

FRIDAY NIGHT! SPECIAL PRAYER CALL FOR JULY 4. 9pm EST. Conference call number: 805-399-1200 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us! 

We are grateful that the Naval Yards alert has ended without incident! Initial reports of a shooter onsite were thankfully wrong. But the alert level obviously remains very high, apparently for good reason.

With the high alert, Jolene and I are hosting a special prayer call Friday night, July 3. The Jewish season of “dire straits” actually begins the evening of July 3 through the evening of July 4, obviously coinciding with our Independence Day. We want to see the Lord’s intervention to break the cycle of tragedy even as threats from ISIS appear to be growing. I want to emphasize we need to keep watch over both America and Israel for God’s continued protection.

Make plans now to join us.

Perimeter Prayer Watch
On the prayer call last night, Jolene and I asked each of the Lamplighter family to pray over the perimeters of places the Holy Spirit highlights to you, declaring the protection afforded us through Jesus Christ.

Watches always involve perimeters. In Psalm 121, God is called “Shamar Israel,” the One who watches over, guards, protects and defends His covenant land and people. Lets invoke God’s watchful care over the portion of His covenant land He has entrusted to us.

Please pray and ask the Lord to highlight specific areas that need prayer—maybe a park where revelers will watch fireworks, or a parade route, or a bandstand. Ask the Lord how He wants you to stand watch with Him and secure the perimeter in the Spirit—in other words in prayer—to deny the enemy access to facilitate any terrorist attack.

Prayer Points
You may want to either drive or walk the perimeter and pray where possible. Of course, with many strategic sites it won’t be possible at all. But in all cases, ask the Lord to move by His Spirit and release His angelic hosts to secure the perimeter highlighted to you. Ask Him to establish His covenant watch over this specific spot of ground. Plead and declare the body and blood of Jesus Christ—the blood His covenant with us—to establish His impenetrable boundary.

Pray Psalm 91 in your prayer closet and onsite. Pray for the watchmen in the natural, including law enforcement, intelligence, military etc, to become supernaturally aligned and synergized by “Shamar Israel” with Heaven’s watch!

And of course, always ask the Lord to expose and disrupt all planned attacks.

The Weapon of Rebuke—Use It!
Judy Jackson, an incredible prayer leader from Charleston, South Carolina shared with me an incredible vision this morning that emphasizes our authority in Jesus Christ. She was praying over the Naval Yards when the Lord conveyed this to her.

As I read this, I saw a bridge in DC. I was standing on the middle of the bridge with my shield up. At the foot of the bridge was a host of demonic beings, looking like some of the worst of the worst biker gangs, pirates and Viking warriors combined, with weapons in their hands, shouting, and ready to come across the bridge to destroy what was on the other side.

As I stood there with my arms outstretched with a shield on my right arm, I heard….”Use the weapon of Rebuke”. As I said “I rebuke (force back, forbid, restrain, to check, chasten and reprimand) you in the  Authority of the name of Jesus, the Power of His shed Blood, and the Finished Works of the Cross”, they just turned into docile beings and said “ahhhh” and turned around and dispersed.

Then I heard, “The power of the weapon of rebuke has not been fully realized. It is a mighty weapon that has been kept for this time. Use it.” I just prayed over this situation and employed the weapon of Rebuke.

I wholeheartedly agree. Take your stand and claim your ground—your sphere—in Jesus’ Name!