Thrones of Glory and a Glory Revolution!
2017 Prophetic Overview by Jon & Jolene Hamill | Prepared for ACPE

“When Ronald Reagan came on the scene, everything changed. And friends, that’s exactly what the Lord is offering our nation today. A turnaround window of this very magnitude, catalyzed by a new move of the Spirit of God.” 

These words closed out our 2016 “Conflict of Thrones” prophetic overview. And they provide the framework for 2017 as the Conflict of Thrones continues. Perilous times are still at hand. But the good news is that a window has opened for a revolutionary societal turnaround with a move of Holy Spirit as the spiritual undercurrent and overarching influence of our land.

It’s no coincidence that even the media are calling Donald Trump’s election a “revolution.” This societal turnaround has actually been released as a verdict of justice from God’s throne. It is much bigger than any election or political party. Truly it’s a move of God. An exodus from subjugation into freedom. A Glory Revolution.

Igniting the Glory Revolution
On the Glory Train tour, we gathered on the anniversary of Paul Revere’s ride to see this Glory Revolution released. Cindy Jacobs first prophesied the phrase in a commissioning prayer at the outset of our tour. And she joined us at Faneuil Hall Boston, the womb of the Revolution, to release it. It was a watershed moment for us, as 16 years earlier Cindy had prophesied that we were spiritual Paul Reveres. Holding out a burning lamp, declaring from city to city, “the Lord is coming!”

Revere rode and ignited a revolution. I knew the Lord had summoned us together to do the same. The igniting of a revolutionary shift in our land and governance that would restore us to our covenantal foundations, to the Constitutional balance of power.

Further, I knew by the Spirit the launch of this Glory Revolution would signal the dethroning of a major principality tied to freemasonry and the occult. By verdict from Heaven’s court, it was time for turnaround. On the anniversary of Revere’s ride, a new Glory Revolution was ignited.

Daniel 7:22—God’s Verdict of Justice
The legal basis for this was a verdict from Heaven’s Court, also received at Faneuil Hall two years before. On 7-22, 2014 the Lord summoned us to this womb of the Revolution for the covenantal release of a verdict we did not know we needed. Daniel 7:22. His verdict of judgement in favor of the saints. Restraining an antichrist spirit and releasing the saints to possess the Kingdom.

It turned out Cindy Jacobs had also prophesied into this gathering—months beforehand, to our friend Linda Clark. She prophesied to Linda that I would write a “re-establishment clause” which would impact our entire nation. I knew nothing of this until I called our friend to ask her assistance with what the Lord told me.

And the verdict that followed, the “Reconstitution of the United States” or the “Turnaround Verdict” based on Daniel 7:22, became the legal precedent for the opening of God’s window into the new season. “…The Ancient of Days took His seat, and judgement was rendered in favor of the saints, and the time came for the saints to possess the Kingdom.”

The Glory Train and the US Elections
Though not focused on the elections, the Glory Train-Turnaround Tour was marked by an unusual authority both to convey God’s desire for the elections, and even to lay tracks for His desire to be secured.

It all began on January 5, when Lord gave me a dream in which Donald Trump had won a contract to restore the Department of Homeland Security. In May, another dream came. Donald Trump was leading batting practice as the coach, owner and star player of a baseball team. As the team walked off the field, two white horses suddenly appeared from Heaven. We knew they represented the “horsepower” of God’s turnaround.

Here are a few highlights of the tour related to the election:

  • Wisconsin, the Conductor State. On Election Day, Wisconsin became the state that put Trump over the top. The Lord spoke to us on April 20 that Wisconsin was the “conductor state” which would either direct America down the right tracks or the wrong tracks.
  • Pennsylvania, the Turnaround Womb. Pennsylvania’s turnaround secured Trump’s victory. On Tuesday, April 22, Jolene prophesied in Pittsburgh that Pennsylvania was God’s “Turnaround Womb.” She saw the hand of the Lord come to a womb with a breached baby and turn the baby around. Later in Philadelphia, she saw how the baby was now “crowned” for birth. We were led to prophesy a “new birth of freedom!”
  • Trump Turnaround. Very unexpectedly, our Glory Train tour was routed through the Trump Towers in NYC. A friend from Washington DC had been hired by the Trump campaign in NYC. After the damaging tapes had been released she called and asked us to come pray onsite at Trump’s campaign headquarters. We prayed Daniel 7:22, God’s turnaround verdict. The timing was absolutely unmistakeable. Our friend soon texted, “It all shifted from the week you came—literally.” What an honor! “The Ancient of Days took His seat, and judgement was rendered in favor of the saints, and the time came fore the saints to possess the Kingdom” (Daniel 7:22).
  • The Michigan Mantle. Finally, Michigan became the 50th state and last stop of our 2016 Glory Train-Turnaround Tour. We finished a day before the election in the very state where an African American bishop had earlier mantled Donald Trump for the presidency. Amazingly, even Michigan turned!

