Live 8pm Sunday—“If you can keep it…” Preserving America’s Freedom

JULY 2, 8pm ET Live Broadcast! 
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VIDEO: WATCH OF THE BREAKER—HOW DO I ENGAGE? Please share with your friends. Get the word out! CLICK HERE 

JULY 4—1pm TURNAROUND TUESDAY! Rick and Patricia Ridings join us from Jerusalem! Leading to Jerusalem Turnaround on 7-22. To watch:



FOUNDING FATHER BENJAMIN FRANKLIN was leaving the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia when he was approached by Elizabeth Powel, wife of Philadelphia’s mayor and a prominent figure in the city herself.

“What do we have—a monarchy or a republic?” She inquired. 

“A Republic,” Franklin famously replied. “If you can keep it!”

Powel’s ancient question is more relevant today than ever. And so is Franklin’s answer. Really—what do we have? Have we truly kept the Republic? Or has the promise of freedom given way to a political hybrid that has sought to weaponize government against its citizens?

As always, our reply is “No King but Jesus!” 

But back in 2021 the Lord gave me an extraordinary reality check on just how vulnerable we currently are to seeing a slide into dictatorship that overcomes the foundational freedoms entrusted to us. It came through a vision of the Declaration of Independence. Except the words were no longer on the page. Adapted from our book Turnaround Decrees:

Prophetic Warning—Declaration of Independence Vanishes
Early in the morning on July 4, 2021 a scroll appeared before me in a vision, hovering over our bed. It then unfurled. Similar to the Declaration of Independence and other historical documents that defined new eras for mankind, this scroll was golden brown and brighter in the middle than on the sides. It looked aged. But surprisingly it was completely blank. 

Often the Lord imparts revelatory “knowings” as part of prophetic encounters. In the midst of this the vision I suddenly “knew” many things. First, scrolls from Heaven are now being released with the potential to reshape our world dramatically. This is part of a move of God’s Spirit for this hour. We have come to refer to these scrolls as “turnaround decrees.” Tremendous authority is accompanying each “turnaround decree” to catalyze God’s intended breakthroughs.

God’s decrees frame the ages, the eras, the epochs. Just as “Let there be light” unleashed a new beginning for the world, so His decrees over your life can bring the light of dawn to your darkest hour, or your children’s greatest challenge

Which brings up the second point. I knew the blank scroll seen in the vision would be made available for each person who earnestly desires it. As with Queen Esther in her day, the Lord is inviting you to become an active participant in His rulership…

Now you write to the Jews as you see fit, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; for a decree which is written in the name of the king and sealed with the king’s signet ring may not be revoked” (Esther 8:8). 

The third “knowing” imparted in the visionary experience is fascinating. The reason the scroll appeared aged is because the words which will soon fill it will impact not only the future, but the past. Through your efforts God’s decree will become a bridge through which His healing connects with the past, the present and the future, probably all at once. There is so much to this! Including a revelation of the Lord as the Ancient of Days.

Here’s another reason why the scroll is blank. It was as though the words of the Declaration of Independence, signed on July 4, 1776 by our founders, had somehow been erased. Malign forces want to take advantage of this “time gate” for new beginnings to literally declare the dominion of totalitarianism sourced in spiritual darkness. To do so they seek to erase our covenantal legacy. 

The good news is that, at the very same time, Heaven’s gates are open to realign covenantally with the decrees of our foundational freedoms in a way that heals our past and empowers our freedom for generations to come. 

Mark my words. Either we as a nation make this shift or we will eventually yield to the enemy’s worst intentions… My prayer is that the unfurling of these scrolls today will grant you, and perhaps our nation, a similar window.

Command the Foreword—Declare the Declaration!
Speaking of which, prayer movements across the land have embraced Dutch Sheets’ call to “command the foreword” by discovering and decreeing our foundational covenants with the Lord. 

I believe our book Turnaround Decrees will prove to be a tremendous resource for you towards this end. Maybe not a coincidence that Dutch wrote the foreword! To purchase it today CLICK HERE.

And lets put Dutch’s word into practice. What’s in the Declaration of Independence that we can actually decree? 

Plenty, actually.

Declaration of Covenant— July 4th, 12th Anniversary
In fact the Declaration of Independence became the prototype for  a pretty dramatic “turnaround decree” called the “Declaration of Covenant,” written and presented on July 4, 2011 at the Lincoln Memorial. This July 4 not only marks the 247th anniversary of our nation. It marks the 12th anniversary of its release. 

HAPN and RPN leaders had already largely engaged in what became the largest and most comprehensive repudiation of idolatry in modern American history. Divorcing Baal. The assignment was largely finished when we gathered on July 4, realizing that our validated divorce decree from Baal needed to be accompanied by a validated restoration of covenant with Jesus! 

Apostle John Benefiel, Negiel Bigpond, Harry Jackson, Tom Schlueter, Bunny Warlen and many other leaders participated in the ceremony on July 4 at the Lincoln Memorial. We again presented the Lord with the largely-completed project to divorce Baal. And then we sought God’s hand in marriage. 

Looking back it is incredible how faithful the Lord has been to the Declaration of Covenant and its decrees! I believe the document even served as a legal foundation for the governmental turnarounds initiated by the Lord soon after. 

So what about today? We can absolutely see the Lord complete the turnaround that He initiated in response to our united plea. We can see our sovereignty as a freedom nation preserved. On the 12th anniversary of the release of the Declaration of Covenant, LETS DECLARE HIS COVENANT!

Jon & Jolene Hamill, Washington DC
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political and spiritual bands which have connected them with another, and to seek and receive from their Creator both a Pardon and a re-constitution of Covenant with the Lord Jesus Christ, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this dedication.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. And as an Act of Liberty, our Nation was covenanted to Jesus Christ, in the Presence of Holy Spirit, by women and men sent by Him to establish both community and governance for “the glory of God and the advancement of the Christian faith…” (FOR FULL TEXT CLICK HERE).