PRAYER CALL WEDNESDAY! 9pm EST. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

SPECIAL AUDIO for you! The Midnight Cry! From our recent Evansville conference. Though I’ve shared the message in some form many times, this seemed to really have prophetic weight on it. Not only will the word help you discern the times, but move with Him into the new! To listen click below. 

Last year we made a second run of the Glory Train journey. There’s probably more to come. But as Jolene and I moved across the nation, we began to see how the prayer movement as we know it was actually in a season of great challenge and reformation. We saw this across America and even in Israel. 

We discussed this subject more on a call with friends this afternoon. I want to briefly share with you a few prophetic insights they gave. 

  1. Packing, purging, praying! Shifting into the new is mandating we purge or let go of all that hinders our advancement in Jesus. Inward purging as well as purging of things.
  2. This is a time of high alert! We must remain on alert and be sensitive to the voice of God even beyond the grid of our comfort zones. Vigilance in the vigil!
  3. Brace for impact! Something’s coming that has yet to be fully perceived. It’s big. Once again, the alerts and quickening of Holy Spirit will propel you forward and prepare you for what’s ahead.
  4. Pray for the Trump Administration re: the Mideast Peace Accords. A presentation of the plan is due in June, and it allegedly calls for East Jerusalem to become the capital of a Palestinian state. It all seems unsettling and out of timing.
  5. Pray for Israel NOW! Under constant mortar attack from Gaza for two days straight.
  6. Pray over the North Korea summit! 
  7. A recent post by Lance Wallnau highlighted that June 6 was key for breakthrough from the Deep State. Keep watch and contend! More on this in the next few days.
  8. Pray against a resurgence of division in the land. There is no room for racism in this movement—in all its facets! Lets together shut the gates of sabotage, and see our declaration realized that we are one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. 

Rider in the Storm—Lynnie Harlow
I also want to briefly mention a prophetic word shared by Lynnie Harlow called “Riders in the Storm.” She received this back in 2015. We were all in a service together during worship, and I was preparing to minister on “the Turnaround Anointing.” Suddenly every phone in the room sounded an immediate alert. Tornado!After the calm was restored, Lynnie then prophesied:

I am the rider in the storm, I am the rider in the storm, I am the rider in the storm says the Lord! I’m coming in the wind of My presence,  it’s a violent wind that brings with it transformation. I’m blowing over this Nation and drought is being released from its hiding places and cast into the wind of my presence. I’m sweeping it away says the Lord!!! 

This is “MY” turn around year, I’m causing a great shaking to come upon this earth. For this Nation and the Nations will feel the whirlwind of my presence because I’m coming violently to take what is mine.  What was backwards has now been set right, the mantle has been reversed, and I’m taking it back! The hand of the enemy has been lifted off of this Nation and there is an exposing of his tactics that are being brought into plain sight. The racial divide will become my balm of Gilead that brings together what the enemy meant to destroy and cause great harm to this Nation. 

This whirlwind of my presence will bring a Nation to her knees. For they will know and perceive that I AM GOD for the rider in the storm is coming, in all his Glory!

Read this again… carefully this time. Because this word really speaks into what God is doing today. 

Midnight Crisis, Midnight Cry—Keep Watch!
In the midst of the contractions and challenges of the hour, one of the greatest struggles is to stay alert and spiritually awake. That’s the primary theme of our most recent book, “The Midnight Cry.” 

Most of you know that in October the Lord spoke to me to write the book to prepare the body of Christ especially for the years between 2018 and 2020. I felt a clear need to trumpet a warning about spiritual stagnancy and slumber. Reviewing Matthew 25, the parable of the wise and foolish virgins, heightened the intensity of this warning exponentially.

The alert comes in the midnight hour that the Bridegroom is coming. Due to a crisis, in this case a delay by the Lord of the people are asleep. Only a few have persevered to keep watch. 

The parable essentially conveys a severe contraction of the prayer movement right as the most important moments in history unfold. And that’s troubling. 

The good news is that a precious few remain alert and awake and on watch, waiting for the Throne Room signals that Christ’s turnaround has been manifested. They become the riders in the storm—proclaiming a new day, a new move, a new awakening, and even the return of Christ.

I want to emphasize again the importance of keeping watch. Last week something amazing happened. The Lamplighter family resolved to keep praying beyond the call through the night together! Many people emailed me the next day, conveying that they feel it is important to continue this spontaneous trend. I wholeheartedly agree!

Keep your hunger for the Lord alive. Keep vigilant—please without getting religious. Be genuine. Ask the Lord for more hunger for Him. 

And together lets keep our lamps blazing at the midnight hour. Riders in the storm!