I could share so much more. Suffice to say, the hand of the Lord was intricately involved in every facet of the revolutionary turnaround now shaking America and the nations. And the election victory of 2016 is simply a first fruit of God’s work. The victory belongs to Jesus, and to each and every Christian, known and unknown, who stood for His dream.

Justice Turnarounds Set in Motion
Analysis of the US election has singled out the evangelical voter as the primary catalyst of the election turnaround. Therefore one of the most important results of this election is that respect for the evangelical community has now been restored.

I believe clear moral compromises prior to the 2008 election, involving even the head of the National Association of Evangelicals at the time, brought the marginalization of the evangelical voice. Perhaps even an act discipline from the Lord. Dramatic societal changes soon followed which we had no power to stop.

In the midst of our tears, prayers and repentance God granted mercy again, and rendered a verdict of justice in favor of the saints. This reprieve is also His justice. I just pray that we don’t repeat the cycle.

As a result of this turnaround, we can now anticipate:

  • Re-Constitution of the Supreme Court. The nomination of Supreme Court jurists who favor a literal interpretation of the US Constitution and a preservation of the balance of power between the three branches of government.
  • Turnaround for Life. A turnaround regarding late-term abortion, and perhaps even Roe v Wade.
  • Justice for All. The vote represented a wholesale rejection of deception and corruption by our leaders. We have seen a restoration of resolve by America to hold all our leaders accountable.
  • Bad Deals Trumped. Major course corrections regarding the Iranian Nuclear Deal and the Trans-Pacific Trade Deal.
  • Overturn the Onslaught. The restoration of Homeland Security, military and the intelligence communities. Gates of sabotage shut to secure our porous borders and protect our nation.
  • Globalist elites—the bubble pops. The tracks have shifted, the power base has shifted from the empowerment of globalism to honoring the sovereignty of our nation.
  • Never rooted out again. Trump’s stated policy on Israel upholds the sovereignty of the nation of Israel.
  • Voice Restored. The restoration of the evangelical voice of influence within the  government, the military, and the broader culture of America. Which, by the way, means we should exercise this voice to immediately emphasize clear justice issues precious to God’s heart.

Towards 2020—Thrones of Glory!
Let me remind you of another word from 2016. I felt the Lord wanted us to focus our eyes of faith way beyond 2016—actually to 2020. Because this year God is opening a limited window for national turnaround, in which He desires to lay new tracks for our future. And if we’re going to maximize this opportunity we cannot be short-sighted. We need 20-20 Vision!

The year 2016 truly was the “Year of the Vav.” Across the nation we literally staked our claim to God’s covenant destiny for our land. More stakes, railroad ties etc were driven into America as a whole, and Washington DC in particular, than at any other time in history.

The Hebraic year 5776 conveyed this. The number “6” or vav is pictured as a stake, or a tent peg. It is used to join two realms together. As a word-picture, vav conveys covenant. But it is incomplete. The Hebrew year “7” or Zayin conveys both completion and covenant. And it is portrayed as a vav that is crowned!

In 5776, we staked our claim to God’s covenant. This year, 5777, God is crowning our vav—our covenant commitment–with His glory and His government! Thrones of Glory will be emerging to reflect this. I love how the prophet Isaiah conveyed this. “I will drive him like a peg in a firm place, and he will become a throne of glory to his Father’s house!” (Isaiah 22:23).

Not a coincidence that Trump is a builder. He is conveying the release of a new season for the body of Christ and nation. Beloved it’s time to build!

Here is an important word. The movement that began on 07-07-07, a global release of the divorcement of Baal and restoration of covenant with Jesus Christ, is being crowned by Heaven over 5777. Covenant has been restored! We are entering through the turnaround window God has opened. We are now moving into the establishment of God’s covenant in the United States.

Pegging in God’s Glory
I’ll never forget when God began to speak to me about the “Crowned Vav” this coming year. The backdrop is important. The Lord spoke this to me in August 2016, while Jolene and I were attending a DC gathering of Christian leaders connected to Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust memorial. And we were praying for the global tide of anti-Semitism today to be stemmed, for God to remember His covenant and bring a turnaround.

On September 11, we journeyed to Jerusalem to “peg in” the Glory Train on Mount Zion. It was our “911 Call” to Him, believing God for His Glory Revolution to usher in His course correction for America and the nations.

Watch how Thrones of Glory are established at a new level in Jerusalem, marking this June the 50th year of Jerusalem’s reunification under Israeli sovereignty.

Call 911! Prophetic Perceptions from Jerusalem
Our time in Jerusalem brought several more prophetic perceptions by the Spirit of God. Here are a few:

A shaking of the nations, like the shaking required for the almond tree harvest. Shaking the nations, and filling His house with glory!

An Uncorrupted Priesthood restoring the Ark of the Covenant. The Lord spoke this to Jolene at Shiloh, where Samuel was raised to serve the Lord. Watch for continued discipline and refinement within the fivefold ministry as corruption, sexual sin, compromise and idolatry of Eli’s sons are exposed. The good news is a Samuel generation will arise. An uncorrupted priesthood will restore the Ark of God’s national convent with nations to the Lord.

