NOON TUESDAY! ONE VOICE PRAYER CALL, hosted by Paula White-Cain! Live from Washington DC. 

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REVOLUTION REPLAYS! Revolution 2019-2020 is already proving historic. Complete archive only $40 CLICK HERE.

For the past few days, Jolene and I have been part of a private, informal roundtable in the Palm Springs area with a few colleagues, friends and ministry supporters. Our friends Russ and Julie have been incredible hosts. Yesterday we shared communion together, with Dutch Sheets sharing a brief message on how the Table of the Lord is a victory meal. At that point many of us began to hear the Lord about mitigating the coronavirus outbreak. 

A victory meal. If you’ve been part of Lamplighter calls, you know the Passover meal was patterned by Jesus after the “threshold covenant” received by the Israelites on the night before their exodus. God was invited in. The death angel had to pass over. And from that day onward, every threshold they encountered had to yield to them. 

I really feel daily communion is being emphasized again. Lets invite God to dwell with us and shield us daily! Psalm 91 was highlighted to pray. No plague comes near our dwelling! On the One Voice call earlier in February I called people to Psalm 91 prayer and declarations to counter the coronavirus. The song remains the same. Lets keep it up!

Mike Jacobs shared an astounding analogy of the priests who stood with censures between the living and the dead to stop the plague. He felt that the incense of intercession must arise from the very thresholds where the virus had begun to gain ground. 

Cindy Jacobs received a word to call for a global day of prayer to stop the spread of the coronavirus and bring it down. Plans are now under way. The Holy Spirit spoke again to her that the authority has been given to us to decree. But a global convergence was needed. This was confirmed by many on today’s Council of Prophetic Elders conference call. 

Jolene—Magistrate or Agitate
Including Jolene. Last night Jolene had a series of revelatory experiences. The first was a dream about being late to an event. The Lord spoke a mild rebuke to her, awakening her to the phrase “You’ve started out too late.” 

“He reminded me how He warned me two years ago that new strains of viruses and diseases are coming which aren’t even the earth yet,” according to Jolene. “Though it’s good to pray, He said we’re already too late.”

The Lord then showed her about our journey to Palm Springs, CA. Flight delays kept us from getting in on time. And traffic jams made a four hour journey out of a two hour journey. The Lord wanted us ahead of the flow, not caught in it!

I can bear witness to Jolene’s 2:00 am prayer meeting, as it woke me up too. Later Jolene fell back asleep and had a second dream. 

“In my dream people were on a stand on stage. They were singing. I was in the back of the group. Someone came to me an d spoke to me the phrase, ‘Magistrate or agitate.’ I knew that if we don’t start legislating we are going to have many agitating moments in this season.”

This morning it was amazing to discover the definition of magistrate: A magistrate is a civil officer or lay judge who administers the law, especially one who conducts a court that deals with minor offenses and holds preliminary hearings for more serious ones.

A judge who administers the law. On our ACPE call global leaders approached the Bench and pleaded together the body and blood of Jesus as the verdict to redeem mankind. Including healing through His stripes. 

I immediately felt the tide was turning. Note that as magistrates, your job is to declare this verdict and seek God for its immediate enforcement. Coronavirus cease to exist! We declare an immediate turnaround, in Jesus’ Name.

We need to process all of this before the Lord. But we must also take action. Pray over these points! 

Jon—Shelter in Place, Release a Midnight Cry
Most of you know that Jolene and I were told to “shelter in place” beginning the first week of January. It’s why we have not been traveling until now. Our board mandated that we take time to rest. But to me sheltering in place meant even more. Not so much a matter of self-preservation but of standing on our watchtower in Washington DC and protecting and defending the city and government through prayer. We are grateful to be among MANY who are giving themselves to this. 

But that said, sheltering in place is probably good advice. Don’t move in fear, but exercise wisdom and prepare for when you or loved ones need to shelter in place. 

My final point is one I have not yet shared related to this virus. Remember the Lord spoke to us that the time between 2017-2020 marks an hour of the midnight cry. Scenarios would unfold which would essentially serve as a “dress rehearsal” to prepare the bride of Christ for the final portion of the end-times. 

