9PM Lamplighter Call!

WEDNESDAY PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

WATCH DIVINE DOORWAYS—PENTECOST BROADCAST. Prophetic insights flowed as Memorial Day eve intersected with the final night of the 21 day “Isaiah 62 fast” for Israel. Includes special Memorial Day video and prayer.  https://www.youtube.com/live/VsI52oaxyD0?feature=share

WATCH SPIRIT OF TRUTH BROADCAST. Exposing how the toleration of lies, deception and propaganda from corporations and from halls of power is seeking to reshape American values, government and culture. Our children are being targeted! We need the Spirit of Truth to overcome. https://www.youtube.com/live/O0sbQFU6De4?feature=share

DEAR FRIENDS,LAST WEDNESDAY WE PRAYED ON THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS. It was my first time leading a nationwide prayer call onsite since 2021. Our primary focus was the debt-ceiling crisis, and we felt God’s tangible breakthrough. Great to see that a bipartisan deal has now largely averted a global financial crisis.

What shocked me, though, was not the breakthrough we felt over the debt crisis. That was great. 

But from the very beginning of the call, Holy Spirit directed us to prioritize prayer for Israel, the Jewish people, and overcoming anti-semitism. The sudden, unexpected urgency to pray over Israel and the Jewish people was even stronger than the debt crisis. It was as though the Lion of Judah was sounding His shofar over the White House.  

White House Initiative to Counter Antisemitism

To our surprise, the very next day, President Biden announced a comprehensive plan to stem the dark tide of antisemitism on a national level. Biden called it a “first for our nation.” And it’s actually true. 

As with you, Jolene and have had major concerns with many of President Biden’s policies. Really, most of them. But as I’ve noted before, to his credit Biden has so far proven to be a consistent ally to Israel and the Jewish people. That said, the call to action against antisemitism is surprisingly comprehensive, thoughtful, and empowering of religious freedom. 

Here’s a point worth noting. Given the longstanding efforts to counter intolerance against other minority groups nationwide, It is actually reprehensible that it took so long for any presidential policy to be be established confronting national antisemitism. 

According to the press briefing:

Today the Biden-Harris administration is releasing the first-ever US National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism. This strategy includes over 100 new actions the Administration will take to raise awareness of antisemitism and its threat to American democracy, protect Jewish communities, reverse the normalization of antisemitism, and build cross-community solidarity… 

Over 100 calls to action to combat antisemitism, including new actions to counter antisemitism on college campuses and online…The United States has recently experienced an alarming increase in antisemitic incidents, among other acts of hatred.

Targeting Conservatives?
Surprisingly, Republican congresswoman Lauren Boebert was the first major voice to speak out against the policy to counter antisemitism. She warned it was meant to target conservatives, using the “USSR playbook.” 

Really? My perception is that the policy extends far more to counter the alarming trend towards antisemitism among liberals. Biden’s own party. Just look at the recent congressional celebration of “Nakba Day,” led by Bernie Sanders, Rashida Tlaib and the Squad—even as a thousand rockets were just fired against Israel. 

Equally scary, antisemitism seems to have become almost a mandatory belief system within liberal universities nationwide. At CUNY law school, a recent commencement speech focused on the “evils of capitalism and zionism” in what has since been termed hate speech. 

But all this is just the tip of the iceberg. Maybe it’s not a coincidence that, according to statistics from the policy briefing, crimes against Jewish people account for 63 percent of religiously-motivated hate crimes in America. 

Lets translate. That means 2.4% of the total US population suffer 63% of all religiously-inspired hate crimes. Clearly antisemitism is on the rise.  

Broader View—Countering Lies, Deception, Subjugation
On a broader level, a disturbing pattern similar to Nazi Germany has come front and center in our view. Forces within our nation have attempted to coerce Americans to tolerate—or even embrace—overt lies and deception, even to the extent that our democratic governance has clearly been compromised. 

