FB LIVE—SUNDAY EVE 9PM ET—RULING FROM THE PRECIPICE! Coming to you live from Plymouth MA! With Ed Watts, Lynn Alderson, Lori Perz, Jamie Fitt, others. Lets pray together covenantally for God’s turnaround to break through.

Facebook Live: just before 9:00 pm ET click our FB home page:

Call following: (605) 313-5156 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute.

PLEASE JOIN US for tonight’s broadcast, live from Plymouth MA. On October 19, in the midst of a visitation from the Lord as the Lion of Judah, I saw that we were going into a contested election. You can read the original post here. https://jonandjolene.us/authorized-to-possess-visitation-message-and-directive/ 

As we have shared the past few days, it’s time to literally rule from the precipice. DO NOT YIELD YOUR SEAT! You can read the original post here. https://jonandjolene.us/call-tonight-ruling-from-the-precipice/

Play the Trump Card, Extract the Joker
This morning the Lord shed some light on a word He gave me in September during a meeting at the White House Complex in conjunction with the Abraham Accords. The sense of God’s presence and authority literally swept in during this meeting, stronger than any time previously in 2020. During this meeting the Holy Spirit spoke to me, “Play the Trump card and extract the Joker!”

And though I’ve prayed over this word many times, I did not understand the fuller context until today. 

Remember, we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers. That said, I knew the Trump card represented the strategic Hand that will be played by the Lord to trump the forces of darkness seeking to overtake our land. But the Joker? Couldn’t figure that one out, other than that it seemed to be a representation of Satan. Under a strong anointing I simply privately whispered back to God, “I declare You are playing Your trump card and extracting the Joker!”

Not being a card shark, it never occurred to me that in many card games the Joker becomes the wild card, essentially whatever the player wants it to be. So if there is a deficit in a person’s hand, the Joker can be transformed into whatever card is needed to make up the deficit—and win. 

Sounds like the balloting process of the 2020 elections, does it not? Whatever was needed to make up the deficit magically somehow appeared. 

Now the election process takes a deep dive into investigations of fraud and corruption. That said, the Lord intends for the Joker ballots to be exposed and extracted. Lets continue to pray the Throne Room verdict already decreed. Covenant with death and hell annulled. And for the good of the land, the redemptive exposure of political corruption, covered over by this occult shield, must be removed. God’s covenant with the land must prevail!

So be strengthened. Pray much in the Spirit, and immerse yourself in the Word. Pray Psalm 91. Pray over this word. Let the justice of the Ancient of Days prevail, as recorded in Daniel 7:22. Because it is now time for God to play His Trump card, and extract the Joker!