Friends, we’re at the threshold of this midnight cry right now. Below is a DRAFT bulletin from Cindy Jacobs on the Tuesday evening prayer time. We worked together on it this morning. Note there might have been further changes since then, but the prayer points are absolutely vital to cover. 

Cindy Jacobs—Response to Corona Virus from Global Prophetic Movement
We along with other global leaders are calling for a national day of prayer to end the Coronavirus. After seeking wisdom and prophetic counsel from prophets across the nation and world, we believe strongly that since this is a worldwide issue, it’s going to take the whole church to cry out together for the mercy and healing power of God to contain it. 

The renown passage 2 Chronicle 7:14 promises us that if God’s people pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways then He will heal our lands. Throughout the history of the United States, presidents have sought to align the nation with this sacred promise. During the Civil War in the United States, President Abraham Lincoln wrote, “Let us then rest humbly in the hope authorized by the Divine teachings, that the united cry of the Nation will be heard on high, and answered with blessings…” Though circumstances are different, the promise remains the same for each nation enduring the coronavirus. God will hear our united cry! He will heal our land. The tide will turn!

In light of this understanding, we are asking mobilization on a global scale this Tuesday, March 3 for a day of fasting and prayer for our respective nations, in order to stop the spread of the virus and heal the people affected by it. Our global conference call begins at 7:14pm US Central Time. 

What have the prophets said that we should do in this time of prayer? 

1. Pray Psalm 91 over your families and nations.
“When we live our lives within the shadow of God Most High, our secret hiding place, we will always be shielded from harm. HOW THEN COULD EVIL PREVAIL AGAINST US OR DISEASE INFECT US?” (Passion Translation, Ps. 91:9-10)

2. The prophets are concerned that fear is spreading in epidemic proportions in our nations. Therefore during this prayer time, we want to both pray against fear and remind ourselves that God has not given us a spirit of fear. “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (2 Tim. 1:7).

3. Because fear can cause us to also make reactionary or unwise decisions, we pray for wisdom for our leaders to contain the spread of the virus while protecting their people effectively. We pray also for the crisis response teams and emergency responders in each nation to be protected and be effective. 

Two aspects of fear were identified—the fear of the contagious disease itself and the fear of lack. The fear of lack can cause economies to collapse and people to move into individual survivalism. Pray that the Lord will give individuals wisdom from Heaven during this season rather than becoming reactionary in self-protection. 

For this reason we feel this is a wake-up call that we are a global church, and that the challenges affecting other nations truly affect us all. Pray for the nations as we pray for our own! If you have been complacent about praying for other nations suffering from this virus, we encourage a time of reflection and repentance. 

4. Across the world people are being faced with the greatest fear known to mankind—the prospect of our own mortality. Pray for courage for believers to share Jesus effectively through this time of crisis.

5. Many prophetic voices across the world have been prophesying the coming of the next great awakening, and that it will happen on a worldwide scale. Forces of evil would like to use this to either delay or disrupt the coming awakenings and revivals. Intercede that this will not happen, but rather escalate the moves of God worldwide. God wants this season to turn into a catalyst of revival instead of contagion.

“The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.” (John 10:10 NKJV).

6. Make a decree that the coronavirus will cease worldwide, and that that God will heal all who are currently affected by it. 

7. Reconsecrate yourselves, your families, and your nation to God through the taking of communion. Remember the miracle of Passover. Plead and apply the blood of the Lamb on the doorposts of your spheres. 

“My cherished friends, keep on running far away from idolatry. I know I am writing to thoughtful people, so carefully consider what I say. For when we pray for the blessing of the communion cup, isn’t this our co-participation with the blood of Jesus? And the bread that we distribute, isn’t this the bread of our co-participation with the body of Christ? FOR ALTHOUGH WE’RE MANY, WE BECOME ONE LOAF OF BREAD AND ONE BODY AS WE FEAST TOGETHER ON ONE LOAF” (1 Corinthians 10:14-17 TPT).

No King but Jesus!