Prayer Call TONIGHT! 9pm EST. Covering Trump’s upcoming journey to Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem & Rome. Conference call number: 641-715-3605 access code 552-690. Use *6 to mute/unmute. Invite your friends to join us.

You know that President Trump is leaving soon for a trip to Saudi Arabia, Jerusalem, and Rome. He is scheduled to visit and pray at the Western Wall. 

This ancient retaining wall has been a place of incredible controversy with the Obama administration, who just this Christmas refused to veto a UN bill calling it “Palestinian land illegally occupied by Israel.” 

Surprisingly, a member of Trump’s planning team just ignited a firestorm with similar rhetoric in Jerusalem. When questioned by reporters, both National Security Advisor McMaster and Press Secretary Sean Spicer refused to affirm that the Western Wall belongs to Israel. Even as President Trump arrives in Israel on the eve of Jerusalem Day, celebrating the 50th anniversary of Jerusalem’s restoration to Israeli sovereignty after the Six Day War. 

When the Temple Mount was recaptured. 

I’m glad our UN Ambassador Nikki Haley brought clarification. “I don’t know what the policy of the administration is, but I believe the Western Wall is part of Israel,” Haley said on The Brody File. “I think that’s how we’ve always seen it and that’s how we should pursue….we’ve always thought that the Western Wall was part of Israel.”

That’s awesome to hear. Because the God of Israel is a God of covenant. The redemption of creation is secured by His covenant. Biblically, He considers Jerusalem and the Temple Mount the seat of His covenant. Aligning with His covenant secures His blessings. Disavowing His covenant secures challenges. 

Place of Turnaround Prayer
Of all the places in Israel I love to pray, the Western Wall is my favorite. Historically, it’s a site of the epic battle where the Maccabees broke through to recapture their Temple after it had been desecrated by idolatry. They relit the menorah to reconsecrate it to the Lord. 

They were the first “Lamplighters.” The legacy of their breakthrough inspired me to dream of a spiritual revolution to take back our own covenantal heritage as Americans—our thrones of governance—and reconsecrate them to the Lord. 

It’s a place where many “turnaround prayers” have been made—and answered. I have wept at this wall many times over my children and my nation. Scrolls of my petitions, even the “Declaration of Covenant” and the “Divorce Decree from Baal” are probably still tucked in between the giant stones. 

It was actually at the Western Wall in 2015 that I sensed the Lord saying He would engage with America for a turnaround in our nation just as we had stood for Netanyahu’s election turnaround. And God was so faithful to bring it. I personally believe Donald Trump’s victory was a massive part of this. 

And it is extraordinary he is going to the place where, for us in 2015, this journey of prayer really began.  

Recovering Identity
What should we pray? Good question. Let me answer with a story. Last year I lost my wallet on one of the streets nearby. I was heading down to the City of David exhibit when someone bumped into me. The bump was jarring. But I didn’t even notice my wallet was missing until trying to pay for my breakfast at the gift shop. Breakfast denied, and prayer and fasting ensued. 

Later that day, against all odds, I actually recovered it. My wallet was at a police station by the north side of this ancient retaining wall of the Temple Mount. 

Many have prayed at this sacred site. Many have had a touch from God there. But I’m probably about the only guy who has had his identity miraculously recovered at the Western Wall.

Pray for Recovery of Identity
And honestly it’s time we all recover our identity at the Western Wall. In fact I’m praying this same miracle for President Trump. 

Lets pray that the Lord deeply touches Donald Trump as he visits. He watches over this sacred place with deep affection. Pray for a revelation of God—the God of Israel, the Father of Glory, the God of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because as we discover His identity, we discover our own. 

And within this context, pray for the Lord to speak His affection and identity into the core of Trump’s being. Pray for God to call his human spirit forth to full stature in Him. As only a Father to a son can actually do. 

Pray for covenant blessings and favor and a refreshing of vision. Pray for protection from all enemies. Pray for all defilement to be removed, all accusations and claims of the enemy to be disempowered. Pray for clarity by God’s Spirit on how to advance.

Pray for a genuine, Spirit-breathed turnaround for President Trump—in America, the Mideast, in Washington DC, the media, and even in his own House. 

God knows he needs this. And so do we. No King but Jesus…