Glory Train! Tour and Glory Train 2016 Prophetic Overview
Well… today I once again feel like Paul Revere! Burning the midnight oil to deliver one of our most important announcements as Lamplighter Ministries. It’s time for God’s “Glory Train” to ride.
It’s only right that the word and focus, which includes major prophetic themes for 2016, be released on 11-11. Veterans Day! And the anniversary of the Mayflower Compact, a covenant established by our Pilgrim forefathers committing our land and government to Jesus Christ.
It’s true we’re in a battle for the life and soul of this land. But God has not given up on America!
The PDF presentation is a comprehensive prophetic journey of discovery. Who knew, for instance, that Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Bob Jones and other prophets have heard the Lord speak to them with the imagery of trains? Conveying the coming move of God! And who knew when Cindy Jacobs prophesied over us at the beginning of the 2014 Glory Procession that God was sending us across the nation… by train! As a demarcation that His move is now being released, His glory is now being restored!
And for 2016, the Lord is summoning the Lamplighter family to take ownership together of this calling.
I’m not content merely to watch history unfold, are you? Instead, we feel the Lord is granting a limited window for the body of Christ to literally define the next phase of American history. Or at least to impact it in the same manner our forefathers dared to dream.
With this at heart, it’s our honor to present to you the Glory Train. Our word and focus together for 2016. A limited window is opening for national turnaround. Like Paul Revere of old, it’s now time to ride. And start a REVOLUTION!
Glory Train PDF click here Glory Train 2016 Prophetic Overview
Train Prophecies
“I saw the Conductor come by so I asked Him, “What is this train?” He said, “This is the Glory Train.” Now I said, “Where are we heading?” He said, “To any city that wants it!”
Now that’s good news! I’ve discovered that the above word by Bob Jones is just one of many prophetic expressions on trains given by God to senior-level prophets. For instance, one of Chuck Pierce’s first visions was of an “awakening train” rolling across the nation. He was just a young man. The train was ruby red and demarcated a season of revival for the body of Christ.
Dutch Sheets also had a prophetic revelation regarding a train. A bullet train made a sudden, dramatic 180 degree turn. Symbolizing a national turnaround! Cindy Jacobs prophesied at outset of the 2014 Glory Procession about a west coast journey followed by a national journey. Cindy has also had several words about revival spreading to the nation from Seattle.
Bob Jones’ word on the “Glory Train” prophesies the restoration of God’s glory and the release of a new season where a billion souls come into the Kingdom. An excerpt of the word is at the end. Interestingly, Bob saw 2012 as the time God’s glory would begin to be restored. On July 4, 2011 we presented the work of divorcing Baal nationally in Washington DC, and sought God for covenant restoration.
Fifty days later the Washington Monument cracked in an earthquake! And on November 11, 2011, while again in Washington DC, Apostle John Benefiel saw a vision of the glory returning.
Here’s a wild story. God promised Bob Jones that he would live to see the beginning of this move. Just before he passed, the Lord spoke to Bob that the convergence of Thanksgiving and Hanukkah 2012 marked the beginning of this move he saw so long ago. Amazingly, it was also the day that our book Crown & Throne was officially released. The book is about God’s new move, including the journey of divorcing Baal to see God’s glory restored.
You truly can’t make this stuff up. Here are more excerpts from Bob’s word, excerpted from the Elijah List, Feb. 5, 2015.
Bob Jones on the Glory Train—Key Words
“We’re in a time of the coming glory… I believe what’s getting ready to take place really is the latter rain and it will never end. I also believe it is the reign of a King. I believe that we’re going to begin to anoint Jesus as King…
The glory is going to blow those walls down and the Church is coming out to accomplish some things it was meant to do. And the Church will experience the greatest harvest of all time that will never come to an end. So we’re in that time.
And all of my time down here, that glory train will get bigger and bigger because when it stops in the city, that city will no longer belong to the enemy. It will belong to the Father.”Get ready for entire cities to be saved! And get ready for the glory to shine at night… I believe it’s at the door waiting and shortly it will come through….
So be excited in these times and get aboard the glory train. For that’s the invitation of this. Get aboard that glory train and let’s ride with Him in His glory as we glorify the Father…
Glory Train 2016 Prophetic Overview
Please come to Bangor, Maine. We need you! I’m part of Word of Life Christian Center. It’s time for the dawning to begin in the land where the sun shines first. Please come, help us rend the veil over this state. We’ll put you up and feed you. Much has been prayed over Bangor. Prophetic words have been given by Chuck Pierce and Jill Austin. The later rains are here in this mission field…yet The River needs to run free throughout this area. I’ve heard the winds as in the mulberry trees. Please visit us on your Glory Train Tour. I hear the train almost every day from this Glory House God has given me to caretake. And i remember that Bob Jones said to tjink of Gods glory coming every time we hear the train Thanks for your prayers and consideration.
My name is Rhonda McAlarney. I met Jon and Joleen at Life Center during a conference in December. I need their address to send them my husbands watch, I talked to them about. They gave it to me but cannot find where I put it. My husband wore the watch to work. His job for over 40 years was working for one of the biggest railroads in the country; CSX. Unfortunately, the watch isn’t worth anything it is a Timex but durable.I had a new battery installed and cleaned. I guess God wanted me to give it for a symbolic reason. There is something else I want to send that probably has some value but will give that information at another time. I also would like detailed information about the Glory Train; how to register, schedule, cost, etc. I would like to participate in at least some of the journey.
Hi Rhonda! Thanks so much for your care and consideration. Re:Glory Train, more information will be made available soon. Re: watch, Can you send us a personal email at [email protected] and we’d be glad to send our address. Bless you!