TURNAROUND TUESDAY! 1PM ET. Take every Tuesday to pray for your sons and daughters. Live broadcast with special guest Kathi Pelton, along with Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, Jon & Jolene. Join us for a 45 minute zoom call. Invite your friends to join us! 

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SUMMERTIME IS FORERUNNER TIME. This year at least! In the midst of back-to-school shopping, last-minute family getaways, and the long-awaited rediscovery of decent corn on the cob, the Lord has been releasing clear warnings regarding coming challenges this fall. In an unsettling way, many of these warnings are focused corporately on sons and daughters.

The good news is that the alerts all bear witness that the Lord has a pathway through coming storms. You can prepare, even through prayer. You and your children can be protected. And in this season, longstanding obstacles can be overcome. DON’T TREAD ON ME!

Join our special guest prophet Kathi Pelton, as well as Chris Mitchell, Adam Schindler, and hosts Jon and Jolene for a special time of exploration and equipping. And please take time now to pray for your sons and daughters. No King but Jesus!