In December 2015, Jolene and I took a weeklong class at Yad Vashem, the Jewish Holocaust Memorial. And in a way that shook us to the core, we saw how the spiritual and societal forces that overcame Germany were still being employed today. Involuntary compliance with Nazi propaganda—in other words, overt lies and deception—became a primary methodology used to take over this great nation. It was astonishing how the rest of mainland Europe soon complied. Historical documents reveal that many nations soon embraced the same antisemitic ideology at the core of the Nazi regime. 

And except for a few burning lamps, the body of Christ remained largely indifferent, refusing to take a stand against the political forces THEY KNEW WERE WRONG—even as they took over their very homelands.

As a result, six million Jews perished in the Shoah, or Holocaust. One third of the global Jewish population simply vanished from the earth. 

Never Forget—Never Again
Never forget. Never again. The rhetoric is easy to speak from our easy chairs while viewing the latest YouTube report. It is far more costly to actually take a stand—against antisemitism, against the toleration of advanced deception and propaganda, against the weaponization of government agencies, against the covert and overt manipulation of our nation today in a manner hauntingly similar to Nazi methodology.  

It was no coincidence our recent “Spirit of Elijah Tour” culminated at Yad Vashem. Ed Watts, Jamie Fitt, Jolene and I all felt a sacred conviction that Yad Vashem should be the doorway through which we returned to the United States. The experience itself was meant to be a “trumpet blast,” a reality check, an alarm whose sound would penetrate the depths of our beings as a warning for the future. 

At the beginning of our Spirit of Elijah Tour, our friend Kristin Walch had a dream about the journey. Kristin saw how the tour was going to be peaceful and full of joy until the very end. Then, on the last day, she saw the Lord give me a major alarm to sound.

We had no idea that on the final day, at Yad Vashem, a literal shofar would soon sound. Our friend Robert Weinger, an expert shofar blower, decided to accompany us. Robert had just discovered that many of his own family members had perished in the Shoah. And as our tour group regathered in the courtyard, he honored their memory by playing “Taps” on a special “Lion of Judah” shofar. 

Unexpectedly, Robert then presented the shofar to Jolene and me. I have to emphasize Robert knew nothing about the prophetic word. Neither did he have any idea of the deep prophetic experiences the Lord had already given us regarding the Lion of Judah, chronicled in our latest book “Turnaround Decrees.” 

Friends, by God’s design a trumpet is now very clearly sounding. Lets respond with a united resolve to partner, to pray, and to act.

Warning About Iran
Note that I took Kristin’s warning seriously, praying into it throughout the tour. The sense I received was a warning regarding Iran. Given Iran’s newfound nuclear capacities, it was astonishing how the Lord directed us to Yad Vashem to gain resolve to stand against a second holocaust. 

Most of you know that the name was changed from Persia to Iran at the persuasion of Nazi leaders as a means of conveying alignment with the Nazi regime.“Iran” is a Persian derivative of the word “Aryan.” The bloodline so venerated by Adolf Hitler allegedly originated from Iran. And in aligning with the Nazis, a door was opened for today’s radicalized government to inherit the dark mantle. 

According to reports, Iran now has enough enriched uranium for five nuclear bombs, even though western intelligence previously estimated their capacity at only one nuclear bomb. Which makes the nation’s uranium stockpile more than 23 times the limit set by the nuclear deal. 

Even now, CENTCOM commander Michael Kurilla is in Israel to observe Israeli military exercises. But confronting this challenge may prove costly. Military analysts are concerned that opening a front against Iran would turn America’s focus from Russia and China. Perhaps it would even provide impetus for China to invade Taiwan. 

But beloved, there’s no such thing as countering antisemitism without confronting a nuclear-armed Iran. The best way to do this remains in question. 

Above all, it is important to realize the alarm that is sounding is ultimately from the Lion of Judah. And make no mistake. He is truly on the move.