isaiah 58:4, 9-10). You want that!

The Pure in Heart See Him
During the beginning of the Watch of the Breaker fast the Lord began to reveal my own susceptibility to condemning others. It took me by surprise. Being vulnerable here. The Lord was very kind to my heart in convicting me with a dream rather than a conversation. He bypassed any opposition I could have given. “Not me Lord. I’m not like the other guys!” 

Remember the Lord is handing out contact lenses to restore and enhance our vision—of Him, ourselves and our people. The shofar is sounding to help us gain the higher ground. God’s demand is that we rend our hearts and not our garments of ritual or self-protection (Joel 2). It’s for our own good. Because only the pure in heart truly see Him.

“I AM Coming Through for Many You’ve Written Off”
As mentioned, this is what the Lord told me regarding the dream I’m about to share with you. “I am coming through for many of the people that you’ve written off!” He is continuing to write their redemption story.

Please note that many is not all. Some will simply walk away from their opportunity of a lifetime. This really hurts. But Jesus still gave Himself to them wholeheartedly, and at least in prayer we should keep a door open as well. 

Because how He feels about them has not changed. Part of the “breaker anointing” is breaking through our barriers of self-protection so that we can genuinely see. And rend our hearts.

Here’s my dream.

Dream—Watching Over the President’s Child
A major prophetic leader had convened a big gathering in a large, gilded ballroom. It was as much a social gathering as a spiritual gathering, and deep inside I felt out of my element. 

A certain former president was there as well as his son. He was much younger in the dream than he is now. A little child with a stocky frame, thick blond hair and a boundless curiosity. 

Unusual for a child, he was dressed in a suit. He walked in a way that, to me, made him appear very serious. But it was also clear he already had a mischievous tenacity to color outside the lines.

Although he was young and had to be escorted around, he seemed a lot less immature than I remembered him. I was one among many asked to keep watch over him. 

He looked over at me. For some reason I lowered my eyes as he walked past, into a side room. In the dream I literally thought, “I don’t want to go in there, I’ve come too far just to spend the night watching over a child.” 

The child’s shoes really stood out. I thought, wow! They looked comfortable but kind of tacky. Then when I looked down I realized I was wearing the very same shoes he was.

Almost as soon as the door closed, giggles filled the room. There was much more hilarity inside the private room than in the ballroom. How did I just judge him for being too serious?

Distant Connections
Then I began to connect with others in the ballroom. At first my interaction was welcome, but soon people seemed to become distant. Or maybe I was becoming distant. 

A lady I recognized, taller and skinny, walked over towards me, nodding and smiling. My defenses immediately went up. I worried people could take such a warm greeting the wrong way. She discerned this, nodded, then walked right past me. 

Then she turned back, looked me in the eyes, and said, “You don’t hug people any more. I want to be around the ones who welcome me with a hug.” 

My first instinct was to explain to her that a married man giving a hug could be taken a wrong way. That’s what I was thinking as a proper excuse. 

But there was more to it. Sometimes it was simply easier to be distant. Out of self-protection, my approach had become a little cold, even towards dear friends. The dream conveyed that they were sensing it. 

Then a Prophet Started Soaring—Before My Eyes!
Then the prophetic leader who had convened the gathering came over. We began to catch up. With all the tumult regarding presidents and the prophetic in 2020, I found myself very nervous.

Suddenly God began to move. This prophet was lifted off the ground and floated slowly in the air. Like, to the very top of the hotel ceiling!

It seemed like the most natural thing to be conversing with this ascending, soaring prophet. And then poof, the prophet vanished. Translated into another dimension, right before my eyes! 

“This has been happening all the time,” said the prophet’s spouse, eyes filled with wonder. “I never, ever get used to it!”

Then I woke up. Before I even got a chance to pray about the dream, a phrase entered my mind. “God is not done with the people you’ve written off! In fact, God is coming through for many of the people you’ve written off.” 

And before I could argue, my heart began to break. Or at least the shield over my heart began to break. Tenderness and tears have privately overtaken both Jolene and me virtually every day since. 

Time to Break the Cycle
God is love. By making us in His image, He created you and me to be loved. To be cherished, appreciated, and nourished. We love being loved. At the core we love to love. That’s a really good thing. 

Except when our love becomes violated. Then it really hurts. And in our quest not to hurt like that again, sometimes the direction of our lives trends towards self-protection, even if we are unaware of it. Discerning can become judgmental, jaded. Unforgiveness piles up unknowingly. And we start to write people off.

Beloved of God, lets break this cycle! It’s time to come out of the wilderness and possess the land of your covenant destiny. Forgiving those who’ve offended you is a major first step. Asking the Lord to forgive you for embracing the criticism of others is wise as well. 

Let Him cleanse you. Pray for the people you are tempted to write off. Ask Jesus to show you His vision of them—who they really are to Him. You will find your own wilderness breaking and your heart becoming restored. 

The great news is that God is not done with the people you’ve written off—your children included. In fact He is still writing their redemption story! Lets come into agreement with Heaven’s scrolls over them. Pray them into manifestation. And to the extent you can, impart these scrolls of prophetic invitation in a spirit of love and truth. 

Sometimes all it takes is a warm welcome, from the heart.