Call 911! The Tabernacle of David Movement Shifts. A 24-7 prayer movement and a prayer movement to repair breaches with the Lord and His people are now UNIFYING. The Lord is focusing us on the priorities conveyed by the rest of the passage.

  • Seeing “Edom,” or the Muslim world, and all the nations, possessed by God.
  • Harvest will be accelerated in this turnaround window. The mountains surrounding Shiloh are literally dripping with sweet wine right now, with vineyards for the first time in thousands of years!
  • The Jewish people restored to the land of Judea and Samaria will never again be rooted out. Through this very passage, God is asking us to stand for a sovereign and undivided Israel. A nation founded primarily by Holocaust survivors, whose growth has come from the dispersed and persecuted Jewish population of the nations, must be allowed to grow into the fullness of God’s covenant dream. In fact, you really can’t embrace the prayer movement prophesied through Amos 9:11 without embracing these other restoration mandates.

The Rise of Davidic Judaism. In Jerusalem the Lord spoke to me about a new movement He is bringing forth within Judaism. We’ve seen orthodox Judaism, we’ve seen Messianic Judaism, but the Lord is bringing forth a movement of Davidic Judaism, focused on a hunger for the God of Israel and pursuit of intimacy with Him, inspired by Israel’s greatest king. It is literally an exodus, a “glory train journey” leading to the discovery of the Son of David, Israel’s Messiah.

New season of innovation, building, economic advance. I saw in a recent dream a family downsizing to free up money that would allow them to invest in extraordinary opportunities they were being presented. We have entered a season where investing in your future will secure great dividends! Significant new innovations and inventions were conveyed through this dream. Watch for the midwest and the rust belt to blossom in this. The dream conveyed Ohio.

Turnaround 2016—Glory 2017!
Much of the Glory Train-Turnaround Tour was framed by a prophetic word on the Glory Train by Bob Jones. This word described the restoration of God’s glory to America. It became the last overarching prophetic word to our nation before Bob died. We are so grateful for the partnership and assistance of Bonnie Jones, Bob’s wife and a significant prophetic voice herself, on this continuing Glory Train journey.

Bonnie prophesied to us that 2016 would mark “the year of the turnaround,” based on the promise of Jeremiah 33:11 that God would cause a turnaround for the land from its captivity, and restore it as it was originally.

She then prophesied that 2017 would mark the restoration of God’s glory in a significant, unmistakeable way in the United States.

March 2017 marks the 40th anniversary of Bob’s prophecy that “Ichabod” had been written over the door of the American church. Though there has always been a witness of the glory since then, we can see the lifting of His glory and the cessation of major moves of His Spirit as measured discipline for corruption and idolatry within the church. She told us that Bob always believed that this measured judgement would be lifted in 2017. And that God’s glory would be restored.

Crown & Throne Movement Takes Flight
In this year of the Crowned Vav, the Crown & Throne movement is set to finally take flight—even internationally! We’ve had a few test runs, and even a collaborative implementation throughout the 2016 election. Truthfully, throughout 2016 we were so busy “doing” Crown & Throne that we didn’t have time to teach Crown & Throne!

We are so grateful that through partnership with the Lord, clear vision has brought consistent results, centered on covenant, that have redefined our world. Now is the time for an acceleration.

A major priority of this Crown & Throne movement is shutting the gates of sabotage through healing and deliverance from generational bondage. Zechariah 3 is being emphasized to release God’s kings and priests into freedom and prepare them to reach the fullness of their call.

In its entirety, both the book Crown and Throne and the movement Crown and Throne are entirely focused on the process of establishing thrones of glory–in hearts and from region to region. Watch for Isaiah 6 expressions of open heavens and visitation. I feel the Lord saying, Watch for Heaven’s commissioning and crowning to accompany even the Crown & Throne schools. That’s good news!

Throne of Glory—the Lion of Judah Roars!
Let me close with a picture of what what a Throne of Glory looks like from Heaven’s perspective. In Jerusalem Jolene had a half-hour long vision of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah and the real-time interplay with His people through worship and prayer. This Lion sat on His Throne while His people moved in worship and prayer as dancers before Him. As they waved their banners, the banners changed color to reflect through color the focus of their intercession.

And as the banners changed colors, so did the mane of the Lion! Their worship and prayers literally painted the mane of the Lion of the Tribe of Judah. Then He would roar His answer, and shake His mane to release on earth the substance that had accumulated!

This year we will see the establishment of Thrones of Glory that join heaven and earth together. We will enter in on earth, and quite literally find ourselves before His Throne! The body of Christ is coming into a new level of synergy and cooperation with Heaven and with His angels.

And we will be so much more effective in our covenant partnership. Watch how the Glory Train now rolls through the nations, with multitudes making the exodus journey from subjugation to freedom. Watch how your praise and proclamation touches His heart and colors His mane! Hear the roar of the Lion of Judah as He thunders His response.

Because His Glory Revolution is now being released. NO KING BUT JESUS!