Plus Jon on Sid Roth, Turnaround Decrees Hits Bestseller!

WEDNESDAY NIGHT PRAYER CALL! 9PM ET. Phone: (425) 436-6287 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us. Pre-broadcast prayer at 8:45pm!

VIDEO—AMERICA GET READY! Interview on Sid Roth’s
“It’s Supernatural”

TURNAROUND DECREES NOW BEST-SELLER! Made #1 on Amazon Charismatic and Pentecostal Christianity, #2 in spiritual warfare. To purchase CLICK HERE.

DEAR FRIENDS,FIRST—JOIN US IN JUST AN HOUR for our weekly conference call. Today I attended an early-morning prayer summit at the Museum of the Bible hosted by Tony Perkins and Jim Garlow, and the annual International Religious Freedom Summit hosted Sam Brownback. Tomorrow is the National Prayer Breakfast. Please pray. As you’ll see below, I have a special word for you.

SECOND—TURNAROUND DECREES IS NOW A BEST-SELLER! Thanks to our interview on Sid Roth’s “It’s Supernatural” the book  that frames a movement has now been introduced to literally hundreds of thousands of believers in Christ, nationally and globally. Please pray for the fire to continue to spread!

THIRD—SPEAKING OF FIRE, one of the most important aspects of this new season is tending the holy fire that God is releasing to you. Last week we shared a warning about impending war. Chuck Pierce actually echoed this in his Sunday message. That said, one mandate to prepare for imminent conflict is to “zero your weapon.” And Holy Spirit began to speak to me about this for you and me.

What does it mean to ‘zero your weapon’? It means to adjust your sights until they are accurate. Though this is true for a gun, it is even more so in the spirit.

Ready, Aim, Fire!
Remember how Gideon and his army lit the fire of their lamps at midnight. Ready, aim, literally FIRE! And the Midianites were completely defeated.

The closer we approach a “midnight hour,” the more important it is for you to prepare your lampstand to burn brightly. Jesus observed that ““The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is single, your whole body will be full of light” (Matthew 6:22). 

Zero Your Weapon, Recover Your Vision!
The word of the Lord to the Lamplighter community tonight is this. Zero your weapon, recover your vision! It’s time to adjust your sight, your vision, until it is accurate. Friends this is simple but very profound. It’s time to refocus on Jesus. Lets let your eye be single not divided. Only then will you personally become full of His holy fire. 

Friends this is imperative for us as the Lamplighter family. I do feel to take the next 21 days, from February 2-22, to gain more holy fire and regain holy vision through this focus. Please note I’m not going to make a prayer project out of this, because I want to actually fully engage in this project.